Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 322: The practice method of taking medicine beyond the level

Li Shou took this ancient secret treasure and put in various potions under the curious eyes of everyone.

From the most basic elixirs in the world of immortality, to Chen Zihan's secretions, to healing potions, and finally to the venom secreted by Wang Zheng.

Everything has a great enhancement effect after being put in and taken out again.

What a treasure, what a good thing! It's a pity that we don't have high-level elixirs now.

What is the best elixir from Lihun Sect?

Hua Er Dan, there are only seven or eight pills in total to assist in the cultivation of gods, and they were all left by Li Xingtian.

After the divine transformation elixir is upgraded, what stage will it come to? King Urine was not thinking very well.

Refining the void, after the divine transformation stage is the refining stage. If you eat the pills from the void refining stage, you are not allowed to take off directly? Liu Teng thought for a moment, But only Brother Li can take it. He is not afraid of dying. Let's take it. If you do, the level gap is so big, if you swallow it forcefully, your spiritual energy will scatter and explode, and you will die! The recovery power is so useful!

Several people discussed enthusiastically the role of this prehistoric secret treasure.

Chen Zihan reminded: Evacuate quickly, I don't feel very safe here. The person in the black mist is still recovering from his injuries in the air. We don't know how well he can recover. What if he recovers from his injuries and learns about our treasure? Maybe he will come down to snatch it. Although he feels that we are kind to him now, madmen don't use too much logic.

Old Chen is right, withdraw first and then go to our base and try it slowly.

Let's go back to the mountain gate.

After counting everything, everyone flew out of Xianfeng City and flew all the way towards Lihun Sect.

When leaving Xianfeng City, Li Shou could still see the black spots floating in the sky nearby - the guy who claimed to be the ancestor of Huidao was still healing there.

That guy is so strong. On the way back, Li Shuixian flew to Li Shou's side. While flying, he waved his hand to summon a secret restriction, and the two of them whispered.

It's the kind of whisper that not even classmates can say.

He's a little too strong. He must have something incredible in him.

Li Shuixian lowered his voice.

What's the meaning?

I've done some combat strength estimation, and this guy is obviously above the class. Most of the guys who are above the class have adventures.

Super class?

Just like you, you have super class combat power among mushrooms, because the way of balance is a very weak rule. Even those adventurers who passed the fifth mission mostly relied on luck.

You are different, you can directly fight against teams with powerful rules.

Uh... Narcissus just barely explained the words you have an adventure.

But Li Shou was right after thinking about it. Except for monsters like Narcissus, when he had an unexpected encounter, all the mushrooms at the same time were no match - the other person who grew at a similar speed to himself was Hongyan.

Red Eyes is actually a person of chance. He absorbed the power of bending the rules and naturally grew faster after being selected.

Even if you encounter an adventure, it will be rated as 3, 6 or 9. In fact, this sapphire and amethyst bottle can only be obtained by being extremely lucky. It is a good adventure. The team in the past is indeed powerful enough, but it is still not as good as Black Mist That person is not as good as us.


Li Shou calculated it and it was true.

No matter how powerful the sapphire and amethyst bottle is, it can never compare to the deception crystal.

So their team is very strong, but not so strong.

According to what you said, there is a high probability that the ancestor of Hui Dao has super good things. But the more it is, the harder it is to snatch it away by force. Li Shou has not yet fully explored the function of the deception crystal. If Hui Dao has The Sword Ancestor has something of a similar level on his body, and if he robs it forcefully, he will have to reduce the number of people and see blood.

Ye Muli's hexagram calculation is very correct.

But it shouldn't be as high as your adventure level, because the black mist rules themselves are much stronger than mushrooms... What I'm worried about now is that among a thousand teams, there is one with that kind of rule that is particularly powerful, with a particularly high adventure level, and A large team.

That kind of team will be our fierce rival!

Narcissus' words made Li Shou realize the great danger.

Those who dare to come to the fifth game are only one in a million, and if the powerful rules have super adventures, a super team will be born, which may be much more powerful than their team.

You still have to improve your strength, and you have to make good use of this bottle.

After everyone's cultivation improved, their flying speed became faster.

In less than half a day, everyone rushed back to Lihun Peak.

After entering the mountain peak, the spiritual energy immediately became thicker. Once the mountain gate was closed, everyone could continue to practice on the spiritual veins.

Ancestor Hui Dao is not very smart. He spent three or four years there with the group of people he used to talk to. Otherwise, with his ability, he can also occupy a spiritual vein to practice. With that kind of competitive kung fu, he might as well improve his strength. !”

After returning to the mountain peak, everyone relaxed a lot. This time they went out with a great victory, a double harvest of points and treasures, and everyone was in a good mood.

Whatever, he's so powerful and has as much brains as a narcissus, why should he let others play with him?

That's right, Black Mist's strength comes from his IQ.

The duration of this mission is very long, and how to develop is very important. Brother Li, since you are back, do you want to try transforming Edan?


While talking and laughing, everyone in the team arrived at the peak together, and this time even Ye Muli came.

According to the agreement, he already had the permission to use the sapphire and amethyst bottle, so it was only natural for him to come and see the effect.

The high-end goods were all at the top, and after a while, Vanilla commanded the little robot to deliver an Erdan.

It was an elixir that was as bright as a small sun. It was hotter than a hundred degrees, and the aura around it was even more intense than the magic weapon in the golden elixir stage.

Li Shou put the elixir into the bottle and shook it. After the innate energy of the ancient secret treasure soaked into the elixir, when he poured it out, the temperature of the elixir was even higher.

Li Shou curiously held it in his fingers and observed it, then swallowed it directly.

The elixir exploded as soon as it entered his abdomen, and then the powerful medicinal power filled his whole body with spiritual energy, and his Dantian and all the veins in his limbs expanded in an instant like a pump.

The next moment, Li Shou's eyes and ear holes were bleeding, and the next moment, all the capillaries in the black patch of skin burst. Of course, the most severely injured were the meridians and Dantian. The most fragile things faced the impact of the elixir, and the Dantian became riddled with holes, and the meridians were broken every inch.

Hua Er Dan is the pill taken during the transformation stage.

In the world of immortality, a big realm can crush people to death.

There is a world of difference in strength between the Divine Transformation Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage.

What's more, the enhanced elixir can only be taken during the deficiency period...

The two great realms are as wide as a chasm in the world of immortality.

That is to say, Li Shou has epic-level recovery ability. If an ordinary Nascent Soul dares to take this elixir, he will either be discouraged and waste the power of the elixir, or he will explode and die.

But Li Shou was fine, and the injuries to his meridians, Dantian, and limbs recovered instantly.

At this time, the pores on Li Shou's body were spraying spiritual energy, and a large amount of spiritual power was poured into the Yuanying. The Yuanying was swollen, and Li Shou hurriedly digested it.

Under the power of this extremely powerful medicine, when he meditated, he found that his cultivation speed was five or six times faster than usual.

Is this a hyperbaric oxygen chamber exercise method? The students joked while watching.

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