Li Shou did not dare to delay, and after chatting with Vanilla King Yifei for a while, he continued to go back to practice.

Return to the top of the mountain and take out a Huerdan, go to the public area where the sapphire and amethyst bottle is placed, put the elixir in it to upgrade, and then eat it.

Li Shou directly chose a long-term retreat area to retreat this time.

This time it was still four months after the medicine was exhausted.

But this time Li Shou did not break through again.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, it becomes more difficult to practice as you go to the later stages. This is not only reflected in the large realm, but also in the small realm.

Then Li Shou once again found a pill to take medicine and retreat.

Three months later, when more than half of the elixir's potency was consumed, Li Shou's Nascent Soul swelled and increased in size by another three points, finally reaching the late Nascent Soul stage.

He didn't dare to stop. What Li Shou was good at in his life was seclusion.

He and Zhao Yinuo are the only two people in the team who can stay in seclusion all the time without feeling bored and still have fun.

Even Li Shuixian can't do this.

It took more than a year to retreat again, from the late stage of Nascent Soul to Dzogchen.

At this point, it took Li Shou more than two years in total from the early stage of Yuanying to the perfection of Yuanying.

Without the help of the sapphire and amethyst bottle, even if he had a cultivation speed comparable to that of Earth Spirit Root, it would still take more than ten years to break through to this level.

The couple's wealth and land in practice are all external objects, and foreign objects are of great help to practice.

At this time, spiritual whiskers have begun to grow in Li Shou's Yuanying. Those whiskers are connected to Li Shou's Dantian, attached to it, and have a tendency to become one with his body.

The initial integration of the Nascent Soul and the body into one, turning the body into a primary Dharma body is the biggest difference between the Divine Transformation stage and the Nascent Soul stage.

The main reason why monks who transform gods are able to use spells at their fingertips is because they are almost using Nascent Soul to cast spells instead of using pure flesh and blood.

If the energy body controls energy, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, the dharma body of the monks who transform themselves into gods is powerful, and the physical body is no longer a weak link. This is a self-evident addition to the combat effectiveness.

My body is already extremely strong, and if I transform into a Dharma body, the bonus should be greater than that of an ordinary monk.

Li Shou thought about it and tried to break the level for the first time.

According to the method of condensing the body recorded in the Nine Yin Ice Vein Jue, Li Shou tried to combine the Nascent Soul with the body for the first time, but failed instantly.

The combination of flesh and blood and Nascent Soul's spiritual whiskers was not easy at all, and Li Shou tried several times but failed.

When he broke through the barrier before, he was helped by the Breaking Realm Pill.

But now the entire Lihun Sect does not have the realm-breaking elixir of Nascent Soul Chonghua Shen.

Maybe even the entire Yue Kingdom.

After all, this thing is too precious. If every family has it, it will be eaten by their own sect leader or elder and used for breakthrough.

The realm-breaking elixir is always countless times more precious than the elixirs used for ordinary cultivation.

By the way, there are no high-level ones, but there are still low-level ones. Since the Sapphire Amethyst Bottle can improve the quality of all elixirs, the Mirror-Breaking Pill can also be upgraded! After the Jindan Level Breaking Pill is upgraded, it will become the Yuanying Mirror-Breaking Pill! After all, this bottle is worth a fortune...

Just do what comes to mind.

After getting the golden elixir-stage realm-breaking elixir, Li Shou shook it in an amethyst bottle, upgraded it, and swallowed it to try to break through the realm.

This time, the Breaking Realm Pill had an effect.

But unlike the previous realm, breaking through the realm of the Divine Transformation Stage is an extremely long process. The Nascent Soul must be integrated with the body step by step, and the body must be transformed into a Dharma body step by step.

This process took Li Shou for more than two years.

One day two years later, Li Shou felt that his whole body suddenly became enlightened at a certain moment in the morning.

The blocked areas all over the body suddenly became clear at this moment.

This feeling is as if the meridians and blood vessels used to be small intestine passages, but now suddenly a highway has been opened, and the body is suddenly enlightened!

The airflow in the orifice also rotated more rapidly.

This! Li Shou stood up and took a deep breath. He was like a blower, sending a massive amount of air into his lungs. Even his internal organs became powerful and extremely powerful. The legal body is done!

Li Shou had a thought and flew directly into the air.

This time, not only was the flight speed twice as fast as before, the flight was also extremely silky, and the mana flowed smoothly through the body.

Moved by his thoughts, Li Shou raised his hand and summoned the flying sword. Under his command, the flying sword danced in the air like a snake, like an arm using his fingers. Any sword technique could be used in seconds.

He flew down the mountain and came to the deserted village outside the mountain gate.

Li Shou let out a breath of cold air.

There is no hand-squeezing seal technique, no accumulation of energy, and no prerequisite mana operation. It just sprays out in one sip.

Suddenly, a storm of magnitude 18 hit the field. The extremely cold air squeezed together and rubbed against each other, making a deafening cicada chirping sound.

In the cold wind, the village in front of them instantly turned into powder. The storm swept past, and several nearby villages on the path turned into powder.

This...this is still a skill that has not been fully integrated, but it can be so powerful.

Li Shou fell from the air and punched the ground, which was as cold as pig iron.

With a click, the land in the entire village cracked.

Like broken ice, huge ice cracks opened up across the land.

The gap spread hundreds of meters away.

Oh, the legal body is different from the physical body. If it doesn't change, it will be close to the power of transformation. With a thought, Li Shou released the power suppressed by the limits of flesh and blood, and transformed into a monster.

In the monster state, Li Shou punched the ground again.

After a loud boom, the entire ground seemed to have been blasted by an electromagnetic cannon, and the hard frozen soil on the ground spread out layer by layer.

It wasn't until mounds of more than ten meters high appeared around them and deep pits of tens of meters appeared on the ground that the ground stopped shaking and the energy was completely consumed.

This power is refreshing.

The improvement of Li Shou during the Divine Transformation Stage is undoubtedly huge - it can be said that it is much greater than any previous improvement.

He was originally a melee fighter, and his magic body not only made up for the shortcomings of his skills, but also made his strengths much stronger.

The legal body is simply tailor-made for me!

After experimenting on the spot for a while, Li Shou stopped.

There are still five years left, can we still break through the realm?

Li Shou was very happy with the improvement brought by his realm, but when he flew to the top of the mountain, he found that the way forward was cut off.

First of all, the divine transformation chapter of Nine Yin Ice Vein Jue is incomplete.

Secondly, he no longer had the relevant elixirs to aid his cultivation.

We have finished eating the Edan. Even if we have the Edan, the effect will be greatly reduced after reaching the stage of transformation into a god - that kind of hyperbaric oxygen chamber-style training method will definitely not work.

Without the elixir, entry will be very slow.

Without the upgraded version of Edan of Transformation, it would normally take Li Shou more than ten years to go from the early stage of Yuanying to the Great Consummation.

There is still an elixir, but it will still take ten years without the elixir that surpasses two levels.

Li Shou's current situation is that, let alone two-level elixirs, he doesn't even have the Erdan.

The country of Yue is still too small. I have reached the ceiling.

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