I'm just afraid that what he said is false.

What he said is true or false, I won't be mistaken. Vanilla patted her chest and assured, When humans lie, facial expressions, body language, brain wave data, and even smell data will change. Master Li, you can negotiate again. Once, if he lies, Little Vanilla will remind you.


Li Shou flew back into the air as he spoke.

Hmph, you're just a dog, you can't be a great weapon... The man in the black mist cursed when he saw Li Shou flying around.

Although he was already half-dead, and the other party was outnumbered and powerful, normal people knew better than to give in at this time, but at the very least they shouldn't stir up trouble.

But not the people of Black Mist!

He was still talking loudly.

But Li Shou didn't care about him, and arguing too much with a madman would only cause trouble.

Let me ask you two questions. We helped you kill your enemies. Without us, at least half of those people would have escaped. Does the repayment you mentioned before count?

Ancestor, I will keep my word...

After the man from Heiwu said this, Li Shou paused for a moment, then looked down.

Vanilla didn't respond.

Show that what the other person said is true.

Okay, I like people who keep promises. By the way, what do you call them?

Ancestor Gray Knife.

Aren't you using a blood knife?

Hui Dao, I will kill you if you ask any more questions.

Gray knife, bloody knife...I know what's going on! Li Shou suddenly thought that his elementary school classmate The Invincible Tyrannosaurus was color blind. When he saw red, he saw gray.

The two even argued once because of this.

I left the communication talisman. I will call you if I need anything!

I don’t want to tangle with a madman any more.

After saying this, Li Shou ignored him and returned to the team directly.

Now that it's confirmed that he didn't lie, it would be good to have a backup plan.

After returning to the team, Li Shou took people away from here.

Arriving at an uninhabited land, everyone began sorting the loot.

They killed almost ten of the people who passed by, and then the Gray Knife Ancestor also killed seven or eight people. All the dropped storage rings were picked up by the team.

At this time, everyone took out the contents of the storage ring, but did not see the sapphire and amethyst bottle.

It's probably too precious, so I kept it in the lair for fear of getting damaged.

Go find it.

The team didn't find this primitive prop, so they naturally turned back to Xianfeng City.

Xianfeng City has experienced the battle just now. Although the city defense formation has been activated and the battle was carried out outside the city, it was still swept away by the aftermath and the formation was destroyed. At this time, the streets were also in a mess.

When Li Shou came here, he saw many collapsed houses and many ordinary people crying.

Some people can still hold the bodies of their loved ones, but in most places, everything was turned to dust by the aftermath of the battle, leaving not even a body behind.

There are differences between ordinary people and practitioners in the world of immortality. Li Shou has seen it many times, from the male corpse of the Yulin Sect, to the Beauty Village at the foot of the Lihun Sect, to the beauty village caused by one person in Sparta. The two armies are at war.

In fact, behind every incident is the death of a large number of ordinary people.

But this time Li Shou was the most touched.

After all, in the past few times, it was the immortal cultivators who targeted ordinary people, taking advantage of or using ordinary people.

But this time, ordinary people are more like ants trampled to death by passers-by.

I didn't take it personally, but you died because of me.

Well, the greater the gap between the upper and lower classes, the worse off ordinary people will be. In the world of Tianlong people, although ordinary people are squeezed, they are not like ants being trampled to death by passing by.

After sighing, Li Shou calmed down. He knew that he was not qualified to be sad now.

After gathering his mind, he flew higher into the air. After looking around the city, he found the largest mansion and flew over with people.

Are you the management family of Xianfeng City? Li Shou shouted directly when he came to the mansion.

This mansion has an independent formation and is well-defended. Although the aftermath of the battle just now damaged many streets, it did not damage this place.

Yes, the immortal affairs of Immortal Wind City will be temporarily managed by our Bi family. As soon as Li Shou finished speaking, several golden elixir monks flew out of the formation.

Since you are in charge, both sides of the battle outside the city should know each other. After all, they have been fighting here for three years. I have two questions. Did the side with the larger number leave anything here? If not, , where is their station?”

This junior doesn't know about this. The leader of the Bi family had already sensed the pressure of Li Shou's Yuan Ying level, but he still did not tell the truth.

Lie! Vanilla exposed him as soon as he lied.

Junior didn't lie! The man was still defending. When Li Shou was thinking about what to do, Ye Muli suddenly took action.

Although Ye Muli claims to be not good at fighting, his actual combat power is not weak. He can easily defeat an ordinary Golden Core native.

He himself had already reached the late stage of the Golden Elixir in his cultivation, and his original strength was even more powerful. The man's body immediately collapsed and died on the spot - even the Golden Elixir could not self-destruct.

I have to say that people from other teams do things more easily than those who follow our rules. Ma Nanzheng was still a little envious when he saw that Ye Muli could kill someone even if they disagreed.

He has a rather bad character to begin with, and has always been suppressed by the rules and unable to use thunderous methods. Seeing this scene at this time, he can only sigh, It's really cool.

After killing one person, the Bi family didn't want to admit it yet, but Ye Muli shot again and again, and when only one person was left, the man finally revealed something.

Narcissus then analyzed the situation and restored the truth.

It turns out that the people from the past ostensibly live in the east of the city, but in order to avoid the Gray Knife Ancestor, they have been following the strategy of cunning rabbits and three caves.

They used the modify past memory technique unique to the past path to change the memories of several immortal cultivating families and let them serve the past path.

The Bi family is one of them, and the one whose memory has been modified most thoroughly.

This can be seen from the confusing logic of the Jindan monk, the confusing timeline of his story, and his inexplicable affection for people from the past.

That thing is probably hidden here. After coming to the conclusion, Li Shuixian cracked the formation, and then countless reconnaissance bees flew out of the vanilla mechanical box and quickly found the secret treasure buried underground.

Tens of minutes later.

In the main hall of the Bi family.

At this time, there were only the small team and Ye Muli in the hall.

Is this the secret treasure of the ancient world? Li Shou took the found sapphire and amethyst bottle, but he couldn't see anything strange about it.

This is a small purple-green bottle with a warm light. The capacity is not large, and the light is not very dazzling. Any bottle-type magic weapon outside is similar to it.

It should be, I haven't seen it either. Ye Muli was not sure either.

You'll know if you stuff a pill inside. Juehuang reminded.

Yeah. Li Shou took out a Jincheng Pill from his storage ring as he spoke.

He had eaten a lot of this stuff when he was in the golden elixir stage, and he was fully aware of its effects.

A Jincheng Pill was stuffed into the bottle. Li Shou corked the mouth of the bottle and shook it a few times, then took it out and swallowed it.

The power of the medicine dissolves in the body, and the pure spiritual energy nourishes the Nascent Soul.

This effect! I have taken this kind of elixir after I reached the Nascent Soul stage, and the effect has been minimal. But now, the elixirs used in the Golden elixir stage can be used in the Nascent Soul stage. Not only has the effect become stronger, but the elixir's The level seems to have become higher. This value is too great! And it should be more than that. Who can pour some of Chen Zihan's secretion into it, and let me see if it is effective for all types of medicines!

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