It's really powerful. Everyone hid under Dumpling's spell and watched the battle in the distance.

Li Shou, a Taoist in the past, counted them and found that there were eighteen in total.

There is only one person in the black mist.

Li Shou had known that Hei Wu was an elite person for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen such an elite person.

When the man's sword energy streaked across the ground, the gully that was dozens of kilometers long and hundreds of meters wide could no longer be called a gully - the channel of a river might be like this.

And this is just the sword energy that he released, the concentrated attack power is even greater.

This man's fighting power is stronger than the last remaining 'Nether Spirit' of the Samsara Dao. Juehuang stared at the sky with his eyes wide open, comparing with the past Dao.

It is indeed stronger than the last monk! But this has something to do with the few years he has grown up in this world, and the most powerful person in the reincarnation path is the summoned red and black giant. Their bodies are not that powerful... In summary, , the combat effectiveness of both sides should be about the same.

Li Shou was also calculating the comparison of the combat power between the two sides, But in the past Dao was a large group of people like us, and this person is one! And he has been fighting for a long time and is no longer at his peak. If I have to say it, he is indeed better than the Samsara Dao team. Some.

Li Shou just finished speaking.

The air battle situation has reached a fierce winner stage.

You rely on this past situation to trap me every time? Ancestor, I have already found a way to solve it!

While Li Shou's team was dormant, the man in the black mist who was trapped in the formation by the eighteen mirrors suddenly attacked.

He saw blood all over his body, and a bloody sword spread out with a blazing red light.

Then he slashed out, not his opponent, but himself.

He slashed at his shoulder, slashing his body until blood dripped from his body. In the phantom of the sword light, a phantom appeared.

You want to trap me with my past? Haha, I don't need the past, I don't need memories! This world exists because of me, I am the world, and the world is my memory.

As he spoke, the man's heart trembled, and the sword light penetrated the flesh again for a few seconds, and then slashed his sword, directly cutting his shadow into two halves.

And just when he cut off the past and memories, the light of the surrounding mirrors could no longer restrain him.

After breaking out of the formation, the man of the black mist lost his memory, but retained the most basic fighting consciousness.

He didn't know what method he used, but he was still able to identify the enemy. After breaking out of the formation, he carried a big sword and slashed at everyone he saw.

Without the realm of the past that the past way is best at, those people are no match for this man of black mist.

Some of the people who passed by in the air fled in all directions, and some saw that they couldn't escape, so they used desperate magic to die together with the people in the black mist.

The battle became one-sided.

Fortunately, the people in the past were not weak. They fought hard and caused a lot of damage to the people in Heiwu.

In addition, he had already injured himself, and both sides had been fighting fiercely for a long time. At this time, both sides were at the end of their efforts.

Vanilla, Narcissus, lead people to stop those who are running for their lives in the past! It's time to pick them up!


It's the master.

In fact, Li Shou didn't need to tell them, they were already prepared. The beam flew out and the yellow talisman flew out, stopping the escaping people. Coupled with the cooperation of other people, dozens of people in the team took action together and blocked them immediately. The escape route for people of the past.

When the interception on that side was going smoothly, the battle on the other side was also over.

After Black Mist's people killed seven or eight people, they were also injured by the opponent's desperate spells. At this time, they stood quietly in the air while healing their wounds while looking around curiously.

Li Shou would not give him a chance to heal his wounds, so he immediately flew out and arrived in front of the man.

Because his opponent was powerful, Li Shou did not take action immediately, and precisely because of this, he gave the opponent a chance to speak.

Are you here... to help my ancestor? Who are you, and who are those people? The people in Heiwu looked at Li Shou in confusion.


If the other party was not from the Black Mist, Li Shou would still feel that the other party was bluffing or deliberately cheating.

But the people in Heiwu are not thinking right. The most important thing is that this person has been fighting with people from the past way here for three years, and the other party won't listen to the peace talks.

That should be considered abnormal among abnormalities.

Such people are less likely to deliberately commit fraud.

If you think about it this way...

Have you lost your memory?

Well, I lost a lot of memories...but I didn't lose my memory completely. The man of black mist patted his head vigorously, But no matter what, ancestor, I repay kindness and revenge, you help kill me Those people can be considered helpful. If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me, ancestor!

The man in the black mist flicked a black projectile to Li Shou while he was talking. Li Shou used his spiritual power to explore it, and it seemed that it was a special transmission note or something.

Uh... Looking at this thing, Li Shou hesitated.

Now is the best chance to kill this person.

The opponent was at the end of his strength, his body was injured, and most of his spiritual power and other energy were consumed.

Moreover, all members of the team are gathered together, waiting for work. It is theoretically easy to kill this person.

But I am afraid that the other party has an unsolvable escape technique similar to the Rule of Life. If he escapes, the team will have to face the same treatment as the Past Way.

Anyone who dares to go out alone will definitely not be able to defeat him.

'But even if he escapes, Ye Muli should be able to figure out his location...' Thinking of this, Li Shou looked at Ye Muli, then thought for a while, and hugged the black fog man, Wait a moment. , I have something going on here.

Yeah. The ancestor didn't waste any words and continued to heal his injuries on the spot.

Li Shoufei returned to the formation, and under the cover of Dumpling's technique, he quickly talked to Ye Muli about what happened above.

If you can find it, you can find it, but I don't know if he will cover up the secret... I'll do some calculations first. As he spoke, Ye Muli once again pulled out a dozen strands of hair and quickly rubbed them in place.

After a while, the thin thread of fate steamed above, and the secret of heaven disappeared in a flash.

The fisherman is in a position to gain. If you take the pearls, you cannot take the meat... If you take it by force, you will be injured. Well, this hexagram shows that the snipe and the clam compete for the fishermen's profit, so we are naturally the fishermen.

But only the pearls from the clam can be taken away, not the meat.

Pearls are the most precious, which probably refers to the sapphire and amethyst bottles.

This bottle is also the biggest goal of our trip.

To take the meat is to kill them all.

The hexagram shows that if you are too greedy, you will definitely get blood.

It probably means downsizing.

But the meat is still available.

Hmm... Li Shou didn't want to do anything when he heard that he was going to reduce his staff.

However, he was not in a hurry to make a decision. He waited for Narcissus and Vanilla to come back after cleaning up the people who passed by, and they discussed it again.

If he really has lost his memory and is willing to give us feedback, then I feel it is better to let him go. There are many teams in this mission, and we are not short of this point. And the next time we meet a top team, if his promise is fulfilled , maybe it’s more effective than simply earning points, it’s an extra trump card.” Narcissus first gave his opinion.

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