What is it like when people keep choosing dead ends on the road to the future?

He will not die directly, but will continue to seek death.

Good words can never persuade a damned ghost. When man, nature, and human beings are in decline, they will unconsciously engage in countless acts of seeking death, just like the Spartan warriors today.

He endured the injury and used some kind of skill to deflect the soul nail and take back his soul.

Then he wanted to fight.

But they always choose the dead end.

Combat is an ever-changing thing. At every moment, you can choose to dodge, escape, attack or defend.

And how to dodge, where to dodge, how to escape and how to attack are broken down into countless options.

Every moment is filled with countless choices, and every period is made up of countless moments.

Therefore, the battlefield is ever-changing, and those with strong fighting skills and good luck can always defeat the strong with the weak.

But now Sparta is like a headless fly, even worse than a headless fly.

Headless flies collided randomly, with good and bad results, but now every battle choice made by Sparta was wrong and death-seeking.

This seems bizarre to Li Shou and others.

Why does he hit flying swords and skills every time?

Even if I hit him, I still hit him with my eyes!

Isn't that right? I just shot a thunder arrow. It was originally aimed at my chest, but in the end this guy hit me directly on the back of my head.

It seems……

The magic of the future is quite sinister!

Not good!

King Urine, Zhao Yinuo and others were attacking and discussing while looking at Ye Muli.

Don't look at me. Every rule has its own characteristics. Ye Muli felt the strange looks from everyone in the team and quickly explained: This technique has nothing to do with a person's personality. The technique is insidious. It doesn’t mean I’m sinister…”

Tch, if the technique doesn't match the person's personality, you won't be alive until now. Zhao Yinuo curled his forehead and curled his lips, Also, don't say that the technique doesn't match the person's personality, I don't believe it.

Whatever you say.

Ye Muli refused to argue with him and continued to use spells to interfere with Sparta's choice.

Under the siege of everyone, Sparta, which has rules of war, has no chance of winning no matter how strong it is.

After his soul was damaged again, Ye Muli pulled the thin thread of his fate, and at a certain moment, his future suddenly disappeared.

Who has no future at all?

Only dead people have no future.

He stood still at this moment and died immediately.

This man is quite strong. Even if he was killed in a coordinated manner, and the finishing move was given by Ye Muli, our team has gained more than 10,000 points.

It's really strong. It's the first time I've seen someone whose hand-to-hand combat ability is better than Brother Li's.

Although the recovery ability is not as good as Brother Li, the defense and strength are much better...

His body is a good thing.

While everyone was still praising the power of Sparta, Vanilla flew from a distance.

It had not made a move in the final stage. First, it wanted to give points to Ye Muli. The most important thing was that it had taken a liking to this body.

Give me this body? It's very valuable for research.

I have no objection. Li Shou looked at Ye Muli.

I have no objection either. Ye Muli, who specializes in magic and magic, naturally has no interest in dismantling the body.

With the death of Sparta, the sergeants who were fighting around them suddenly became more awake.

Their brains were originally affected by some kind of war fever signal, and they only knew about fighting and killing, but now they suddenly came to their senses and realized that this battle seemed unnecessary.

If they just felt it was unnecessary, they might not stop immediately. The most important thing was that there were many monks present, and their cultivation seemed to be very high.

In this world, the first reaction of normal people when seeing monks fighting is to run away - this is something engraved in their bones, even deep in their genes.

Their ancestors were all people who would run away when they saw a monk. As for those who would not run away after seeing them, they were all extinct in the long river of time.

People who do too much good things will eventually perish one day in this world.

After everyone woke up and looked at the monks floating in the sky, they immediately dropped their weapons and fled.

It can be said that they saved a lot of people in disguise. Otherwise, with the fanaticism just now, they would have to fight to the last person. Narcissus sighed, then packed up and continued to set off.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Ye Muli, Li Shou's team surrounded and eliminated several teams, and while harvesting some points and props, time slowly passed.

Soon, the seventh day arrived.

This morning, everyone came to a place hundreds of kilometers away from Xianfeng City, waiting for the auspicious time to arrive.


Not long after they arrived, there was a violent explosion in the distance.

The direction from which the explosion sound came was from the side of Xianfeng City.

Already started a fight?

Guess so.

Ma Nan was taking out the fairy fruit from the storage ring and chewing it in his mouth, That boy Lao Ye is really powerful. They started fighting as soon as they arrived here. By noon, both sides were almost injured.

How strong are the two teams? Lao Ye, can you figure it out? King Urine asked Ye Muli.

Although Ye Muli didn't have many contacts with the people in Li Shou's team.

But after all, we have lived together on the same mountain peak for nearly three years, and we have bumped into each other many times.

So although everyone is not very familiar, they are definitely not familiar with each other.

The team is very strong. If we stand alone, we are no weaker than you.

That's probably similar to the group of three-eyed monks from the Reincarnation Dao. The team members estimated their combat power. We weren't fully prepared last time, and it wasn't easy to fight.

Calculating it this way, how awesome is it that Black Mist's brother can reach this level by himself as a team? Wang Yifei asked.

He is still in the state of an evil soul at this time.

Since he has no physical body and cannot practice normally, his cultivation level is the lowest among everyone.

In the past few years, I have only learned some soul cultivation techniques.

But soul cultivation is not a great way after all. Even if the Yuanying monk's body is destroyed, he will find someone to take his body and be reborn.

Wang Yifei's progress is naturally very slow by relying solely on soul cultivation.

Don't worry about Brother Black Mist for now, how are you practicing the Body Seizing Technique, Old Wang? I see you have been studying this for the past two years. It just so happens that a body as strong as Sparta was left behind. Can you seize it? If you give up, you will reach the sky in one step.”

It's very difficult. Only when a monk reaches Nascent Soul can he have the ability to seize the body of an ordinary person. I can't reach that level, so it's very difficult... but Miss Vanilla said she would help me.

You call me Miss, I will help you with this...

Thank you, Miss Vanilla.

We are all comrades who live and die together, and with so many years of friendship, chatting can be hearty and unbridled.

As a group of people chatted with each other, the time quickly approached noon.

It's almost time, let's go. Ye Muli counted the time and took the lead in flying.

The team members who were still talking nonsense immediately changed their expressions, flew up, and followed him all the way to Xianfeng City.

A distance of several hundred kilometers can be reached in just a few dozen minutes.

Before they even came here, everyone saw the fierce fighting outside the city.

In the past few years, the people from Heiwu and the people from the past have been in the same place, and they have accumulated a lot of hatred. At this time, they are fighting so hard that no one is spared.

In mid-air, a group of passers-by were holding mirrors and shining a light on a person in the air, and that person was holding a bloody knife. With each stroke of the knife, the energy of the knife could flatten mountain peaks or draw ravines dozens of kilometers long on the ground.

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