Are you dead? After Li Shou transformed, he looked at the huge hole that was annihilated in Jia Xia and did not dare to go deep.

The fight between trapped beasts is particularly terrifying.

After all, the other party is in the stage of God Transformation. It would be very dangerous if he is really driven to death but is not completely dead.

You have the ability to sense qi in the transformation stage. The magic weapon has been charged for so long, so it should be able to sense it. Lin Shushu was even more timid than Li Shou, and flew high into the sky as he spoke.

And then the loudspeaker on Vanilla's side also made a loud sound, Master, the old guy is not dead!

Before Vanilla finished speaking, Li Xingtian shot out from below, aiming at Li Shou like crazy and attacking continuously.

Li Xingtian was still affected by the aftermath of the photon cannon. At this time, his body had completely turned into a rag bag. A lot of his chest and abdomen, including internal organs, were missing, and only one arm and leg was left.

In Li Xingtian's abdomen, the Nascent Soul and his body were tightly connected, allowing Li Shou to see the full picture of the Nascent Soul in the divine transformation stage for the first time.

It turns out that it is not easy for Nascent Soul to escape after becoming a god.

The Nascent Soul in the transformation stage has been adhered to the body parts.

The benefits are huge. It can turn the body into an initial magic body, cast spells at your fingertips, and the physical strength will also change qualitatively.

But there are also disadvantages. The fact that the Nascent Soul cannot escape can usually be ignored, but now that it is life-threatening but cannot be separated from the physical body, it seems very inappropriate.

I've come all the way here, and you still won't let me go!

As if he already knew that his strength was exhausted, Li Xingtian finally showed his true ferocious side at this time. Ten of the ten moves he made were offensive, and he left no room for strength or leeway, and his magic power cost no money. sprayed out.

Under his spell, Li Shou was quickly entangled by the fierce soul and unable to move, and then the soul-nailed flying swords came at him, killing him so much that he could barely resist.


While Li Xingtian was shouting, he used the Soul Burning Technique again. The Yuanying in his abdomen and the broken body outside burned up, turning into a ball of soul fire and his mana doubled instantly.

The spell seal was fired again, and extremely destructive soul thunder fell from the sky. Each shot of the soul thunder, which seemed to be only the size of a fist, could cause huge damage to Li Shou.

The transformation stage when fighting for one's life is indeed powerful.

In just a few rounds, Li Shou's body was blasted with holes, and his soul and evil spirits were killed several times.

Li Hun Sect's killing methods are more harmful to the soul than to the body. If it weren't for the evil rebirth feature of the Evil Ascension Method, Li Shou would have died several times now.

Today I will drag you with me even if I die!

While Li Xingtian roared angrily, he held up the seal with one hand and cast the spell again.

But the next second, his only arm was melted by the photon ray.

But the spell was released after all, and the seal was just a means to make the spell smoother. Under the magic body, while the Nascent Soul was burning, the spell generated itself.

Li Xingtian used his last move, and thin lines appeared on Li Shou's body.

The thin thread had a powerful cutting ability, but after just a few pulls, his body couldn't bear the sharpness, and it finally fell apart in the air.

This wasn't the end yet, Li Shou's evil spirit also began to burn.

The soul fire burned over and over again.

His evil spirits also died again and again.

As Li Shou's evil spirit continued to die and be reborn, Li Shou's cut body was glued back together.

And Li Xingtian was also hit by several more shots, and also hit several spells by Lin Shushu in the sky.

Under the attack, his body finally collapsed completely, and the Nascent Soul connected to his body also collapsed.

I'm home... Li Xingtian Yuanying let out a long sigh, flew to Li Shou's newly attached body, and then detonated himself.

There was a bang...

Self-destruction in the transformation stage is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

The energy in the air kept churning, and occasionally soul energy flew out. The explosion lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually stopping.

In the explosion, Li Shou's body was completely turned into dregs, and the evil spirit died several more times before reaching its final form.

It's good that the soul is not dead. The explosion wave caused Vanilla's aerial heavy artillery to fly back for seven or eight kilometers before it stabilized. Vanilla was about to take out a little bit of Li Shou's flesh and blood stored in her body to help him resurrect, when suddenly there was something in her eyes. The scanner found that the scum that fell on the ground was still a little bit active.

This is still active. Is this the recovery ability with the bonus of Taoism?

The understanding of Tao Xing is Vanilla's shortcoming. She has been full of curiosity about this thing since the beginning of the Tao of Reincarnation. When we get to the prehistoric world, maybe the mystery will be solved.

As Vanilla spoke, her body deformed again. Dozens of small robots flew out from the heavy cannon, flew nearby and picked up the corpses of some monsters that were killed by the explosion wave, and then came to Li Shou's body dregs , first gathered the meat residue, and then cut open the corpse of the monster and poured blood on it.

After a period of waiting, Li Shou was resurrected and the evil spirit returned to its place.

The art of rebirth with a drop of blood from the Yisan Sect is really amazing! After seeing the whole process, Lin Shushu flew down next to Li Shou and kept praising him.

This compliment is not flattery, but a sincere compliment.

After all, this level of physical rebirth ability has never been seen before, let alone in the transformation stage, and probably at higher levels.

Not only was she praising, but Ye Muli, who had been hiding far away during the battle without helping, also came to the ground.

How many points do you need to buy this ability? This is a prehistoric level ability attribute. Ye Muli has never seen it even as a time traveler. This ability is rare among adventurers.

You made an oath to heaven not to leak this matter. After Li Shou was reborn, the first thing he did was to keep a close eye on Lin Shushu and Ye Muli.

As Li Shou's words came out, Vanilla, who had been monitoring this place in the sky, also began to control the photon cannon to aim at this place.

Vanilla also knows that there are many teams in this fifth mission, especially the high-level teams with very powerful methods.

If Li Shou's ability to control the bottom of the box is leaked and someone targets him, then his immortal body will one day die.

I have no problem. Ye Muli vowed easily, Anyway, the future Taoist is a symbiosis. Since it is parasitic on your team, the stronger the host, the better.

What about you? Li Shou looked at Lin Shushu.

Of course I won't cause trouble. Lin Shushu immediately swore an oath.

Thank you both for your cooperation. Li Shou didn't want to fight with the Transformation Stage anymore.

After the final finishing work is completed, the attack on Lihun Sect is completely over.

Li Shou's team was completely victorious, no one was injured and all worries were resolved.

After finishing everything here, Vanilla searched the scene but couldn't find any loot, so she had no choice but to go back.

The next few days will naturally be spent dealing with chores.

Li Shou first sent Lin Shushu away and asked her to take over the territory under the jurisdiction of Lihun Sect as agreed.

Then the other Lihun Sect disciples were also restrained by Narcissus before they were released, so as to save them from causing trouble in the future.

Narcissus is the busiest during this period. In addition to doing these things, he also has to repair the mountain protection formation. After all, without the formation, everyone's safety will not be guaranteed. After repairing the mountain-protecting formation, we have to carve out the spirit-gathering formation...

Originally, the classification and care of the trophies actually required a lot of people to handle it - the Lihun Sect was the largest sect in the Yue Kingdom. Previously, there were hundreds of people in charge of the library, warehouse, alchemy room, etc. alone.

But fortunately, Vanilla is here, commanding the work robot to take care of everything in order.

After sending away the people from the Yulin Sect, Li Shou took Juehuang and the others to classify the top techniques and top spells according to the attributes of the team members.

Inside the library.

If you want to retreat again, you have to consider learning some magic.

In the previous battles, Li Shou found that his fighting skills were still relatively poor, and he was always caught in his flaws when fighting against the masters of this world.

He wants to make up for this shortcoming.

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