... Li Shou looked at this person from the future, feeling a little awkward, Come out directly, aren't you afraid that we will take action directly?

I did a fortune-telling for myself before I came out, and it's good luck.

When you say that, I really want to kill you directly and then prove that your calculation is wrong! Anyway, I will get points by killing you.

Li Shou suddenly thought of a TV show he watched before.

An interviewer asked a question to a magician. The magician claimed that he could calculate all things. Then the interviewer suddenly slapped him and asked him if he had calculated this slap.

Hahaha, it's not worthwhile to kill me. Let me introduce you to the future first and then you can make a decision.

The Tao of the past, the Tao of the present, the Tao of the future... these three rules are very close in the main world area. The Tao of the past is good at spiritual magic, trapping people in memories.

Nowadays, the physical strength of the Tao is extremely strong, and people must grasp the present moment.

People who follow the Way of the Future are good at divination and predicting the future.

We Dao people are not very strong individually, but we can help other strong teams in a cooperative and symbiotic mode to complete the fifth mission. This is also a method passed down by our adventurers.


Yes, people who have divination and prediction are always useful. For example, right now, Li Xingtian is thousands of miles away. It is almost impossible for you to catch him, but you can do it with me.

Aren't you afraid that we will kill you after the incident is over?

That's so unbalanced. It's not worthwhile to leave this matter to you!

What if we don't follow the rules of balance? For example, how did your seniors find teams? You also know that there are not many high-level teams that come out of the way of balance. Many teams can do it...

Divination, among the countless paths in the future, we will find the path that is most beneficial to us and constantly adjust. If I encounter such a team, I will not choose to show up, and if something goes wrong in the middle of the cooperation, I will go ahead in advance. At the fork of fate, how can someone who has been following the right path die so easily?

Hmm... Li Shou nodded.

Brother Li, what he said is true or false, why not give it a try? Narcissus heard this and asked Li Shou for his opinion.

Okay, there is no loss anyway. Li Shou nodded, Since you took the initiative to find me, then according to your proposal, help us find Li Xingtian first, and then discuss the next step of cooperation!

no problem.

Are there people from other teams inside this mountain gate? Narcissus asked.

Yes, but I assassinated them all. After all, they are all scores, and I also need scores to graduate. Ye Muli explained: You know, this has nothing to do with good or evil.


After negotiating with Ye Muli, Li Shou's team did not go to Li Xingtian immediately, but settled the matter at hand first.

First, Li Shuixian used formations to completely trap the Nascent Soul monks who surrendered.

Then Li Shou asked Vanilla to use a method consistent with the principle of balance, using computing power and small robots to properly deal with other middle and low-level monks on the entire mountain.

The last and most critical thing is to collect and summarize the wealth of Lihun Sect.

The Lihun Sect is a thousand-year-old sect, and it is the most powerful sect in the Yue Kingdom. In addition, the monks of the Lihun Sect love to snatch wealth and have a domineering style. The accumulation in the sect can be said to be very rich.

There are all kinds of techniques for each attribute, and there are even more techniques related to the soul system.

Not to mention other conventional items such as spiritual stones, magic weapons, robes, and elixirs.

The sect has accumulated thousands of years of accumulation, and even if every member of the team is a glutton for elixirs like Li Shou, it is impossible to consume them all.

After simply counting the wealth, Li Shou handed over the mountain gate to Li Shuixian, and then waited until the effects of physical weakness disappeared before he was ready to lead the team.

Narcissus didn't say much. After all, she was needed to maintain the formation, guard the Nascent Soul Stage, and suppress other Lihun Sect disciples.

Moreover, Narcissus is fragile after all, and it is always dangerous to transcend the level of killing gods and wait for the opponent to fight for his life.

Therefore, there were only four people in the team looking for Li Xingtian.

Vanilla, Li Shou, Lin Shushu and Ye Muli, the future Taoist.

Master, I left some small robots to serve as caretakers and helpers, and I also left some computing power and consciousness. Even if the main body dies, I will not die, but my computing power will decline. Little Vanilla said before setting off. , has been properly arranged.

Okay, the two of us are indeed more suitable to fight with masters.

The biggest disadvantage of crispy skin is that you have to think before and after doing things.

No matter whether it is Zhao Yinuo or Li Shuixian, no matter how powerful the attack formation is, if you are not careful, you will die.

If you die, you will die - just like the red eyes of the past, no matter how powerful you are, you will die.

In this world of cultivating immortals, even if you have an advantage, you are afraid that others will perish together.

It's better to be a human shield. There will be a lot less worries when doing things.

After packing their luggage, Li Shou and others set off directly.

Ye Muli led the way, and the three people behind them all locked their qi machines on him - after all, no one believed this outsider.

Hall Master Li, I can't understand what deal you were talking about earlier. Lin Shushu was a little uneasy, This man can't be deceitful. It would be bad if he takes us to a dangerous place and is ambushed.

It's normal that you don't understand the hometown dialect we spoke earlier. This man and I come from the same place, and I still have some trust in him... Anyway, it is difficult for him to be killed, and Li Shou doesn't care about so many things. He planned to appease Lin Shushu first, If Li Xingtian doesn't kill him, the danger will be even greater in the future.

That's right. While his magic power is weakened after using the Soul Burning Technique, and his physical body is injured, he must be killed on the spot. Otherwise, he will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future. Faced with a greater threat, Lin Shushu finally compromised.

A distance of more than a thousand kilometers sounds very far.

But for the senior monks it comes soon.

More than two hours later, the four of them arrived at a pseudo-hilly area with relatively rugged terrain.

Compared with the Tailing Mountains, this hilly area can only be considered a small slope, but the height of the hills is several hundred meters, which is considered a small hill on earth.

That Li Xingtian is hiding in the cave a hundred kilometers ahead. There is a stream in front of the cave, and he is there. After arriving here, Ye Muli pointed out the general direction of the target.


I know, Master. Vanilla shook the mechanical box behind her, and many micro drones flew out and began to scan rapidly.

It didn't take long for the picture to be sent back.

Master, that guy didn't lie to us. There is indeed a hole a hundred kilometers ahead, and there is a very strong individual energy response inside. After thermal sight scanning, combined with data analysis, it can be confirmed that Li Xingtian is hiding in it. I suggest shooting from a long distance first. .”

Yeah, okay.

Although the opponent was seriously injured, he was still in the stage of becoming a god after all.

Everyone approached cautiously, and Vanilla deployed heavy artillery in advance dozens of kilometers away, and then slowly accumulated power.

Vanilla's uncharged attack can kill Li Xingtian, and the power of a charged attack is even more terrifying.

While the energy reactor was undergoing particle collision, Li Shou and Lin Shushu slowly approached the target and lurked high in the sky.

As soon as they were in position, a thick energy pillar shot out of the air and hit the cave directly.

The powerful destructive power caused the cave within a hundred meters to be instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness.

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