Learn some truly practical long-range attack methods.

When Li Shou classified the exercises, he specially reserved this type of exercises.

When he fought against the Yuan Ying Stage of the Lihun Sect before, facing those monks with rich combat experience, the other party saw his shortcomings in almost one round of fighting, and then directly formulated a strategy to deal with it.

If he hadn't taken stimulants at that time and were suppressed by his classmates' long-range magic, Li Shou would have been forced to fly a kite.

Part of the reason for this is that his cultivation level is not enough and the flight speed bonus in the golden elixir stage is too small. The second reason is that he lacks effective long-range killing methods.

The exercises in this area are all exercises that can only be practiced by elders and sect masters. They are the top-level exercises that Lihun Sect has snatched away. Juehuang pointed to several treasure cabinets in front of him, This place was originally There is also a restriction, which was broken by Narcissus when you went to hunt down the Supreme Elder. What a good teammate!

From time to time, Juehuang would sigh that this team-up was correct.

Without Narcissus this time, our team would definitely not be considered top-notch. Her functionality is too strong, and her combat ability is top-notch. Not to mention her combat ability, she is also very useful. The same goes for Vanilla, tsk tsk, we The two of them are indispensable for becoming a top team.”

While Juehuang was speaking, he left behind several divination-type jade slips.

The two most powerful things of Lihun Sect are the soul cultivation method and the divination technique.

I don't know if this divination technique works or not. I didn't figure it out even when I was about to die and was killed. Or is Dumpling's ability to interfere with the secrets of heaven really that strong?

Juehuang muttered while watching, and while he was speaking, someone outside responded.

It is indeed more difficult to see the secrets of heaven than to deceive them. Divination is like on countless rivers. You can guess the location of the fish you find based on the speed of the water, the preferences of the fish, the water temperature, and the characteristics of the fish you know. .

To deceive Tianji, you only need to muddy the water. You don't even need to muddy it a lot. You only need to make a small section of the water flow muddy, and you won't be able to see clearly where the fish you are looking for is.

A good fortune teller can tell something is wrong, but has no idea how big the problem is underwater.

It is not that easy to fish in troubled waters.

The person who spoke was naturally Ye Muli, a future Taoist. He walked into the bookstore while talking.

After the last cooperation, under the principle of fair cooperation, Ye Muli naturally obtained part of the Lihun Sect's resources.

Li Shou promised that he could borrow the techniques and practice in the spiritual veins, but the densest part of the peak, the area where the Supreme Elder practiced, could only be entered by Li Shou's team.

Ye Muli can practice in the area where the elders practice.

Are you going to choose the technique? Li Shou looked at Ye Muli.

He neither liked nor disliked this person. Both parties cooperated, but they also maintained the most basic vigilance.

Yes, I want to tell you something by the way. You should have inquired about the situation in Xianfeng City before coming here. We have controlled the fighting time very well, and the people over there can't catch up. But two powerful teams are not far away. It's always bad. Killing them not only collects points, but also solves a threat.

I'm here to tell you that there's another benefit besides that.

There are two teams next to them, one is on the chaos path and the other is on the past path.

I am familiar with this team in the past. Their captain has a very precious prop, which is a prehistoric world level prop, and it is also famous in the prehistoric world, called the Sapphire Amethyst Bottle.

There are named spiritual treasures all over the ancient world. Shouldn't props of this level only be available to adventurers?

Yes, but sometimes luck is like this. By chance, someone will always get a high-level magic weapon. And that team is considered powerful here, and they can defend it with this treasure.

What's that thing for?

Using it to hold elixirs can increase the potency of the medicine a lot. The farther it goes to the back, the greater the effect. For example, in this world, the vitality elixirs of low-level monks are easy to get, and you can buy them if you have spiritual stones. But the essence Even the Lihun Sect doesn't have many of the Ying Ying Pills used by Ying Cultivators to enhance their cultivation.

There are even fewer more advanced Hua Er Dan.

High-grade elixirs require herbs of very high age to be refined, and herbs that are thousands of years old are not so easy to obtain.

And later on to the Tribulation Stage and even to the Earth Immortal Stage, not to mention the ten thousand-year-level herbs required.

The elixir is precious, and it is only right to make the best use of it.

With the value of this sapphire and amethyst bottle, if the news spreads, we won't need to take action. The powerful demon cultivators from the three major demon kingdoms, and even the real great cultivators from Taiwu Kingdom, will definitely suffer a lot.

It is indeed a good thing. Li Shou was very moved, But we have just experienced a war and need to repair it, and the situation in Xianfeng City is not clear yet.

Based on the hexagram, now is indeed not a good time to take action. If there is a suitable time, I can let you know. But to be fair, after getting the bottle, I also need certain permission to use it.


Also, I can also find some of those small hidden teams in the Yue Kingdom. I will take 20% of the points.


Then I'm leaving. Ye Muli didn't waste any time and left directly.

After Li Shou finalized these two things with him, the team finally entered the second development period.

In the next ten days, everything in Lihun Sect was settled.

The mountain-protecting formation has been repaired, the disciples have all taken care of it, and the spirit-gathering array has been carved. In conjunction with Lihun Sect's original qi-gathering array, the spiritual energy of the spirit veins has been gathered to form a rich cultivation zone on the top of the mountain. .

Vanilla also filled the mountain gate with guards and eyeliners in the past ten days.

Now that the door is closed, everyone is like a rich man who wants money, money, food, and food. There is no way to use up the exercises, pills, and spiritual energy. This situation is naturally the best time to retreat.

Li Shou's favorite retreat session was opened again.

In the rich spiritual energy, the first thing he had to do after swallowing a large amount of pills was to improve his realm.

Starting from the golden elixir stage, the improvement of realm has also become slower.

The resources are so abundant, and his cultivation speed is comparable to that of the Earth Spiritual Root. Even so, it took Li Shou more than seven months to go from the early stage of the Golden Elixir to the middle stage of the Golden Elixir.

In these seven months, he went out twice.

Both times, Ye Muli calculated the position of the weak team, and he took Vanilla to kill and earn points.

The points scored by the weak teams are few, but they are better than nothing.

Moreover, some weak teams are only weak in the early stage, but their potential may be very strong. It is always beneficial to kill them early.

Two actions were taken, one was successful, and the other was escaped by the opponent using secret techniques.

In this way, when there was news, Li Shou went to work and stretched his muscles. When there was no news, he continued to retreat.

This is a very good pace of development.

Strength and scores improve together.

With Ye Muli's cooperation, the team's mission efficiency has indeed improved a lot.

In each cooperation, the two parties have established initial trust.

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