If a healthy person is overdrawn and catalyzed by stimulants, it will cause all-round damage to the body, and it will take a long time to recover afterwards.

But he usually doesn't die on the spot.

But it would be different if something suddenly happened at certain key nodes when the blood was flowing rapidly.

After using high-grade spiritual stones, burning the souls of the outer disciples and being injected with spiritual power by the Yuanying and Huashen bosses, the Ten Thousand Souls Formation is already operating in an extremely overloaded state.

Coupled with the impact of the energy column outside, it has reached a certain critical point.

But just at this moment, several key energy lines for the formation's operation suddenly became knotted.

The movement of spiritual power was blocked, a large amount of spiritual power was poured into it, and there was an external impact. The formation suddenly exploded under the collision of the three parties.

First, a few points exploded, and then a chain reaction was caused. The entire formation was like a patient with a complete collapse, crackling and exploding everywhere.

The first to suffer were the formation masters who were running the formation. They were at the core of delivering energy, and the earliest and strongest explosions were there.

The backlash of the formation is no joke. The formation itself is the product of the monks who borrowed the power of heaven and earth from the rules of heaven and earth. It is a product that can control a high realm with a low realm. The backlash at this time is naturally particularly powerful.

They were the first to suffer, unable to dodge. They were swallowed up by the powerful spiritual explosion wave and turned into powder in an instant.

Then came the various disciples of the mountain sect, those fuels, and the ordinary inner sect disciples hiding everywhere.

Of course, the top leaders of Lihun Sect are not immune.

All this was within Shuixian's calculations - in her opinion, after breaking through the mountain gate, there were still many dangers in fighting against the gods and the Yuanying.

The best way to eliminate this danger is to damage their combat effectiveness before the war.

This trick is now beginning to bear fruit.

The higher-ups injected their spiritual power into the formation. Naturally, when the formation collapsed, they were also hit by the spiritual power in reverse. At that moment, everyone's body and Nascent Soul were more or less damaged. There were more than ten Nascent Souls in an instant. At the top, blood spurted out from all seven orifices, and the Nascent Soul's spiritual power was scattered and damaged.

The formation has been breached. Regardless of their injuries, the senior leaders of Lihun Sect looked at the formation outside.

As the formation was blocked and began to explode, the mountain-protecting formation could no longer withstand the impact of the external energy pillar and completely collapsed.

The sect's biggest support completely disappeared in this moment.

The only good thing is that the formation finally withstood the terrifying energy impact before it was damaged.

At the foot of the mountain...

One more shot! The first shot showed great results. Vanilla was about to accumulate strength and continue the attack, but was stopped by Li Shou.

Farewell, the power is too great. If we cut off the mountain peak and cut off the spiritual veins, we will lose more than we gain. Even if the mountain peak is not cut off, there will be nothing left on the mountain after this second shot.

The biggest purpose of Li Shou's team coming to Lihun Sect is not revenge.

The reason for coming here is for the spiritual veins and wealth, and for the rapid development of the team. If they are destroyed, it will be in vain.

Hahaha, Master Lao Li, Vanilla naturally knew to leave behind spiritual veins and belongings. I just scared you! As Vanilla spoke, the fort began to transform, forming a sophisticated bunker between heavy cannons.

Master, after the last battle with Samsara Dao, I know that I have no ability to withstand Taoist attacks. Therefore, when facing a master, the best solution is to stay farther away and provide long-range fire support. I am I won’t go inside the mountain gate this time, so as not to be attacked by Taoist magic during the transformation stage.”

This is best. Anyway, your range is sufficient and you only need to provide long-range support. I'll go there first!

As Li Shou spoke, he flew directly to the peak of Lihun Sect.

The foot of the mountain is still a hundred kilometers away from the mountain. Li Shou's storm movement and cold air spurt coupled with the spiritual support of the golden elixir stage, his flying speed is no less than that of ordinary Nascent Soul monks.

As soon as he landed within the peak of Lihun Sect, Li Shou immediately felt the rich spiritual energy.

Ha, it's really good. It seems to be richer than the spiritual energy from Yulin Sect. From now on, it will belong to our team. A trace of joy flashed in Li Shou's heart, but he immediately restrained himself, Work first!

There are tens of thousands of Lihun Sect disciples. Although many of them were used as fuel just now, there are also a lot of middle-level inner disciples left behind.

These people were not a big threat to Li Shou, but he still didn't want to go on a killing spree, so he poured spiritual power directly into his chest and transmitted the message to the entire Lihun Mountain, All disciples of the Lihun Sect, listen up, Master Jie of the Lihun Sect They looted one or three of our sects. According to the rules of the world of immortality, if the following offenders are guilty, the entire sect should be wiped out.

But my first and third sects don’t like killing. If you don’t resist, all our sects will only kill the top leaders of the sect.

If you resist, you will be responsible for the consequences!

Although I know that disciples have restrictions within their bodies, some people may have a way to escape.

After roaring, Li Shou flew towards the top of the mountain again without looking at the effect.

Countless flying swords intercepted Li Shou during the flight, but these flying swords from the Qi Refining Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage scratched Li Shou's body, like scratching an itch, unable to stop him at all.

When too many people gathered to block the way, he would blow out a breath of cold air, and under the storm, countless flying swords would turn into ice slag.

In this way, Li Shou arrived at the top of the mountain unimpeded and met a group of senior officials of Lihun Sect.

One, two, three... eleven people in total. They all seem to be in the Nascent Soul stage. Including the two I killed, is there a total of thirteen Nascent Souls, or have some of them run away?

But even if there are escapees, they are not many in number.

It is rumored that our Lihun Sect only has a dozen Nascent Souls.

Li Shou looked at these Nascent Souls leisurely, with a very relaxed expression on his face.

Although he was ready to fight at any time, he did not take action directly.

He came here in the first place just to hold these people back while they waited for their teammates.

Otherwise, if these dozen Nascent Souls run away, it will be troublesome for teammates to travel alone in the future.

Where's your Supreme Elder? Let the person in the transformation stage speak to me. Li Shou's momentum frightened the dozen Nascent Souls present.

After all, the power of Vanilla's heavy artillery just now has intimidated everyone.

I'm here. A white light flew out from the other side, and a man with gray hair but a face similar to that of a young man in his twenties or thirties came to the scene.

After he arrived, he did not attack Li Shou directly, but looked Li Shou up and down to judge the opponent's strength.

When he was in the stage of becoming a god, he could naturally see that Li Shou's cultivation was only the golden elixir, but he absolutely did not dare to believe that Li Shou had the strength of the golden elixir.

Fellow Taoist, why are you so embarrassed? After thinking about it, Li Xingtian still gave in, My Li Hun Sect did offend fellow Taoist in the past, but it was because Zhou Wuzheng was deceived that time and didn't know that fellow Taoist sharp.

Now our Lihun Sect is willing to apologize.

Fellow Taoist, tell me your conditions, and I, the Lihun Sect, will definitely compensate you.

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