Conditions? Our conditions are very simple. You give up the mountain gate and spiritual veins, and then make an oath of heaven to not retaliate against the people of our first or third sects. This matter can still be discussed.

The conditions offered by Li Shou were very harsh.

Giving up the mountain gate and giving up the spiritual veins is actually equivalent to disturbing the most basic foundation of a sect.

Without the spiritual veins, there is no essential difference between Shanmen and those small families.

But even with such harsh conditions, Li Xingtian still frowned and thought for a moment.

Old monsters who can cultivate to the stage of transformation into gods are very courageous, and they are proficient in calculation and human relations, and they cherish their lives even more than those in the Nascent Soul stage.

He looked at the large formation that was still smoking, thinking about the power of the blow that broke the formation just now, and then thinking about the current situation. Under everyone's surprised eyes, he actually nodded.


Your Majesty, you... When Li Xingtian made a decision, someone immediately objected.

The Nascent Soul stage is also composed of different individuals. Some are life-loving, while others have a bad temper and a personality like Zhao Yinuo.

Your Majesty, our Lihun Sect's millennium-old heritage cannot be transferred to others! Fight with them!

Needless to say. As long as we people are still there, it is not difficult to find another spiritual vein... There are three spiritual veins in the Yue Kingdom. The Yaonong Sect's spiritual veins are too close to the Yao Clan, but the Yulin Sect's are not. It shall not be robbed.”

As Li Xingtian spoke, there was a look of determination in his eyes.

Compared to a head-on confrontation with the First or Third Sect, it seems more cost-effective to have a conflict with the Yulin Sect.

But before he finished speaking, there was a fluctuation in the air above. Lin Shushu, the supreme elder of Yulin Sect, suddenly appeared. After appearing, without saying a word, a spell was directed towards Li Xingtian.

Old man, you still want to take advantage of my Yulin Sect? Lin Shushu shouted to Li Shou before taking action: Hall Master Li, we have made a vow to fight against our inner demons, and we have agreed to advance and retreat together.

Don't be fooled by this old man's sweet words at this time.

This old man has always been a very vicious character, and he will retaliate. Although your ancestor is powerful and not afraid of him, if he is allowed to escape with so many Yuanying, it will be a big trouble in the future.

Ms. Lin's words are wrong. Compared with being shameless, you, a thing that can be ridden by thousands of people, seem to be better. It's not the time for you to serve me! Li Xingtian stopped the technique and wanted to say something else to persuade Li Shou. , Lin Shushu didn’t give him a chance to speak too much, and directly used the most powerful spell to blow up the scene into a mess.

During the battle between two masters in the transformation stage, the scene was instantly surrounded by lightning and immortal winds were everywhere. As far as the eye could see, in addition to huge thunder, there was wind and sand blown by more than ten levels of strong winds.

Lin Shushu deliberately disrupted the situation, so there was no atmosphere and possibility for peace talks.

However, Li Shou himself was also inclined to kill all the senior leaders of Lihun Sect, so he no longer hesitated and immediately transformed and killed those Yuanying stage elders.

Not long after Li Shou rushed over, a group of classmates also rushed to directly help him.

They were not far away, and they were only half a step behind Li Shou when they arrived.

Zhao Yinuo, don't rush too hard first, it won't be worth dying here! Under the strong wind, Li Shou grabbed Zhao Yinuo who was charging madly, Those are Nascent Souls after all. After a while, every one of them will self-destruct and you won’t be left with any scum. Other students are doing long-range damage, so you should stay away and use throwing skills.”

That's too much!

It's so fun! It's important to survive. As he spoke, Li Shou used his arms and cold air to help Zhao Yinuo intercept the two flying swords.

The flying sword in the Nascent Soul stage was still very lethal and pierced his arm directly, but then got stuck in Li Shou's muscles and was frozen by the cold air.

Although those present were all in the Nascent Soul stage, most of them were in the early to mid-Nascent Soul stage, and their combat effectiveness was far inferior to that of Zhou Wuzheng.

In addition, the classmate's sonic technique has been rippling, and Guo Pengfei's dynamic vision has also been connected. At this time, Li Shou was one against eleven, and he did not fall behind.

Okay, I'll use it once, but it's useless again. This is for you! Zhao Yinuo gave Li Shou a lot of Chen Zihan's secretion fluid.

Chen Zihan's secretion fluid has been specially taken care of and strengthened by Vanilla using alchemical technology.

Li Shou hasn't tried this super stimulant for a long time.

Why haven't those elders and masters of the Yulin Sect come yet?

They stay far away!

Then why did Lin Shushu come first?

I don't know, is that old guy too arrogant? He has been using magic weapons to hide his figure and is hiding not far away? Anyway, the old guy is here, and those disciples will definitely come, and it won't be long!

Okay! After Li Shou said this, he threw Zhao Yinuo away and broke into the formation again.

Although there were classmates who were remotely supporting the battle, Li Shou was the only one facing the enemy head-on. When he first entered the battle, he could still rely on his super dynamic vision to support him.

But then I got a little frustrated.

After all, the spells in the Nascent Soul stage are not just flying swords and fixed-point bombardment spells, but also spells such as Soul-Destroying Bell and Soul-Eating Curse that attack large areas.

Facing this kind of spell, Li Shou couldn't dodge it at all and could only resist it. As time went on, problems would naturally arise.

Sister Narcissus, when will you feel better?

Vanilla's bunker has been lifted into the sky and turned into an empty castle, and the quantum scan has been activated. The photon rays have locked the positions of the Nascent Soul monks, but they have not taken action yet.

Because it scanned that Li Shuixian had arrived at the core of the mountain-protecting formation that supplied energy and was repairing the formation.

With Vanilla's wisdom, she naturally knew that she was modifying some of the functions of the formation.

Although the mountain-protecting formation has been damaged, it is just like a cerebral thrombosis patient who collapsed after a cerebral hemorrhage, but many body functions still exist.

Although it cannot be completely repaired in a short time after the formation is damaged, it is still possible to use some of its functions.

What Li Shuixian is doing now is to modify and activate some functions and operate the formation in reverse. He wants to completely lock the senior leaders of Lihun Sect into the formation so that the formation can only be entered but not exited.

Narcissus has always been very thorough in his work.

She knew that once the war started, if these senior leaders of the Lihun Sect were let go, the team would not be able to act alone in the future, which would seriously affect the follow-up plan, and they had to be killed in one fell swoop to be foolproof.

Vanilla also knew from a high altitude that if she provided long-range strikes now, after killing several opponents, the other Nascent Souls would definitely flee without a fight.

Especially in the divine transformation stage, if you want to escape, no one should be able to stop you.

Therefore, it did not dare to expand its advantage and could only watch Li Shou get beaten.

Master, I'm sorry!

This is the main battlefield.

Li Shou was beaten by more than a dozen Yuanying monks, and even with the support provided by his classmates, he could no longer withstand it.

In desperation, he directly swallowed all Chen Zihan's secretions.

After the super stimulant entered his throat, it immediately ignited all the cells in his body, and even the golden elixir began to spin rapidly.

At this moment, Li Shou's blood and spiritual power boiled together.

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