Killing someone shows their attitude. Prepare to fight. Li Shuixian looked towards the Lihun Sect.

Sure enough, after she killed the intercepting disciple, Lihun Sect's mountain-protecting formation began to fully activate.

Waves of turbulent aura with soul power surged out from the mountain gate, and then completely enveloped the mountain peak. After wrapping the mountain peak, the gray-white aura formed a huge human face, with its big mouth open as if to Shouting something outside.

This mountain-protecting formation looks a bit powerful! Ma Nanzheng asked Li Shuixian uncertainly, You guys have only been here a few days. Can you break through this formation in such a short time?

The layout of this formation is indeed the most meticulous and huge that I have ever seen. Li Shuixian nodded, If I was purely asked to break the formation, it might take more time.

But we have vanilla, which has strong physical output capabilities. I only need to tie knots on certain nodes of the formation. When it operates at full strength, it will naturally collapse.

Before Li Shuixian finished speaking, Vanilla saw the flying boat flying away and had already started to take action.

Dozens of heavy artillery batteries poked out from the woods at the foot of the mountain. After walking out of the woods with mechanical legs, they lined up in the open space at the foot of the mountain.

Then the bombardment began.

Bang bang bang...

After the energy gathering was completed, various light beams and metal cannonballs broke into the mountain guarding formation.

Vanilla may be weak in resisting Taoist attacks, but her physical output ability is absolutely top-notch, far beyond what can be achieved in the transformation stage.

A casual blow can reach the stage of refining the void above the transformation of gods. The power of the volley from the fort that has been prepared for so long may have reached the stage of integration.

Dozens of light beams appeared out of thin air.

The formation was unable to withstand this barrage. It only blocked the light beam for a moment before penetrating the ghost face of the Ten Thousand Souls Formation outside. After opening dozens of holes in its face, it blasted into the mountain gate.

The light beam hit the mountain peak, and the mountain began to explode. Countless rolling rocks fell from the mountain peak, and some of the mountain tops were even cut off or flattened.

The power of each heavy artillery shot is actually more powerful than a nuclear bomb - it's just that the energy of the photon cannon is concentrated and the explosion power is not as powerful as the nuclear bomb. But only in this way can it easily penetrate the large formation.

Dozens of heavy artillery fire, even if the explosion power was average, was too much for the Lihun Sect.

What kind of magic weapon is that outside? Why is it so powerful?

At least it is a powerful magic weapon in the integration stage. But when the integration stage comes, you can break through the formation with just a few moves, and there is no need to spend so much effort. But if it is not the integration stage, how can you control so many magic weapons of this level at the same time? The mana consumption is too great, even at the stage of becoming a god, it is impossible to control a magic weapon of this level.

I do not know either.

The leader of the Lihun Sect and his people were discussing something, but in the end they could not come to a conclusion. They could only pass on the order and let the formation masters in the sect change the operation of the formation and at the same time overdraw the formation's power.

Pass the order and use the high-level spirit stones, even if the formation will be damaged as a result.


With the sound transmission thousands of miles away, the sect master's order was quickly conveyed to the middle level of the operation formation.

The ordinary spiritual stones used in the formation were quickly replaced with high-grade spiritual stones.

Subsequently, the operating rules of the formation were also reversed by the formation master.

The formation just now is a comprehensive defense, and the defense attributes of Tao Technique, Five Elements, Thunder Technique and Flying Sword Impact are fully maxed out.

But now, after the formation is in operation, the human face wrapping the mountain outside has begun to become more solid, with vivid expressions. When the artillery hits it again, it is already difficult to penetrate it.

Haha, have you activated the physical attack defense mode? It's quite smart. Vanilla stood not far from the turret, opened her arms as she spoke, and poured a large amount of mechanical force into dozens of turrets.

With the infusion of mechanical force, dozens of cannons began to transform and reorganize in place like Transformers.

The metal modules on dozens of cannons wriggled and assembled together in place, and finally combined into a super heavy cannon with a height of tens of meters. There was a terrifying energy reactor in front of the barrel.

This wasn't the end yet. Vanilla flew up and merged into the fort, pouring a large amount of mechanical force into it.

After absorbing the mechanical force, driven by the most basic physical laws of the universe, the particles in the energy reactor began to collide more violently, and the reactor's light became brighter and brighter, becoming as blazing as the sun in a moment.

Quick, quick, use a living person!

Under the shouts of the sect master, the restrictions on countless outer disciples were activated, and they uncontrollably threw themselves into the place where the formation burned the spirit stones, acting as fuel.

The Lihun Sect was originally about cultivating the soul, and controlling the soul consciousness of the outer disciples was a very simple matter.

And similarly, the Ten Thousand Souls Formation of the Lihun Sect is also related to the soul. After burning the soul, the power can also be doubled.

Once upon a time, the Feng family of Qingyi Square, relying on the formation compass they gave them, wanted to sacrifice the lives of 100,000 monks from the outer square, so that they could achieve the effect of the golden elixir fighting the Nascent Soul.

Now their mountain protection formation is naturally more powerful.

In the world of immortality, this is the meaning of the lair.

Although a person with a higher level in the world of cultivating immortals would be crushed to death, as long as you are in the mountain gate and within the mountain-protecting formation, even if you are a level higher, it will be difficult to break through the formation.

Most sects have turtle shells, so it's not easy to break in.

It's interesting, let's try it... In Vanilla's excited voice, the giant turret finally finished gathering energy, and a thick energy column cut through the sky and directly hit the turtle shell.

The powerful energy collision made the entire mountain gate seem to have entered another world.

The entire area of ​​dozens of kilometers was robbed of light. One second it was still dazzling, like looking directly at the sun, and the next second the entire area was pitch black, like entering a black hole...

As the light flickered on and off, the entire mountain of the Lihun Sect began to make strange squeaking sounds. The entire mountain was now like an extremely old wooden frame, and seemed to be in danger of collapsing at any time.

Everyone, everyone personally delivers spiritual power to the formation!

Above the Lihun Sect, Supreme Elder Li Xingtian could no longer sit still and immediately issued a decree, which was transmitted to the ears of every senior member of the Lihun Sect.

The Supreme Elder gave the order, and now a dozen Nascent Soul-level masters simultaneously mobilized the spiritual power in the Nascent Soul and cooperated with the ancestor of the gods to integrate the spiritual power into the formation. This way they could barely maintain the formation from being broken.

But just when everyone in Lihun Sect breathed a sigh of relief... something unexpected happened!

Under the rapid operation of the large array, it was like a person taking countless adrenaline shots. The overloaded body was already overwhelmed.

But just when this person was overloaded, several blood clots suddenly appeared in his brain.

It was very serious at this time.

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