Well, leave this to me.

Li Shou didn't want those people to die, not only because they were all beauties, but most importantly, along the way, starting from the world dominated by the Tianlong people, he had seen too much extreme oppression and contempt from the upper class to the lower class.

The Celestial Dragons of the first world versus ordinary people...

In the second world, when there is a lack of food, how do the masters in the inner city treat the people in the outer city, and how do the people in the outer city treat the people in the surrounding villages and towns...

Then in the third world, there were continuous wars. If ordinary people in the Qing Kingdom did not have military exploits, they could only become bronze corpses, or people who were not even as good as bronze corpses and could only work all the time.

Now in the world of cultivating immortals, this is not the case, or even worse.

Here, there are no cultivation resources and no good spiritual roots. For mortals, it is even more depressing than the end of the world.

Li Shou came to the village invisibly, and what he saw was despair in the eyes of the women.

Third Aunt, when do you think my mother will come back? A girl of fifteen or sixteen years old was weeding while looking at a Fengyun woman in her thirties next to her.

It should be, it should be soon. The woman wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the mountain peak where Lihun Sect was located.

She has been here for more than twenty years, and has been to the sect once. She knows very well that the probability of coming out of the mountain is less than half.

Those monks are physically strong and don't regard mortals as human beings at all. How easy is it to survive?

It's okay if you meet someone with a good temper, but if you meet someone with a bad temper, the scene is simply miserable.

But naturally she couldn't tell the truth in front of her niece, so she could only comfort her: Don't worry, your mother will not only come back, but she might also be pregnant with the monks' spiritual seeds, so that our whole family can move in and work as handymen. Now, you don’t have to worry about it every day.”

Tch, you're coaxing me again. I'm no longer the kid I was a few years ago. I've grown up. The girl didn't believe her aunt's words. Those monks will only look for people with good spiritual roots to give birth to offspring. Only in this way can they Birth monks, ordinary people are a burden to them, and they will not give birth to children easily... Humph, you never tell the truth every time I ask you, you just treat me like a child.

Just as the girl was about to complain, a force of energy flew directly from the distance and knocked her to the ground.

He is an outer guard disciple in the Qi refining stage.

He is at the bottom of the sect, inferior to even the most ordinary high-level outer disciples who can cultivate within the spiritual veins.

But in the surrounding villages, he was like a king.

Are you here to farm just to chat? If even one of the elixir plants turns yellow and withers without taking good care of it, I will kill you!

The man seemed to want to show off his status. While scolding, he flew over and pressed the girl's head into the soil with his feet.

Sir, Xiaorou is not sensible yet, please spare her. Seeing this, Xiaorou's third aunt hurriedly came over to beg for mercy, I know you like older people, so I will ask a few sisters to serve you tonight.

Humph, it's the same thing every day, I'm tired of it!

On the edge of the field, there were constant quarrels.

Seeing that no one was killed, Li Shou did not take action.

After walking around the surrounding area, Li Shou counted and found that there were dozens of such villages around the Lihun Sect.

There are about a few hundred people in each village, and each village is managed by a disciple who is in the Qi refining stage. Their combat power is not high, so it is easy to deal with them, but the positions are a bit scattered.

After memorizing the locations of all the villages, Li Shou made an observation and then went back to ask Vanilla to make dozens of small combat robots as backup.

With a mechanical box and mechanical force, these little robots were quickly made.

Then Narcissus and Vanilla continued their work.

On the first day, the two were still together, and then Narcissus left the team, hid his figure and came to the foot of Lihunzong Mountain and began to perform tricks on their mountain-protecting formation.

Vanilla and Narcissus, inside and outside, were constantly setting up their positions.

A few days later, when their positions were almost arranged, the students all rushed over.

Since the students did not have the cover of their special skills, they were discovered by the Lihun Sect before they reached the foot of the mountain and intercepted them from a distance.

This is the Lihun Sect's territory, please come back.

From a distance, Li Shou saw a conflict between Lihun Sect disciples and his team in the air.

The battle is about to begin! I'll take care of that side. You go and take advantage of this opportunity to rescue all the villagers. Narcissus also saw the interception in the distance and flew away as he spoke.



Get rid of those guardian disciples.

Yes Master!

While Vanilla was speaking, a hundred or so flying robots that were only a few tens of centimeters in length flew out with a swish and arrived at the dozens of villages.

Then they quickly identified the guarding disciples through face scanning, and the laser hit their foreheads directly.

Although these robots are small, the power of energy rays is not small.

With Vanilla's current strength and mechanical force, dealing with these monks in the Qi refining period was no different from dealing with ordinary people. Soon, all the caretakers of dozens of villages died.

After Li Shou confirmed it through Vanilla's 3D projection, he flew into the air, and the sound spread hundreds of miles through spiritual power.

I am Li Shou, the master of the No. 13 Sect. You Lihun Sect dared to rob me a few days ago. Although I killed the elders in the sect, this matter cannot be easily resolved. If you let go of the sect, , I can spare you from death, but if not, I will definitely destroy your entire sect, both spiritually and physically!

Li Shou's voice was very long, and he left a little space between words. First, he reminded the villagers below that a war was coming, and asked them to pay attention to avoid it.

Secondly, he is not yet sure whether anyone from the Yulin Sect has arrived, so there is no harm in leaving a message.

As Li Shou roared, signals were received in three directions, and three things happened.

The first thing to do was naturally within the Lihun Sect. The sect's formation was quickly filled with countless spirit stones to supply the operation of the war for a while. At the same time, the senior leaders of the sect began to discuss response strategies.

The second thing was that after those flying robots killed the disciples who were in charge of the Qi Refining Period, each robot made a vanilla sound.

Follow me, everyone, follow me. There will be a battle between the sects, and it will not be safe for hundreds of miles. Follow this magic weapon. One or three sects have prepared flying magic weapons for you, and they will send you to a safe place. .

Don't be afraid of Lihun Sect's revenge. They have too much time to take care of themselves now, and after this incident, if the sect is destroyed, they won't settle the score with you.

As Vanilla shouted, she used robots to gather villagers from dozens of villages, and then many mechanical airships flew out of the nearby forest and began to transport these villagers.

This time, the villagers are still human beings in the eyes of Li Shou and others, but in the eyes of the senior leaders of Lihun Sect, they are just the most basic property.

Although someone at the mountain gate had already discovered this, with the war imminent, no one cared about the fate or life of these mortals.

The villagers were quickly transported away.

The third thing is the Narcissus side.

After responding to his teammates, Narcissus immediately confirmed the news about the Yulin Sect.

Are they coming?

According to the information from Emperor Jue, they are here, but they are hidden hundreds of kilometers away. As promised, they will never show up until the mountain gate formation is destroyed.

Just come and fight quickly. It's best not to drag on for more than half a day.

After Narcissus said this, he directly used thunderous means to kill the intercepting disciples outside Lihun Sect.

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