After quickly browsing the basic information, Narcissus purchased event information for nearly a year, and quickly discovered something interesting.

Shopkeeper, tell me everything about Xianfeng City in detail. Tell me all the time and events in detail. After Li Shuixian discovered the key point of the matter, he took out some spiritual stones and gave them to the shopkeeper.

Get paid and do the work. After checking the spirit stone, the shopkeeper asked his followers to look at the shop first, then he led everyone to the tea pavilion at the back and began to dictate detailed information.

This Immortal Wind City is a city where mortals and immortal cultivators live together. Generally, the function of this kind of city is a special city built by secular managers for their own convenience.

The Lihun Sect has never liked to participate in the management of mortals. Hundreds of years ago, they handed over the management of mortals to a few small cultivating families. They only need to hand over the profits to the sect on time, and the other Lihun Sects will not Do not ask.

In fact, in the world of spiritual practice, generally speaking, mortals and practitioners live separately, and only the secluded practitioners live in mortal cities.

Because there are many ordinary things that practitioners have no use for, even ordinary food is not as sweet as those spiritual fruits.

And not only cultivators don't like the secular world, but many mortals don't like living together with fellow cultivators. Although you may get more opportunities by living together, you must be cautious in your life. A monk who accidentally offends the lowest level of Qi Refining will They could all be killed on the spot.

Moreover, in battles between practitioners, the aftermath of the battle will also kill and injure mortals on a large scale.

Understood. Narcissus nodded, But in order to facilitate management, the cultivating family established some mundane management institutions in the cultivating area. Over time, a special city was formed, right? The history and origin of Xianfeng City ends here. , focusing on things, and I see some big things happening in it.”

Yes, a few months ago a lot of foreign monks came to Xianfeng City. According to local intelligence, these foreign monks came from different sects and had grudges against each other. They would fight when they met.

One of the most powerful forces was called the Past Sect. They killed many foreign monks, but they hit a wall with one person.

What are the characteristics of the so-called nails?

He likes killing and is a madman. It is said that the madman also killed some outside monks. Not only that, he also killed many monks and mortals in Xianfeng City. Then he met people from the Past Sect. After a fight, There was no winner or loser, and then there was a rift.

Although the people from the past sect were more powerful, they were no match for that lunatic one on one.

The madman often harassed them, and the two sides fought back and forth for several months. It is said that people from the past sect went to make peace once, but the madman did not follow common sense and killed the envoy directly.

Upon hearing this, Li Shou, Shuixian and others immediately guessed the identity of the madman.

Black mist people.

This feature is simply not too distinctive.

Hates human beings, lives alone, does things without a plan, and will retaliate, all based on preference...

I think people who go there will also have a headache if they encounter the black fog.

They definitely don't want to have any more entanglements with Black Mist. After a tie, they just want to develop quickly without interfering with each other.

This is also the strategy of normal people - Li Shou's team also followed a similar strategy after meeting people from the Reincarnation Way.

But who is Kurogiri?

A standard spoiler!

He won't tell you these things. If he talks about these things, it won't be Black Mist.

I know... Narcissus nodded, and after asking the shopkeeper for details, he sent him away.

After the shopkeeper left, Narcissus casually arranged a small formation to prevent eavesdropping, and then looked at Li Shou.

Captain, let's make a decision. Should we go to Xianfeng City first, or attack Lihun Sect directly?

Of course it's reasonable! It's not always you who analyzes and then lets me make the decision. Why do you let me make the decision before you finish talking this time?

You have also heard what happened just now. The people from Heiwu and the people from the past in Xianfeng City are involved in each other. If you go to inquire about the news, you may be able to alert the snake. After all, the people from the past may be good at divination or other detectives. Class skills.

Directly attacking the Lihun Sect, and because the information was unclear and there was no assessment of the strength of the two teams, it was not known whether they would come over, which would be risky.

I just thought about it and the two options are equally dangerous. It’s up to you to decide what to do.

Hmm... Li Shou thought for a moment, First go to several surrounding cities to inquire about the news again. After confirming the authenticity of the news from Xianfeng City, let's attack the Lihun Sect directly! There are risks anyway, Ning Take it from the straight, don’t ask for it from the song!”

Since the dangers were similar, Li Shou was more inclined to pass by recklessly.

Okay! What do you think of Vanilla?

The master's opinion is my opinion!

Then let's go.

In the next two days, Li Shou, Shuixian and others first confirmed the accuracy of the news from Xianfeng City in several surrounding cities.

He also estimated the distance between Xianfeng City and Lihun Sect.

Half a day, half a day to solve it, they won't be able to catch up...

After obtaining the data, Vanilla used remote communication technology to notify her teammates in Qingyifang to prepare for the Lihun Sect, and then relied on her teammates to inform the Yulin Sect of the time for the operation.

Then the four of them took the lead and rushed to the foot of the mountain of Lihun Sect to make arrangements in advance.

Relying on Dumpling's hiding skills, they came to a place only a hundred kilometers away from the Lihun Sect without being discovered by the sect's people.

Several people stood at the foot of Lihunzong Mountain and looked around.

Like the Yulin Sect, there are some villages here, and many spiritual farmers in the villages are planting spiritual fields.

It's just that the spiritual farmers at the foot of Yulin Zong Mountain are all handsome men, but here there are mostly beauties that are only one in a million.

A large group of top beauties are working in the fields, sweating profusely. It is a strange sight that cannot be seen in other worlds...

Only the world of cultivators would use such resources like this.

After Li Shou sighed casually, he saw that Vanilla was already preparing to set up a fort in the woods next to the village.

Also starting to get busy were Li Shuixian and Dumplings.

Dumpling uses a blind cover to cover up the figures of the people and the fort.

Narcissus was setting up the formation and remotely feeling the energy arrangement of the Lihun Sect's mountain-protecting formation...

She and Vanilla are both super masters of positional warfare. As long as they are allowed to plan in advance, they can exert more than ten times their combat effectiveness.

You all have something to do, so I seem a bit redundant.

Go and check how many villages there are at the foot of the mountain. Before starting a fight, protect those innocent people and evacuate them.

While Narcissus was speaking, he took out the yellow talisman and drew a talisman, and then asked Dumpling to cast a spell on it. After the invisibility talisman was completed, the talisman was attached to Li Shou's body.

Then Li Shou's figure slowly faded, and finally became completely transparent.

The spell can last for half a day, go ahead, don't let innocent people die.

The rarely verbose Narcissus explained again.

Although her personality has changed slightly as she has grown older, the kindness at the bottom of her personality has never faded.

Both being extraordinary beings, Narcissus and Lin Shushu have completely different attitudes towards mortals.

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