Before Li Shou finished speaking, he suddenly saw several figures flying in front of him...

As the figure flew, dark clouds covered the sky, and countless souls surged and rolled under the clouds. Judging from this formation, they were members of the Lihun Sect.

They didn't want Li Shou to get too close to Qingyi Fang, so naturally they intercepted him when he was just a few hundred kilometers away from the Yulin Sect.


Master here!

We not only have to win this game, we also have to win it cleanly to give the people of the Yulin Sect confidence, so that they can really dare to follow us to attack the mountain gate.

I know Master, when the time comes, Little Vanilla will shoot one by one and turn them all into ashes...

Before Vanilla finished speaking, those figures had already flown in front of Li Shou.

There were four people in total, all wearing black Lihun Sect robes, and they did not hide their identities at all.

That man, stop. After arriving, they pointed at Li Shou domineeringly.

What do you want from me, fellow Taoist? Li Shou was also very cooperative.

Have you ever obtained the Qian family's Nine Yin Ice Vein Jue?

So what?

The Nine Yin Ice Vein Jue was exchanged between our Lihun Sect and the ancestors of the Qian family. The ancestors of the Qian family came to our Lihun Sect and received benefits but did not leave behind the skills. We are here to collect the skills.

Four people from the Lihun Sect made up an excuse that was full of flaws.

But it doesn't matter. After all, the cutting-through still has to go. What if the other party just gives in?

So, if you hand over your skills now, we won't owe each other anything, and we can spare your life.

That technique is still useful to me. The jade slips are not as easy to copy as the martial arts secret books. The visualization diagrams, the imprints of the seniors' experiences, and the insights inside are much better than the original ones.

Otherwise, even if you acquire the cultivation technique, it will be difficult.

The Nine Yin Ice Vein Jue and my Lihun Sect's skills complement each other, and we are bound to win! The people from the Lihun Sect first said the importance and necessity, and then threatened again, If you don't hand over the Come out, let your Nascent Soul be extinguished, and your body and soul disappear after death!

Are you here under the order of the sect?


Okay, I finally got this cause and effect!

Do things in a balanced way and pay attention to fairness. It is not advisable to rob directly, otherwise it will affect the income.

Li Shou had been reluctant to cause trouble with the Lihun Sect before. Firstly, he was afraid of the other party's strength, and secondly, he needed a cause and effect.

Now people from your sect want to rob me and kill me. If you are killed or robbed by me in the future, it is fair and reasonable. The cycle of cause and effect means retribution will be unpleasant! Hahahaha! It's a pity that there is no ancestor of the God Transformation here today. , it would be better if he comes, and when he comes out of the formation, he can just kill him.

Amidst the laughter from Li Shou, the four people from Lihun Sect who came also fully understood that things today were no longer good.

There was no longer any nonsense at the moment, and he directly attacked Li Shou.

The four of them took action at the same time, one offered a flying sword, the other rang a bell on the spot, one directly transformed and his body turned into a fierce soul, while the other offered a magic weapon, a soul flag that faced the wind in his hand and grew to the size of a palm from the beginning. , it rose to 100 meters in a few breaths.

Facing the four Nascent Soul cultivators, Li Shou naturally did not dare to stand up. He immediately released all his abilities in the air, and the power suppressed by the limits of flesh and blood merged with the evil spirits.

He had just completed his transformation when the flying sword had already arrived to kill him.

The texture of the Lihun Sect's flying sword is different from that of other ordinary monks. The entire sword body is transparent and seems to be real and illusory. After hitting Li Shou in the air, it passed through his body.

Huh? Li Shou lowered his head and looked at his chest. His body was not injured, but his head seemed to be pricked by a steel needle, and the pain was unbearable.

This is the Lihun Sect's special soul-slaying sword, a flying sword technique designed to hurt the soul.

If an ordinary monk is not strong enough and is struck by this sword, his soul will immediately fly away.

Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator is struck by this sword, his soul will be damaged.

Fortunately, Li Shou's evil spirit has been tempered for thousands of times, and half of his abilities are in his soul. This sword did not cause too much damage to him.

But the other tricks that followed made him feel uncomfortable.

As soon as the flying sword passed through his body, the sound of bells could not be heard. In the sound of the bells, Li Shou felt intoxicated and his eyes were spinning even though he had the Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue to protect him.

Just when his soul was unstable, a huge suction force came out from the soul flag, which actually sucked Li Shou's evil spirit out of his body.

His body lost the control of his soul and began to fall from the air like a puppet.

But the man who turned into a huge powerful soul in the end had no intention of letting Li Shou go.

He turned into a huge powerful soul dozens of meters tall. He grabbed Li Shou's falling body with one hand and Li Shou's evil spirit with the other. A light emitted from his palm, and he absorbed Li Shou's soul energy on the spot. and blood.

The Li Hun Sect has spent a lot of money this time, and the four most powerful Nascent Soul elders from the Li Hun Sect have been sent.

The four of them are all in the late stage of Nascent Soul. If they fight one against one, Li Shou may have the upper hand, but now four against one, and with the combination of skills and magic weapons, he has no power to fight back.

No, do you really think four against one?

The sound of vanilla came from high in the sky.

Just now, everyone in the Lihun Sect focused on Li Shou, and when Vanilla transformed, they used mechanical refraction to prevent them from seeing the transformation process clearly.

Hearing the sound at this time, several people were surprised to see a huge steel beast looming in the clouds in the distance.

What magic weapon?

Didn't the Yulin Sect say that man was a Taoist boy?

It doesn't matter what magic weapon he has, just kill him!

Several people still didn't pay attention to Vanilla. At that moment, one of them threw a thunder spell and wanted to kill it.

But then, a ray of light connected the steel behemoth and the space between the two sides.

It was like a red pen suddenly drew a line in the air.

The person who used the soul flag was directly penetrated through the body.

Even though he had the strength of the late Nascent Soul, even though he was equipped with a magic weapon and high-level magic clothing to protect his body, after this blow, his body was not directly melted like the golden elixir.

But it still turned into a rag.

My body, my body!

After being hit by the photon cannon, the Taoist using the soul flag lowered the remaining half of his head and looked at his body.

My arms, legs, stomach and chest were all gone.

Only half of his face, one shoulder and one arm were left.

Even that instinctive cry came from Nascent Soul.

Losing one's body is a big deal for a monk, as it means that one's spiritual path will be blocked in the future and one's longevity will be seriously affected.

How could he not hate this.

But before he could completely ignite his hatred, the second light connected again.

The most powerful thing about the photon cannon is its speed.

No matter how powerful the Nascent Soul cultivator is, he is still not able to avoid the light.

So the second light cannon hit his Nascent Soul.

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