The Nascent Soul has many more advantages than the physical body.

Nascent Soul is better to escape.

The explosion of Nascent Soul poses a great threat to the monks.

But Nascent Soul itself also has many weaknesses.

More crispy.

A very important reason why monks generally do not use the Nascent Soul to fight directly is that the Nascent Soul is easily damaged. Once the opponent's magic weapon hits the Nascent Soul, it may cause irreversible damage.

Moreover, the Nascent Soul is not as easy to carry protective magic weapons as the physical body, so it appears to be more fragile.

Therefore, facing this second luminous sub-cannon.

Before the Lihun Sect monk could scream in agony, the beam of light completely penetrated its Nascent Soul.

The human body wearing robes and magic weapons can't resist the photon cannon, and the Nascent Soul is even more impossible.

Two cannons directly took away a Nascent Soul cultivator.

There are fewer dark clouds in the sky.

When the first sub-cannon was fired, several other Nascent Soul monks had not yet reacted. After the second shot was fired and they witnessed the death of their companions, the other monks immediately felt the hair on their backs and truly felt the approaching death.

Two moves will take away the late Nascent Soul.

Not to mention anything else, his offensive ability has surpassed that of the monks of the Great Perfection of God Transformation.

Run or fight, the answer is already available at this moment.

Monks cherish their lives very much, especially after reaching the golden elixir. Their lifespan is long, and in the world of immortality, great monks have the possibility of immortality.

Immediately after his companion died, two Nascent Soul stage monks used escape techniques to escape. The only one who reacted slower was the one who transformed into a powerful spirit tens of meters tall and controlled Li Shou.

That person was the most powerful, but also the clumsiest. In addition, it was difficult to run away directly from Li Shou.

Being one with so many souls has affected the mind and polluted the spirit to some extent, right? Your companions have run away, but you can't even use the escape technique! Without the pull of the soul flag, the soul bell's Interference, this monk in the late Nascent Soul stage is no match for Li Shou.

His evil spirit spread a cold air, first freezing the opponent's soul. Then the evil spirit and his body merged into one and shattered the dozens of meters of soul, revealing the monk's body.

It wasn't until the soul body was destroyed that the Lihun Sect monk fully recovered his consciousness and wanted to escape.

But before he could use his escape skills, he was dragged into the realm of evil spirits by Li Shou.

In the evil spirit place in mid-air, Li Shou used all his strength this time to summon the evil spirit and his body, and quickly suppressed the monk.

Not long after, Vanilla also entered the realm of evil spirits. Cooperating with Li Shou, he used less powerful weapons to cut open the monk's body with light.

Senior, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!

At this point, the monks of Lihun Sect naturally knew that the situation was over.

But he didn't have the determination and chose to directly detonate the Nascent Soul. Instead, he begged for mercy on the spot.

Young man has been practicing for five hundred years. It's not easy to practice. I hope you will let me go!

Practitioners are more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Especially this great practitioner in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Ordinary people die, but as long as they survive, there are still endless possibilities.

You have lived for so long. You know that if you want others to spare your life, you can't just talk about it. Let's talk about the conditions. I attach great importance to fair transactions. If you put forward fair conditions for buying your life, then I nature……

Senior, I have accumulated a lot of wealth over the past hundreds of years, and I can leave it to you. Before Li Shou finished speaking, the monk rushed to answer.

Well, is there anything else? About Lihun Sect.

Oh yes, my sect...well, if the Lihun Sect offends senior, he will be punished. I used to be a senior member of the Lihun Sect and naturally knows many of their secrets. If senior is willing to spare my life, I can tell senior a lot. thing……

Do you know where the formation eye is?

I know, I know.

It's so easy to rebel. Are there no restrictions on you in this sect? Li Shou was not worried that this person was pretending to surrender.

There is Narcissus, a super formation mage.

There is a data analysis guru like Vanilla.

He said he wouldn't lie, and he would know it with just one test.

There are naturally restrictions on disciples within the sect, such as various inner demons' oaths, heavenly oaths, physical body restrictions, spiritual power restrictions, etc. But I am already in the late Yuan Ying stage. Except for the ancestors of Lihun Sect, I am The Lihun Sect is the most powerful, so those restrictions are naturally useless to me.

As for the Oath of Heaven and the Great Oath of the Inner Demon, I am naturally afraid of it.

But that was the obstacle when it came to breaking through the realm. The little one is now in the hands of the seniors. If he says the wrong thing, he may end up with his soul destroyed in the next blink of an eye.

Moreover, with the qualifications of a villain, it would be difficult to break through to the stage of becoming a god, so it is better to enjoy it while you still have three hundred lifespan.

I hope the seniors will understand.

Without the interference of those souls, and after the combined state was released, the Lihun Sect monk's mind suddenly became much clearer.

As expected of an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, he is really transparent.

Li Shou thought of the old turtle in the Soul Cultivation World.

Old Oogway has also lived for hundreds of years, leaving a lot of behind-the-scenes tricks behind him, and he is also very shameless.

His mental state is somewhat similar to this man's.

Okay, since you said so, I'll keep you alive! But I don't dare to let you out in this state. After all, the Yuanying Escape Technique is still very flexible...

Li Shou doesn't know any other confinement spells and only has one area. He can easily escape if he lets go.

Vanilla's attack power is super strong, but it's all physical attacks, and it doesn't know any restrictions or spells - otherwise it wouldn't have allowed the other two monks to escape so easily.

It's okay, senior, I'll handle it myself.

As the fat white Yuanying spoke, he made a spell with his little hand. The divine light on his body began to dim, and Yuanying also entered a state of suspended animation.

Seeing this, Vanilla took out the test machine and tested it on Yuanying.

Radio wave coefficient, energy fluctuation, transmission medium... After some testing, Vanilla came up with the answer.

A state of deep silence, without being awakened by the outside world, you will not wake up...

That's fine.

Li Shou believed in Vanilla's ability and immediately took back the domain.

After that, the two of them cleaned up the battlefield together.

The two monks who escaped didn't leave anything behind, but the prisoner left behind a lot of robes and magic weapons, and the storage ring contained even more goods.

Although all the magic weapons in the dead monk's body were smelted together, the soul flag was left intact because it was not with his body.

Just losing the mana supply, the soul flag has fallen from the sky to the ground, shrinking to the size of a palm.

Li Shou relied on electronic scanning of Vanilla to find it, otherwise he would have to search for a long time in the woods below.

After taking care of everything, Li Shou thought for a moment and returned to Yulin Sect.

There were only a few hundred kilometers of land, and he turned back in an hour.

When the Yulin Sect saw him coming back, at first they didn't know who would win between him and the Lihun Sect, and they didn't dare to open the mountain gate. It wasn't until Li Shou showed the Lihun Sect's robes and Yuan Ying that the sect leader and his people rushed to greet him. .

Oh, my fellow Taoist turned back not long after he left. The disciple who was guarding the formation probably didn't expect that he would delay opening the mountain gate. My fellow Taoist, please forgive me!

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