Several rays of rays of light fell, and they were all monks with beautiful faces.

The auras of the three people headed by them were powerful. Li Shou felt that the spiritual power of the other party exceeded his own, and they should all be Nascent Soul monks.

It was rumored outside the Yulin Sect that there were only five Nascent Soul cultivators in total, and these three came to greet him and his companions. Li Shou also felt that the other party had indeed given them enough respect.

After all the members of the Yulin Sect came down, they bowed their hands to Li Shou normally at first, until they saw Emperor Jue.

The sect master has been waiting for Taoist friends from one or three sects to come to our Yulin Peak every day to exchange Taoist experiences. Today we finally met. It is really a blessing for our Yulin Sect that our Taoist friends can come.

The sect leader has already prepared for a banquet in the sect. Dear Taoist friends from the first and third sects, I...

He was half polite, but when the leader saw Emperor Jue, his voice suddenly stopped.

Ahem... Li Shou coughed, and then the man came back to his senses and said with a red face: Fellow Taoist, it's funny. The fellow Taoists from the first and third sects are really talented people like Yushu Linfeng.

Master, even you have praised me. Vanilla heard it funny from behind Li Shou, so she poked his back with her finger.

Li Shou ignored it, and after chatting with the elders of Yulin Sect for a few words, they led him into the mountain gate.

As soon as he entered Yulin Peak, Li Shou felt a rich spiritual energy, which was much richer than the spiritual energy in the outside world, and was comparable to the spiritual energy of Narcissus' Spirit Gathering Array.

If the spirit gathering array is carved within this spiritual vein and spiritual stones are consumed, it can fully meet the needs of golden elixir cultivation.

Yulin Peak is not small. Li Shou flew all the way over and saw that there were at least tens of thousands of disciples living in it.

Most of them are outer sect disciples and handymen, a small number of those who seem to have foundation-building cultivation are inner sect disciples, and then the middle tier live in the middle of the mountain, with their own independent courtyards, and their cultivation seems to be at the level of Jindan.

The top of the peak is where the senior officials of Yulin Sect live.

The elder took Li Shou and others directly to the peak.

The spiritual energy here is richer than below, and the large formation gathers the spiritual energy of the entire spiritual veins to the top of the peak.

The entire peak has about a few hundred acres of flat ground, planted with elixirs, fairy grass, and various kinds of fairy beasts.

The whole Yulin Peak is full of fragrance, with the fragrance of jasmine.

Fellow Taoist, I am here to welcome you. As soon as Li Shougang landed on the top of the mountain, he saw a woman wearing a gauze Taoist robe coming to greet him.

This woman's appearance, figure and aura are all top-notch, and she is the best even in Yulin Peak.

When I first met my fellow Taoist, my daughter is Lin Yudou, the leader of the Yulin Sect.

Li Shou, the master of the outer halls of the first and third sects. Li Shou also made random remarks, and after another round of polite greetings, everyone was ushered into the Yulin Hall by Lin Yudou.

All kinds of fairy fruits, herbs, food, and wine have been prepared here.

This is Yulin Peak's specialty, wine made from Yulin Bamboo. This batch of wine was brewed by my master and has been stored for 500 years. Please taste it, Master.

Yes. He was toasted as soon as he sat down, but Li Shou's body was immune to all poisons, so he drank it without doubting his presence.

Although Li Shou doesn't know how to drink, the fairy wine is still different from the ordinary wine. The wine is not only fragrant, but also soaked with various nourishing herbs. After drinking it, he only feels the blood rising, and some thoughts seem to be aroused in his heart. out.

Then Lin Yudou clapped his hands, and hundreds of Yulin Peak female disciples flew in and gathered around.

Immortal cultivators are inherently blessed with spiritual energy and good looks. These hundreds of female disciples have been carefully selected, and their beauty is incomparable.

In addition, everyone has immortal skills by their side and has practiced strange techniques. Fairies are flying all over the sky, and the fragrance is overflowing. Even Li Shou feels like he is in a fairyland.

‘This dance seems to be something like a trance formation. ’

Although the fairy's dancing posture is graceful, Li Shou has practiced the Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, and he can still grasp the true meaning of clarity in the blur.

‘Play this with me. ’ Li Shou glanced to the side.

Yu Linfeng set up a fascination array with him, but the effect was better on his own side.

The enchanting formations in the field were suppressed by Juehuang's higher Tao Xing. Those women themselves were distracted, but they didn't know it.

Li Shou felt that by leaving Juehuang here, he would definitely be able to get a lot of useful things out over time.

But for now, the main thing is to look at myself and see what the Yulin Sect thinks.

Hall Master. After all, Lin Yudou had a very high level of cultivation and had reached the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul. He was less affected by Emperor Jue and was always around Li Shou with several Nascent Soul elders with the highest magic power.

After Li Shou drank continuously and was gradually blurred by the enchantment array.

After three rounds of wine, five delicious meals, and some polite chatting.

The topic begins.

Lin Yudou approached Li Shou and asked tentatively: Hall Master, I heard that the Lihun Sect has been targeting one or three of your sects recently.

Oh? They dare to provoke me? Li Shou was drunk and still pretended to be domineering, deciding on his character first, Little Lihunzong, if they don't provoke me, I would rather provoke them. Mess with them.”

What do you want, Master? Lin Yudou glanced at the elder while asking, and the latter removed the obstacle for Li Shou knowingly.

Lin Yudou hurriedly stepped forward and wrapped his body with immortal magic, making Li Shou more confused.

When one or three of my sects come here, they don't have a mountain gate yet, so it's always inconvenient. The Yaonong sect has a close relationship with the Demon Kingdom and we can't easily touch them. Then only your Yulin sect and Lihun sect are left...

My original intention was to choose one of the two, but seeing how you treat us like this, one or three of our sects cannot accept favors from others and stab us in the back, right?

The hall master is so benevolent and righteous! Hearing this, Lin Yudou's eyes were filled with admiration, and he could not stop praising Li Shou.

She is the most beautiful woman in the Yulin Sect, and with the highest level of cultivation, her temperament and aura are unmatched by ordinary female disciples.

With this pretentious behavior at the moment, coupled with the large formation and special immortal wine, any other great monk would definitely be fascinated and unable to find Bei.

Our first and third sects are legitimate sects. If it is not our style to attack the mountain gate of Lihun Sect rashly, I need an excuse now, but it's a pity that I can't wait!

My little girl can help with these things. After some testing, the two hit it off.

Really? Then let's talk about it in detail...

Li Shou stayed at Yulin Peak for several days and enjoyed some real immortal treatment.

But he always kept a clear mind and seemed passive, but in fact he took the lead in negotiating all matters with Lin Yudou.

On this day, Li Shou left Juehuang behind and left the Yulin Sect first.

Before he left, Lin Yudou, the leader of the Yulin Sect, reported Li Shou's whereabouts to the Lihun Sect using the thousand-mile sound transmission technique.

The Yulin Sect has informed the other party of our location. Not only are we alone this time, but we are also so far away from Qingyi Fang. In addition, my so-called identity as the leader of the hall, and the talisman have deceived the secrets and confused the divination.

Then the people in the Lihun Sect didn’t know how powerful the Yisan Sect was.

It would be unreasonable if they didn't come again.

During the flight, Li Shou looked around and found Vanilla next to him.

Master, according to ordinary human nature, will those Yulin Sect people really help us?

According to normal human nature, they will help whoever wins.

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