Oh? The patriarch heard this and flew to the main hall where the incense burner was placed.

There are dozens of incense burners placed throughout the hall, and the characters A, B, C, and D on the incense burners correspond to different demon-inducing teams.

At this time, half of the incense burners were emitting green smoke, but most of it was just curls of green smoke. Those curls of green smoke represented that the people in the team were eaten by monsters in the foundation-building stage. Occasionally, the thicker smoke just represented that team. The team encounters the Jindan monster.

But there was only one, with green smoke like pillars, rushing straight to the roof, and the smoke gathered and refused to disperse.

It's the Nascent Soul Demon. Master, quickly activate the medicine to lure out the monster's greed.

Don't panic. The ancestor of the Feng family is a dying old man. He first looked at the elders of the clan, Can the Ten Thousand Soul Devouring Soul Array be deployed in the outer square? In the entire Qingyi Square, there are the most monks and the strongest blood. When the big demon comes, you will naturally be attracted.”

Master, the arrangements are ready. Hahaha, we spent hundreds of years of our clan's savings on this formation compass from the Lihun Sect. As long as it is activated, all the people eaten by the big demon will be in its belly. It turns into an evil spirit. Although the evil spirit is small, as long as the monster eats enough people, it can cooperate with the large formation to lock its Nascent Soul for a moment and a half.

Without the blessing of Yuanying's spiritual power, the Yuanying Great Demon is more powerful than ordinary Golden Elixir monks.

Even if a monster comes who is not physically strong enough, we can rely solely on the Jindan elders in our clan to be safe.

Don't be careless. The ancestor of the Feng family shook his head, Jindan challenges Yuanying. Throughout the ages, we have always lost more and won less. Although we are fully prepared, there are some things we have to guard against. Naturally, the Xue family does not want us to do this. Things are also variables, and those external monks are all very powerful.

Don't those foreign monks have grudges against each other? Those three-eyed monks who claim to be the path of reincarnation, don't they also want to see the rivers of blood from outside? They say it will help them reshape reincarnation... Let those people fight on their own, Xue family, we also have backup plans.

in this way.

The ancestor of the Feng family nodded.

Although there are still many variables in things, this step must be taken after all.

The family has been trapped here for hundreds of years, just because there is no Nascent Soul monk.

And he was approaching the end of his life, so he had no choice but to shoot the arrow.

Practitioners are cultivating a chance of survival! Come, prepare to cast spells after tomorrow to activate the medicine!

Yes, head of the family!

Two days later.

The small satellite that Vanilla had been tinkering with for many days in the courtyard finally took off.

However, under the influence of the booster, the satellite flew tens of thousands of meters without leaving here. After flying hundreds of thousands of meters, the signal gradually disappeared.

This does not seem to be a planet. The structure of the hub world is a bit different from the normal universe structure. If the planet is not rotating, space-based weapons have no theoretical basis for positioning, and there is no gravity-free environment. It is difficult for large equipment to remain suspended. Oops, Brother Li, Master, our biggest trump card can no longer be used.

In front of Li Shou was a cute girl who looked very watery - she was a vanilla after filling with artificial flesh and blood.

Not only did it create skin and flesh for itself, it also made a sailor suit, turning itself into the appearance of an AI girl.

With the increased force of space-based weapons, their power will definitely exceed the level of the gods, which is a pity. However, with the knowledge of the Mechanical God Kingdom, the power and functions of high-energy lasers and electromagnetic weapons have recently been enhanced.

What's your fighting strength now? The battle was about to begin, and Li Shou didn't dare to neglect it.

Those golden elixir monks are not easy to deal with, and the three-eyed monks are even more powerful. Li Shou is not afraid that he will die, but in the fierce battle, the students may not be able to escape unscathed when the golden elixir self-destructs.

Therefore, winning may not be difficult, but complete victory without attrition is very difficult.

Those three-eyed monks are not vegetarians.

I'm very good. After all, I have studied the physical laws of the 'Mechanical Enlightenment of the Mechanical God Kingdom' for so many years. With my IQ, hum, I can't underestimate it! I can only say that you may not be my opponent.

Vanilla akimbo and head held high.

That's right, it's been more than ten years. Before Li Shou went into seclusion to practice Nine-clawed Kirin, he spent nearly 200 years of his life on Vanilla, buying Atomic Core and Mechanical God Kingdom Quantum Hard Drive, and later spent more I used the money to buy a high-end mechanical box for it.

With so much investment, there should be output.

Okay, it'll be much better with you here. Try to use long-range means to shoot those Jindan monks from a distance. Don't let them enter our team and explode themselves.

Don't worry, little Vanilla is here!

The battle took place on a dark and stormy night.

The night was so dark that even a monk could not see very far.

That night, the Feng family triggered the medicine.

Haha, it's so dark that the monsters won't be noticed even if they come near Fangshi.

Hmph, Qianduo, has the guardian spirit formation in Waifang been closed?

Elder Huifenghui, it has been closed.

Very good. After this time, I will remember you.

After Feng Hui finished speaking, he once again activated the medicine in his hand, hitting the incense burner with his spiritual power, and the aroma spread towards Jingxiu Forest.

You guys hide well. My companions have reinforced the formation around here. As long as you don't go to the main battlefield, everything will be fine. Li Shou arranged for Qian Qitong and Huang Linsu before leaving.

Each of these two people had helped him a lot, so it would be unfair not to protect people's lives.

By the way, your flying sword is gone. When I passed by Fangshi two days ago, I bought a new one for you. It's for the foundation period. Li Shou handed Huang Linsu a flying sword.

Thank you, senior. Huang Linsu took the flying sword seriously. With her financial resources, she had never been able to obtain a weapon of this level before.

Well, it's okay. Feijian probably has a lot of surplus today. I'll get you some for the golden elixir period. I don't have any use for that thing anyway.

Li Shou flew up as he spoke.

In the courtyard, a girl in a sailor uniform came to Huang Linsu with a box on her back, Use your fire root well and follow my brother well. From now on, you will be rich and famous.

After the girl in the sailor suit finished speaking, she sprayed flames from her arms and flew away.

At the same time that Li Shou and Xiang Xiang left the courtyard, Feng Hui saw a flash of fire coming out of the Jingxiu Forest from afar on the highest observation tower in the outer square.

As the faint blue fire burst out, the demon-sensing bell on Feng Hui's body rang wildly, and he hurriedly sent a message to everyone in the clan.

It's coming! Everyone, please be patient and wait for it to eat some people first...

The Feng family didn't want to alarm the monsters, but at this moment, fireworks suddenly flew out of the sky and lit up the night sky.

At the same time, a mechanical sound with a huge amplification effect came from mid-air.

Dear villagers of Qingyi Fang Waifang, please pay attention. Villagers of Qingyi Fang Waifang, please pay attention... I am your dear savior Xiao Xiangxiang. There is an invasion of Nascent Soul-level monsters outside. Please take care of yourself. Pack your bags and get ready to escape, if you run too slowly you will become cannon fodder!

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