What it is?

what sound?

It seems like something happened outside.

Under the reminder of Vanilla's big speaker, many outer monks woke up from their dreams.

Although these monks are not strong enough, they have lived at the bottom of the world of immortality for many years, which has made them alert and thieves. When they are reminded, someone immediately flies up with a sword to watch.

Then they saw the giant fox demon outside Fangshi.

Why is the magic circle outside Fangshi not activated?

What about the big formation that will automatically counterattack if there is a demonic energy?

This monster is so huge, at least it's a golden elixir monster.

This is inappropriate...

The lower level monks had been licking blood all year round, and the monks at the bottom level would have died long ago without even seeing it. In just a short time, countless outer monks realized something was wrong and immediately fled to the inner square.

But what awaits them is not good.

Who leaked the news?

Vanilla's loudspeaker not only reminded the outer monks, but also everyone in the Feng family.

When the people of the Feng family saw someone running away, someone immediately turned the formation compass of the Ten Thousand Souls Devouring Soul Formation. The formation was activated in conjunction with the original guarding formation, and actually isolated the entire outer square. All attempts were made. The monks who escaped hit the wall of air and were unable to leave.

Some people want to attack the formation, but most outer monks are in the Qi refining stage, and it is extremely difficult to shake the formation at this level.

And this was not over yet. Seeing someone approaching, the elders of the Feng family guarding the inner square immediately twisted the lotus magic weapons one by one. The magic weapons shot out hundreds of flying needles, which pierced into the Baihui acupoints of some Qi refining monks. Inside, the elder then muttered something.

As the spell was recited, these casual cultivators immediately lost their minds under the influence of the magic weapons and spells, and flew toward the fox demon with their swords like puppets.

Huh, if you don't want to do it by yourself, I'll help you!

The elder was feeling proud of himself at the back when thunder suddenly flashed in the distance, and a thunderous arrow hit his body in the blink of an eye.

This arrow was so powerful that the formation on his protective robe was broken three times, until 70% of the defense was lost, which was able to offset the damage of the thunder.

But before he could react, another arrow followed and shattered his lotus magic weapon.

After losing the connection with the magic weapon, the casual cultivators in the sky regained their consciousness.

It's those foreign monks! Seeing someone obstructing him, the elder flew up and flew out dozens of tracking charms to look for the hidden team members. Why do you, outsiders, want to stop my Feng family from doing something good!

Withdraw? King Urine and Liu Teng, a group, looked at Huang Fu flying over from the sky and hesitated.

Withdraw. Brother Li said before, don't fight desperately, don't fall into deep danger. It's easy to win, but it's hard not to die.


King Urine calmed down and dove into the messy houses in the outer square as he spoke.

And similar scenes happen everywhere.

There are seven golden elixirs in the Feng family. Under their joint efforts, these casual cultivators would not be able to escape even if they were reminded.

But just like the situation here, as soon as they took action, someone came to sabotage it, and no one succeeded.

And after all this trouble, the fox demon has already flown into the outer square.

It's okay, as long as people are still in the outer workshop, this fox demon will still eat people. On another viewing platform, the head of the Feng family burned incense and cast a spell, stimulating the medicine in the white fox's body.

At this moment, the white fox's eyes turned red, and his hunger seemed to overwhelm his reason.

If it were an ordinary monster, it would definitely rush into the crowd and feast on it at this time, but the white fox knew that there was a formation here, so naturally it would not swallow the poison and damage itself by three thousand.

Therefore, after being tempted by the greedy insect, it just struggled in place to resist the feeling of hunger.

What's going on? Why doesn't it work?

The head of the Feng family was surprised when he suddenly saw a small metal bug flying in the sky.

What is this?

I've got you! the little metal insect said in a girlish voice, and then exploded directly.

This small explosion naturally cannot hurt the Golden Elixir Dzogchen monk, but the fire of the explosion also locked him.

Master Li, I found the ancestor of the Feng family, and I applied to kill him alone.


Thank you, Master!

Vanilla's sweet smile just bloomed in the air, and then was blocked by the metal frenzy surrounding her.

Countless machines flew from all directions to assemble parts on it. At the same time, the mechanical box behind it was also opened under the mechanical force, and a large number of metal parts flew out from it like a blowout. Yes, a war robot with a height of more than ten meters was formed in the air.

This robot no longer has the cuteness that vanilla itself pursues, but is a real war fortress.

It's not accurate to say it's a robot. It's covered in weapons and looks more like a mobile bunker.

At this time, it was suspended in the air relying on the electromagnetic device. A huge photon cannon had been aimed at the head of the Feng family, and then a huge energy group was brewing on it.

What kind of magic weapon is this? Although the head of the Feng family didn't recognize this thing, he still flew away to avoid it.

But the light beam connected to his body at the speed of light in the next moment, and the energy transmitter and his body were connected as quickly as a sudden connection.

With the ability of the golden elixir monk, he could not avoid the light shot. Before he could realize what was going on, the light beam had already penetrated his body.

The robes, magic weapons, flying swords, and protective weapons, including his old body, were all reduced to ashes in this instant.

After the beam of light, only the light of the golden elixir explosion resounded across the sky.

...Dead? Li Shou saw this blow in the air, glanced at the war fortress behind him with incredible eyes, and became afraid of Vanilla for the first time.

Hehe, you used too much force! Vanilla's voice came from the fortress, Master, don't be afraid, we are in the same team.

Didn't you say that our strengths are about the same? Li Shou asked, I don't have the strength to kill Jindan Dzogchen with one strike.

Oh, my attack power is just stronger, and my master's defense is stronger, so it's pretty much the same!

Nonsense. According to the limitations of the underlying logic, you shouldn't lie to me, but it seems that that thing is no longer useful. Tell the truth, have you broken through that limit a long time ago...

Hehehe, but how can our bond be broken? If you are unhappy, I can't go back! I am not a time traveler. If there is no master, I will be trapped in this world. It is obvious that this Combat is also an opportunity for Vanilla to take the initiative to make a confession.

It knows that telling the truth in a crisis and showing one's attitude through fighting seems more convincing.

You can completely switch to someone else. Anyone who is a time traveler can be your carrier.

But do you believe that AI also has feelings? Little Vanilla likes its master, my dear Master Li!

What you said is very false...

Okay, from a rational point of view. It wouldn't be good for me to switch to another person. After seeing so many camps, mushrooms are the fairest and the most focused on fair cooperation. How can it be better to switch to another person? You treat me so well. Well, you spent so much money on me, saved my life, helped me get out of trouble, and made my dream of exploring the universe come true.

As long as I'm not a fool, I won't change people casually, right?

Do I look like a fool?

Vanilla's tone finally became more formal.

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