After finalizing some things with Bai Hu, Li Shou and Qian Qitong returned home with a full load.

Although they searched within the mountain range for several days, the two did not go too deep into the mountain range because it was a blanket search.

It took me a day and a night when I came here, and it only took me a little more than a day when I came back.

After being away for a whole week, Li Shou quickly contacted his classmates as soon as he returned.

The secret stronghold.

Is there anything wrong with our people recently?

It's nothing. It's just that the monks have become more active recently. That day I saw a strange black light appearing above the Feng Family. There seemed to be a mirage above the black light. After that, the monks around the Feng Family disappeared one after another. Ma Nanzheng Sitting on a wooden stool, I dipped the water in the cup and drew a mirage pattern.

It stands to reason that Vanilla's robot must have records of this thing, but then I asked the small communication robot it left behind, and it said it couldn't take pictures. I suspect that it is some kind of formation, or something more powerful than the formation.

I feel like it's something unique to the Tao of Reincarnation... Li Shuixian continued, Combined with my hunting experience some time ago, I found that those powerful laws have their own exclusive things, and the weak ones don't. For example, we Mushrooms have no unique characteristics. Apart from the richness of surrounding species, there are no special benefits in the mushroom area.

But Black Mist has it. The fusion skills of Black Mist, although the mortality rate is extremely high, the effect is also extremely powerful and lasts a lifetime.

In the same way, some of the people we failed to hunt also have their own exclusive abilities.

Yes, yes. Li Shou thought of the three summoners of the Rules of Life.

The tricks are extremely strange, the life-saving means are very strong, and the aura of life is extremely rich, and the body has an incredible vitality.

Although the strength of the three of them is not top-notch, they have huge potential visible to the naked eye. If they are allowed to go, they will be powerful opponents in the future.

This is the bonus of powerful rules.

The people in the Reincarnation Dao must be using their rules to brew something, so they have been more honest recently. They are ready to take us all in one go. Juehuang also nodded, and this time he finally issued a message in The World of Heroine Heroes A different sigh, Fortunately, I have Narcissus as my teammate this time!

Yes! We have Narcissus, so what are we afraid of? Let's set up a formation and see who has the last laugh. King Urine also has great confidence in Narcissus.

Almost everyone who has been a teammate with Narcissus trusts her ability.

You still have to be careful, Brother Li, how are you doing over there? Narcissus looked at Li Shou.

I brought back a lot of things. I don't need those flying swords and so on. I didn't ask for them when I shared the money with Qian Qitong. I have a lot of elixirs, magic weapons and spiritual stones here. I took 60% of them, and I still have this extra Let’s see what you can use for storage rings and the like. One more thing, the Feng family hasn’t found the Nascent Soul monster yet, right?”

I heard that there was a response a few days ago, but only some traces were found. Yuanying monsters are not that easy to find. The strength of the people they sent does not dare to come close, and Yuanying monsters are all intelligent...

That's just right. I have a plan and we can arrange it together.


It's like this. I met a Nascent Soul monster two days ago. It was very resistant to people killing monsters. Then I took advantage of this...

A few days later.

One of the dozens of spies sent out by the Feng family was wandering deep in the Jingxiu Forest.

Most of these spies are peripheral members of the family in the Qi refining period, and many are even dead soldiers raised by the Feng family since childhood. But even so, many people are not willing to come here.

Big,, are you afraid?

Afraid. We are in the ordinary Qi refining stage. Let alone the Nascent Soul monster, even a foundation-building monster can swallow us up. But we have been raised by elders since we were young. If it were not for the elders, we would have been in the secular world for a long time. He died in the cold wind. Besides, we still have restrictions in our bodies, so don’t think too much about it.”

Cultivation families love to raise dead people.

Most of the dead people are orphans found in the secular world.

For a family that cultivates immortality, raising death warriors is very, very cost-effective.

The skills are ready-made, and the food is worthless. It does not require elixirs or spiritual stones to cultivate, so the cost is very small.

And the most important thing is that the golden elixir has a lifespan of 400 yuan. Within hundreds of years, it can cultivate countless batches of dead soldiers. The cost is small and the profit is large. It will always be useful.

At this time, these seven or eight dead soldiers were carrying demon-inducing incense on their bodies, and they were also smeared with special meat-scented medicinal mud on their bodies, just to attract demons.

It is deep in the forest and rarely visited.

Many teams of dead soldiers relied on the demon-inducing incense to lure out monsters, and then they were devoured.

The fate of dead soldiers is mostly death.

This team seems to be no exception.


Seven or eight dead warriors from the second and third levels of qi training gathered around the bonfire. One of them was probably frightened and started talking nonsense.

I heard that the ones in the T-shaped team were eaten by an insect demon... Actually, it was okay to be eaten by the insect demon. They were chewed cleanly by the mouthparts and there was no pain. But I heard that the ones in the C-shaped team were even more uncomfortable. .

They were caught by a tree demon. The tree demon likes to fertilize itself with living animals. It hangs on the tree vines and slowly dissolves them with tree sap without killing them. That would be extremely miserable.

Stop talking, stop talking! I'd rather be eaten by the Nascent Soul Demon than this... A man kicked the bonfire crazily.

And as if in response to his words, a demonic wind suddenly blew in the depths of the dark jungle.

Oh? Really? Would you rather be eaten by the big demon? The demon wind blew out the bonfire, revealing a pair of eyes deep in the dark jungle, which glowed with the light of blue fox fire.

In the dark night, it looks particularly scary.

Ah! Several monks rushed to escape when they saw this, and some even deliberately pushed down their companions while escaping.

Because the head of the family said that it is enough for one person in a team to die.

As long as the Nascent Soul Demon eats their flesh and blood, the medicine applied to them will take effect in a few days.

Although the big demons are powerful and ordinary poisons cannot harm them, this drug is not poison, but a drug that can arouse the bloodthirsty desire in the big demons' bodies - it is a drug that promotes digestion and appetite. Not only does it not hurt, it also has a negative impact on the body. benefit.

Therefore, the body of the big demon will not resist absorbing this drug.

It's just that after the drug enters the body, its appetite increases greatly. After stimulating the drug, it will frantically look for human monks to satisfy its appetite.

Since it is enough for one person to make the medicine introduction, then the companions can be used as backers.

Seven or eight people still tried to survive by selling their teammates, but on the second level of the Qi Refining Stage, there was no way they could escape when faced with the Nascent Soul Monster. After the fishy wind, the screams on the scene suddenly stopped, and everyone fell into the monster's belly.

And at the same time.

In the Feng family's residence, a large amount of green smoke suddenly appeared on top of an incense burner.

The disciple guarding the incense burner immediately reported it to the elders and family head of the clan, Report, the demon-inducing incense has responded, and the green smoke from the incense burner this time is like a pillar, it must be the Nascent Soul Demon!

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