I...Eh? Li Shou wanted to say something, but suddenly he remembered that he had been practicing in seclusion in the evil world for more than ten years, and he had taken countless demon pills.

Although the monsters in that world are far less powerful than the monsters in this hub world, they should theoretically belong to similar species.

In order to verify his suspicion, Li Shou asked: What do you think I look like?

The white fox's basketball-sized nose twitched a few times, It smells like humans and demons. It should be the child conceived by the human race and the demon race together. Ha, poor little bastard!

The half-human and half-demon could not get any favor from the white fox, so it charged at Li Shou again.

But this time it hit the iron plate. His claw attack was easily blocked by Li Shou, and then there was a struggle between the two sides.

During the wrestling process, Li Shou clearly had the upper hand. The victory in the strength attribute gave him the initiative. He directly picked up the white fox and slapped it on the ground hard.

Then half of the mountain stream collapsed due to this, and countless boulders rolled down the mountain stream.

In the midst of the mess, the fox used an escape technique to break free and flew up. With its big white tail curled, dozens of fox fires appeared in the air, and the fox fire shot toward Li Shou squeaking.

Li Shou couldn't avoid it, and a huge pit of magma immediately melted out of the ground where he was.

Even though it melted the rocky ground, the fox fire did not go out. After missing a hit, it flew up again, chasing Li Shou like a tracking missile.

And this was not over yet, the white fox's forehead emitted the light of the demon seal, opened its mouth wide, and spit out a mouthful of fox fire. The flames rose in the wind, and instantly filled the area hundreds of meters above the mountain, but Qian Qitong's body was not burned. week.

The spell control ability of this Nascent Soul-level monster has surpassed that of ordinary human monks.

And the power is even stronger than that of monks of the same level.

In the midst of the fox fire, Li Shou's skin and flesh were instantly scorched despite his strong defense. Fortunately, the ice attribute technique he used and the cold air flowing from his body temporarily stabilized the situation.

It's my turn! After stabilizing himself, Li Shou immediately used the Void Escape Technique to dodge behind the white fox. Then Li Shou directly hugged the white fox's body, and the cold air overflowed from his body and began to pollute the surrounding space.

The cold aura spread instantly, and then, the white fox was dragged into the evil place by him.

This...self-contained legal realm? You actually know such a powerful Taoist technique?

The white fox was shocked after being dragged into the evil place by Li Shou.

In addition, in terms of pure physical strength, it was not as good as Li Shou, and it did not dare to push him too hard. After receiving a few more punches from Li Shou, the white fox activated the demon energy in his body.

Demon Yuan is the Yuanying of the demon clan. Although it is not as flexible as the Yuanying of the human race, it also stores more powerful spiritual power. After being activated, the demonic energy from the white fox spurts out, and the body becomes real and illusory. , with just one effort, he broke free from Li Shou's restraints.

Having become stronger?

After activating the demon essence spiritual power, the white fox turned into a real phantom fox within Li Shou's domain. Li Shou could not even see its movements clearly due to the sudden increase in speed, and his body was continuously scratched.

However, due to Li Shou's strong defense, the wounds could only penetrate half a meter into his flesh. Unless he attacked his neck and head, it would be difficult to injure his vitals.

After all, if he just cuts part of the flesh, he can heal it in the blink of an eye.

However, the fox held back its hand and did not really slash at Li Shou's neck. The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and Li Shou shouted to stop, It's almost time, stop fighting. If you don't grab my neck, you won't be able to kill me for the rest of your life. Besides, I Seeing as your body's demonic power is getting weaker and weaker, this trick shouldn't last long, right?

Huh... When the white fox heard Li Shou's words, it jumped to a distance and blew out a puff of white air. The breath was like a heat wave. It blew out several puffs of white breath in succession before it could smoothen its breathing, and then asked curiously: What kind of demon is your father or mother? I have never seen such healing power.

It's a local monster from our side. I'm telling you, you haven't seen it before. This fight is over and everyone can't fight. Let's call it a day.

After a contest, Li Shou also tested the white fox's strength.

If I had to say it, I might be on par with him.

After all, the opponent didn't use all his strength, and he still had a trump card.

In fact, what Li Shou is most afraid of is the Nascent Soul self-destruction of monks in this world when they are desperate. At that time, the White Snake Golden Pill self-destructed, which blew him up badly. The Nascent Soul level was forced to a dead end, so he really had the capital to fight for his life.

You are qualified to take away old man Qian's property.

Thank you. The goal has been achieved. Li Shou took back the evil energy he had spread, turning the surrounding evil places into hills with a clear breeze and daylight.

After one person and one monster returned to the ground, the white fox jumped down the mountain stream and said, Follow me.

Let's go. After Li Shou said hello to Qian Qitong, he came to the mechanical box.

Thank you for having me. Vanilla directed the tool box and used the mechanical force to control a flying robot to take away the box and the demon control bag. If I hadn't used the mechanical force to mobilize the defense machinery, it would have been burned out again.

Thank you then. Li Shou patted the robot's head and then flew down.

Arriving under the mountain stream, Li Shou saw that four foxes had moved away the boulders, revealing a gap in the mountain.

Following it into the long and narrow cave, to the water vein hot spring, Li Shou saw a large pile of spiritual stones, as well as some magical flying swords and elixir jade slips.

These things gathered together are enough for a large number of family members to use.

If a leader appears in the family, taking this thing away can save a lot of steps and start a comeback directly.

The amount is wrong! Qian Qitong stepped forward to check. The amount recorded in the family secrets is much higher than this amount...

Why, you don't need to pay for the care. Is your work free of charge? I worked with Qian Laogou once and we had some friendship, but he has been dead for a hundred years, so it's good if I can leave half of it to you. Flying swords, elixirs , Jade Slips, I didn’t touch them. I took some of the spirit stones and magic weapons that the demon clan can use. Boy, I’ll give you the rest. We won’t owe each other anything in the future...

Okay. Qian Qitong was also very sensible. He picked up the storage bag on the ground and put things in it.

And Li Shou came to Bai Hu's side, What state are you in? Early Nascent Soul stage, middle stage, or late stage?


Oh, that's equivalent to the late Nascent Soul stage of human beings. Li Shou nodded, and finally calibrated his accurate strength positioning, One more thing, I have a favor and I wonder if you are willing to help. Of course, we It’s a fair deal.”

Not interested in……

Someone wants to kill demons, take Yuanying, and use demon Yuans to train their own outer infants. I am on the side of the demon clan.

Who is so bold?

The Feng family of Qingyifang has prepared many ways to deal with the demon clan. Recently they have been looking for the Yuanying demon in Jingxiu Forest. It is said that they have used a special demon-inducing incense and have made some progress. If you pretended to be lured in the past, We should cooperate inside and outside, so we can catch them off guard. As for what benefits you have, what do you want?

I want six hundred spiritual farmers. I want to open up spiritual fields here to plant precious elixirs from the mountains. My demon clan is not good at farming. If you are willing to find me six hundred spiritual farmers, I can consider this matter...

make a deal!

Li Shou agreed readily.

As long as the Feng family is killed, they will become the regional hegemon, and Qingyi Fang is within their grasp. If enough spiritual stones are produced and safety can be guaranteed, it will not be difficult to find some spiritual farmers.

If no one is willing to come, there is also vanilla. As long as he learns local planting-related knowledge, compared to planting technology and fully automated mechanical planting, no one can be its opponent.

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