After exploring the secret of the origin of the human body in this world, Li Shou got a satisfactory answer.

Then he was ready to make money.

Before Fangshi confiscated it and returned it, Li Shou's team had no stable source of income, and he couldn't always ask for it from his classmates.

Hunting is one way, but the income is unstable and the amount is not enough.

So Li Shou found Qian Qitong.

At that time, you said that there was still wealth hidden in the family. Can you withdraw it now?

This... Qian Qitong was a little embarrassed, I originally wanted to wait until the senior has cultivated to a certain level and completely turned against the Lihun Sect before giving it to you.

But it seems that I am too stingy.

Your worries are justified. If I hadn't cultivated to a certain level, hadn't provoked the Lihun Sect, and had obtained your family's wealth, you could have easily lost your wife and lost your troops. The most important thing is to find the last one. You have no use for your wealth, and your consideration is not unreasonable, so you decide.

I trust you.

Then I won't let you down.


But it doesn't matter.

There is a monster guarding the place where the family's wealth is buried. The monster is familiar with my family's god-forming ancestor and promised to help take care of it, so it may be in danger.

Isn't it okay for your descendants to go?

No, my ancestors told me before his death that the meaning of burying this wealth is to consider that if something unexpected happens to me one day, I hope that my descendants will also make a comeback. If you are not strong enough, not only will you not be able to make a comeback, but getting wealth will lead to disaster. ,so……

Hahaha, no wonder you agreed so readily. You also want to see how strong I am. How strong is the monster you are guarding?

It is said to be Nascent Soul level.

Then I also want to see what kind of strength this Nascent Soul level is! Let's go!

No time wasted.

After asking Vanilla to tell his classmates not to conflict with Bald Donkey in the near future, Li Shou took Vanilla and props and followed Qian Qitong out of Fangshi.

After leaving Qingyi Square, Li Shou grabbed Qian Qitong's Taoist robe and flew sleeplessly at a speed faster than the high-speed train.

The speed of the high-speed train was 300 per hour, and Li Shou's flight speed reached more than 400. After flying non-stop for a day and night, at noon the next day, they arrived at the edge of the Tailing Mountains.

After arriving here, Li Shou felt something was wrong.

Looking from a distance, there are birds much bigger than airplanes on the horizon, and the miasma in the mountains is so high that it is a paradise for monsters.

When he came here, Li Shou didn't dare to make any mistakes and hurriedly landed on the ground.

You said there are three major demon kingdoms here, as well as demon beasts above the god-transformation stage, right?

It's rumored, but I've never seen it before! Qian Qitong was also a little scared, But the three major demon kingdoms are all deep in the Tailing Mountains, and the demonic beasts outside are not that powerful.

Then you have to be careful. On the way, you said that the treasure is at the edge of the mountains in this direction. Come and lead the way. Stop flying! Flying into the sky is too eye-catching.

Yes, senior.

Under the leadership of Qian Qitong, Li Shou and him entered the mountains and forests.

The Tailing Mountains are really very big. Even though Qian Qitong remembered the map, the two of them still walked through the mountains for several days and encountered monsters several times, but they still couldn't find their destination.

Since this is the territory of monsters, and since monsters can establish monster kingdoms after reaching a certain level, they naturally also have intelligence.

Li Shou didn't dare to kill the low-level monsters he met here, he just chased them away.

Haven't you found it yet? It's been four and a half days!

I remember it was here, it should be right here...

Look for it quickly, I can't leave for too long.

I understand, senior.

Qian Qitong led the way around for dozens of kilometers, and then there was a sudden fault in the mountain.

Li Shou stepped forward and took a look. It turned out that a small mountain stream appeared in front of him. The mountain stream was not deep, but there was moisture rising from the clouds and mist below.

Feel it carefully, the moisture is still a little warm.

Is there a hot spring down there? Li Shou looked down the mountain stream. Due to the steaming mist, he couldn't tell much about it at first. When a gust of mountain wind blew, he saw that there was indeed a hot spring below, and the hot spring was quite large.

Under the hot spring, there are several large white foxes taking a bath.

There are four foxes in total, the small one is as big as a pickup truck, and the big one is as big as a heavy-duty truck.

When Li Shou saw the fox, the big fox also felt the prying eyes and immediately flew up from below.

As it flew, demonic winds blew up, and the surrounding clouds and mist were completely blown away.

Human monks, how dare you come here to act wild? When the fox flew over, three little foxes also flew up from the water. Using some strength from the cliffs on both sides of the mountain stream, they jumped in front of Li Shou and others, and faced Li Shou and others. Baring his teeth at them.

‘The big fox can talk, but the little fox can’t. Is it because the demon monks can only speak human words when they reach the Nascent Soul stage? Li Shou had doubts in his heart, but he was more polite. Since he met a big monster of this level here, at least half of them might be the target monster. The person next to me is a descendant of the old man of the Qian family. Who are you? …”

Descendants of the Qian family? The big fox flew up to Qian Qitong and sniffed with his huge nose. Hmph, the smell of sick rice is exactly the same as that old man. What are you doing here?

Now that the identity of the fox was confirmed, Li Shou no longer hid it, We are here to take away what the old man left behind.

Do you know the rules?

Nature knows.

Then don't talk nonsense. Dabai, Erbai and Sanbai, step aside. The Qian boy is only in the Qi refining stage, but the guy in front of you has surging Qi and blood, which is not easy to deal with. Stay away to avoid hurting you!

Zhizhi... the three little foxes shouted in response, picked up the money and jumped away.

Li Shou also placed the mechanical box and his demon control bag far away to prevent further damage.

Originally, the fox's attitude was quite polite, but after seeing the demon control bag, his eyes narrowed, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

Hmph! In this world, monsters like people always like to take possession of things that don't belong to them. Boy, if you dare to take out this thing in front of me, if you lose, don't blame me for eating your heart!

The demon fox reminded him and immediately took action.

It first pounced in the air, with extremely fast speed and great power - even worse than the previous white snake.

Before Li Shou could transform, his body could not withstand this level of attack. In one blow, his body was cut open by the opponent's sharp claws with three visible wounds, and all the bones in his body were struck by the opponent's impact. A dozen of them were broken.

People also flew out like rag bags.

But during the flight, Li Shou's wounds had healed, and his body began to grow rapidly. Not long after, a monster covered in scales and filled with cold air appeared on the spot.

It looked bigger than a white fox.

Are you not a human?

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