
Here we are, Master. Vanilla appeared, with half of the skin on her face already transplanted.

Of course, the robot in front of you cannot be said to be Vanilla. It can only be said to be a place where some of Vanilla's computing power is concentrated. In fact, most of Vanilla's computing power is not here.

Help me get some money. I've used up the meat Narcissus shared with me. Contact Juehuang and the others and ask if they have any extra money. Get some spiritual stones and pills to help you practice.

Already asking... As Vanilla spoke, it mobilized all the robots in the city to start contacting each other. After a moment, it responded: King Urine happened to have spiritual stones and elixirs there. He said they were placed in a secret stronghold. He said they had been recently. The monk is following them, so it’s not convenient to send them here.”

Understood, I'll go get it. Oh, by the way, how come the muscles under the skin on your face are beating? I couldn't remember it before. Li Shou suddenly asked before turning around and leaving.

Those things about the rules of life are very magical. Although I have only studied a little bit, I have benefited a lot. When I finish studying them, I will make you feel happy, Master.

Get lost.

Li Shou walked out of the courtyard while he was talking. Outside the courtyard, Huang Linsu, a group of female monks, and Qian Qitong, who gave Li Shou the exercises, were waiting here.

Benefactor. Qian Qitong and Li Shou were now considered to be a grasshopper on the same rope. After the interests were bound, his attitude became much more polite. When he saw Li Shou coming out, he hurriedly bowed his head and saluted.


Let's take a step to speak. After pulling Li Shou aside, Qian Qitong made a restraint, and then said: My benefactor, it is best to add some healing elixirs between practicing this technique.

Although my family's martial arts are powerful, the cold breath is not as harmful to the body as the ordinary Five Elements Kung Fu. After long-term practice, it is easy to damage the acupoints and the internal organs. You will know a thing or two when you look at me like this.

Then how did your family solve it?

A large number of elixirs are used to assist physical cultivation, but as you know, physical cultivation is more difficult and the cultivation speed is even slower... Therefore, our family's cultivation method is flawed.

Thank you for informing me, but this is not a problem for me. Li Shou patted Qian Qitong on the shoulder and left.

When he came back again, he had brought back the spirit stone and the Vitality Pill specially used for the Qi refining period.

Then continue to practice the exercises in retreat.

In this mission, hard power is all about, and whoever is stronger will have the last laugh. Li Shou also knows that he should carry the banner of the sharp knife of the team more than his classmates. He can rest assured that Narcissus will take care of his chores. Cultivation is the most important thing.

This is the spiritual looks like a highly concentrated crystal of spiritual energy.

Li Shou first used spiritual stones to practice.

Since there is no need to extract spiritual energy from the air, but high-concentration spiritual energy is absorbed directly from the spiritual stone to convert into spiritual power, the conversion efficiency is indeed improved a lot. On the basis of the original seven or eight times, it is twice as fast again.

Then he grabbed a handful of Guiyuan Pill and swallowed it. With the addition of both inside and outside, his speed doubled again.

Now Li Shou feels that his cultivation speed is already 30 times faster than when he first practiced other techniques.

Then he opened his eyes and asked Vanilla.

Is this fast?

Forget it. My robot has collected the training data of other monks in Fang City. Your speed is very fast. After all, you have evil cultivation roots and godhead, and your physique is also very strong. You are not afraid of the damage caused by erysipelas and exercises. .

What's more, you have practiced Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue.

If that's not fast, it's not reasonable either.

But probably because of the hub world, the average cultivation speed of people in this world is much faster than that of people in previous worlds.

The cultivation speed of ordinary monks here depends on their spiritual roots.

Spiritual roots are divided into five levels: lower, middle, upper, earth and heaven.

There are no people with earth spirit roots or heaven spirit roots in Fang City.

Without considering the bonuses of elixirs and spiritual stones, and practicing techniques that match your own spiritual roots, the cultivation speed of low-grade spiritual roots is about one-thirtieth of yours.

Yes, even this one-thirtieth is far beyond the average human value in all previous worlds.

The middle-grade spiritual root is about one-twentieth of your cultivation speed, and the high-grade spiritual root is one-eighth of your cultivation speed.

It can be deduced from this that the bonus of Xie Cultivation Root Bone and Godhead makes your ability to practice Cold Evil attribute skills at least equivalent to that of Earth Spirit Root.

I understand, this speed is quite good. Taking into account the bonuses of elixirs and spiritual stones, overall, I am about 120 times faster than a low-grade spiritual root monk.

More than that, there are many variables in this. You can practice without eating or drinking and concentrate for a long time. They need rest, and their physical and mental state are not as good as yours. Considering the variables, it should be about 175 times, but only if you have enough elixirs. Supply of medicine and spiritual stones.”

Yes, my practice is too expensive. Li Shou picked up a spiritual stone in his hand. After a while of practice, the spiritual stone had turned into powder.

It itself is a polymer of spiritual energy. Without the spiritual energy, naturally only some impurities remain.

Spiritual stones are consumed quickly, and elixirs are consumed even faster.

Others took pills one by one, but Li Shou took pills in bottles, and could even eat them in baskets.

Anyway, he has a strong constitution, so he is not afraid of not being able to absorb it, let alone being poisoned.

If you want to maintain the fastest cultivation method, it is a bottomless pit! Stop thinking about it and digest it first.

Li Shou didn't think too much and continued to retreat.

Just ten days later, all the spiritual stones and elixirs he brought were consumed by him.

His strength has also reached the third level of Qi Refining.

For a monk with low-grade spiritual roots and little money, such as Huang Linsu, it usually takes five years to reach the third level of Qi refining from scratch.

Of course, this time is calculated according to Earth time. There is a slight discrepancy here, but the difference is not big. Li Shou habitually calculated according to rough methods.

Five years is about 1,800 days.

Li Shou's own cultivation speed was 175 times that of theirs. It took him a little more than ten days to reach the five-year cultivation progress of a low-level casual cultivator.

After leaving the border, although Li Shou knew that Vanilla would notify him if anything happened, he still couldn't help but ask: How is the situation of the team?

Narcissus has been setting up a large formation for the past ten days, and the formation has been deployed in the outer square area.

The team had several conflicts with the Bald Donkey Team, but there were no large-scale casualties.

The monks seem to want to take advantage of the Yuanying monster to completely destroy our team. They seem to have the means to interfere with the monster's sanity.

Coincidentally, Narcissus seemed to think so too. The Narcissus who formed the formation in advance was even more powerful! At the same level, no one can defeat the Super Formation Master in a large formation.

Then when everyone has free time, they are either practicing or looking for female companions in restaurants.

Ma Nanzheng praised that the female monk was indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Emperor Jue likes those with water spirit roots, saying they like the flooding type, and King Urin likes those with thunder spirit roots, saying they are very numb...

Are people in the world of immortality really so different? Li Shou's curiosity was also aroused. He went out and called Huang Linsu in from the outer room.

Senior, what do you want from me?

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