Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 280 The reason why cultivating families often collapse

Well... Looking at the attitude of the man in front of him, Li Shou felt a little difficult to deal with, I am communicating with you seriously. If you are willing to sell, I will offer a good price.

But it's also possible that you don't need spirit stones. If you have any unfulfilled wishes, you can tell me. If you don't provoke masters above the transformation stage, I can help you solve it.

What are you talking about? The man continued to pretend not to understand.

When Li Shou saw his attitude, he felt a little angry for a moment, but he calmed down immediately.

For a moment just now, Li Shou wanted to snatch it.

After all, what Vanilla has confirmed is definitely not false, and even if it robs it, it will at most affect some balance benefits, with the final reward being smaller, or the balancing factor of the intermediate reward being smaller.

But no matter what, strength is the most important.

But this thought is fleeting.

He has experienced so much along the way, and has seen a lot of different worlds. Although human beings like to eat the strong and the weak by nature, it is always like this, which is a bit boring.

Oh, forget it, the skill is as good as this one. Li Shou took a deep breath and prepared to turn around and leave.

But just as he was about to leave, sick Yangzi, who had been lowering his head to wash the dishes, stopped him.

I see that you are not weak, and I know that I have what you need, why don't you take it?

I don't like it. Li Shou said truthfully.

No other reason?

No more, I do whatever I like. It would be too boring if I have to twist my heart just for this.

Is what you just said true?


You can solve everything below the transformation stage. Does that include the transformation stage?

This question is a bit tricky...

Li Shou actually didn't know either.

He estimates that his strength is around the Nascent Soul stage, and with the addition of his team, it should be no problem to reach the Transformation God stage.

But this is all an estimate. Specifically, he has never even seen a move in the Yuanying stage, and he doesn't understand how much more powerful the Avatar is than the Yuanying.

But the team is still growing and continuing to develop, which is really not a problem.

It should be no problem. Li Shou nodded.

Then this technique is for you. As the sickly man spoke, he opened his clothes and tore off a layer of fake skin on his belly. Behind the fake skin was a small storage ring. Inside the storage ring Pretending to be a jade slip.

After he took out the jade slip, he handed it to Li Shou, I didn't expect that people would know that I hid it so secretly. It seems that I can't keep it, so I might as well give it to you.

Li Shou took the jade slip and scanned it with his consciousness. It was indeed a technique with cold attributes, called Nine Yin Ice Vein Jue. It not only contained chapters on the Qi refining period, but also foundation building and golden elixirs. , Yuanying, and even all the techniques of transforming gods.

Moreover, it is a rare Xuan-level skill.

Oh, this is good. At least you don't have to worry about the skills for a long time. Li Shou was overjoyed to see that he was really surprised to be able to collect skills of this level in this city.

Can you tell me how you discovered it? This technique has been given a Taoist spell that deceives the secrets of heaven, and I have never mentioned it to anyone.

When you have nothing to do at night, do you occasionally take a peek at the things you have hidden when you make sure there is no one around?

……I see.

It's probably a similar reason. But don't be discouraged, most people who hide treasures will do this, it's not a big problem. Li Shou smiled, Let's talk, you are carrying a treasure, but you are hiding here to be a The handyman must have some secrets that he can't tell you. Let's talk about it and I'll definitely help if I can.

Okay, actually I am a member of the Qian family. The Qian family may not be famous now, but a hundred years ago...

From the man's description, Li Shou heard a common story in the world of immortality.

The story of a family in decline.

Families in the world of cultivating immortals are very stable, but also very unstable - because whether the family is strong or not depends mainly on the level of the person at the highest level.

If you are a Jindan family, but the Jindan ancestor falls, it will collapse instantly.

The same is true for higher-level ones - even more so for higher-level ones.

If the sect or family is big enough, you can get a bunch of golden elixirs, but it will be difficult for Yuanying, and it will be even more difficult for you to transform into a god.

The man's family was also a famous wealthy family in the country of Yue a hundred years ago. The family was in the state of transformation, and its status was not much different from that of the three major sects now.

But the ancestor of the family's god died while traveling a hundred years ago, and the family collapsed instantly.

One of the most important reasons why families in the world of cultivating immortals collapsed faster than in the secular world is that if you are a Yuanying family, the opponents you have provoked in the past are at the Yuanying level, and the wealth you have gathered will also be watched by people of the same level.

In the same way, the same is true for the golden elixir or the divine transformation stage.

The gods in the stage of transformation look down on Yuanying's things, and Yuanying also looks down on the rags of the Jindan family.

When the Ancestor of the Transformation God collapses, his former opponents and the wealth held by his family will attract a pack of wolves, and the collapse will happen in an instant.

Although most of the wealth was robbed, the family members thought that as long as the core skills were still there, there would still be a chance, so the skills were passed down. Unfortunately, the skills were targeted by people from the Lihun Sect, and the next If you master the soul-chasing technique and practice it to a certain level, your sect's 'soul-repelling bell' will be triggered, and our descendants don't have any geniuses with high spiritual roots, and their innate physiques are also weak, so we simply can't...

One question, why not run further afield?

The three ancient teleportation formations in the Yue Kingdom are controlled by the three major sects. As one of the three major sects, the Lihun Sect has the right to verify and cannot escape from the Yue Kingdom. If you want to leave in the physical body, you need to cross the 100,000-mile Taipei The monsters in the Lingshan Mountain Range are even more powerful than those in Jingxiu Forest, and there are even three major demon kingdoms inside. How can ordinary monks climb over...

I understand. You gave me this technique because you want me to help you deal with the Lihun Sect, right? He killed so many of your clansmen and forced you to a dead end.

Yes, as long as you practice, they will naturally come to your door...

Okay, you give me the skills, and I will help you avenge the situation. As for your personal safety, it is another matter. If you can come up with other good things, I will help you solve it.

I know the family treasure, and I can give you half of it!

Deal! Look, this is the benefit of a fair deal.

The harvest of this trip exceeded expectations. After Li Shou completed the transaction, he led Huang Linsu and took the man back.

After returning home, he couldn't wait to start trying the exercises.

In this experiment, he immediately felt the benefit of matching the attributes of the skills and the attributes of the body.

Evil and cold are Li Shou's core attributes. After trying it casually, he found that practicing this was seven or eight times faster than practicing other techniques.

But this is not the limit. According to Vanilla, taking drugs and spiritual stones is the limit of cultivation.

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