Yes. Li Shou agreed very much with Narcissus' statement.

In the third mission, he killed very powerful natives who were hostile to the rules, and only gained a few points, but every time he killed someone from Fang Ant, he gained a lot.

In camp confrontation, killing the opponent's people first is the most profitable way.

And timing is also important.

Li Shoulai had been a predator before, and he clearly knew that most of the people in the four or five games were not as powerful as him - or that the more powerful ones were not in the four-party camp.

But no matter what, it is definitely a good strategy to clear out all the weak teams in the early stage.

Otherwise, they may be cleared by other teams, or even by indigenous creatures - just like White Snake defeating the Bai Wuchang team, without any effort at all, the Bai Wuchang team will definitely die without escape props.

What's the plan?

Two directions, the first direction, rely on Juehuang's divination ability to lock the general direction. Narcissus and Juehuang have gone on missions together in The World of Chivalrous Women, so the two sides are familiar with each other, Then more Utilizing the power of the natives, the middle and high-level natives of this world of cultivating immortals are definitely very strong, and they may have more spells than us. Let’s go out of the forest first and find the place where the cultivators live!”

After everyone decided on the quick hunting plan, they quickened their pace and left.

To be able to get here, everyone's strength is very good, not to mention those in Li Shou's team. With various physical enhancements, evil spirit training, and special abilities, the overall combat power is very good.

The people in Narcissus' team are actually very strong. At least they won't be left behind on their way.

On the way, Narcissus even activated the Speed ​​Travel Formation to speed up everyone.

Thousands of miles a day is no longer a problem...

After more than a day, everyone arrived at the edge of the jungle.

The first thing to react was the guiding spirit.

It said that there are crowds of people gathering hundreds of miles ahead...

Well, I heard the sound of fighting.

Li Shou's team has enhanced his epic hearing, and listens attentively.

It's the sound of human weapons fighting. Do you want to go take a look?

Go! Just get to know the fighting capabilities of humans in this world.

While Li Shou and others were talking, they followed the sound and quickly arrived at the edge of the jungle.

The trees in the forest are starting to get smaller.

Well, it went from hundreds of meters high to only a hundred meters high.

This also means we are almost out of the jungle.

This forest is so big, stretching for thousands of miles... It's unimaginable on earth.

I have seen the people fighting. Liu Teng, who had strengthened his vision, said, and then led everyone to the battlefield.

Before approaching the battlefield, Li Shou saw some people wearing strange Taoist robes flying in the sky from a distance. While flying, they used flying swords and various magic weapons to attack a flower demon.

Li Shou got closer and saw that the flower demon was only five or six meters tall. Whether it was physical destructive power or magic, it was not as powerful as the previous white snake.

Junior sister, use your wind control skills to lock the body of the flower demon. Don't inhale the pollen, otherwise you will have hallucinations...

Brother, you know!

There were constant sounds of fighting in the distance, and Li Shou and others carefully distinguished the strength of everyone.

It doesn't seem to be very strong.

Not as good as that white snake.

No, no, no, look at their age and their clumsy combat experience. They are definitely not experts in this world.

I'll find out later if I ask.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the seven or eight monks cooperated with each other and finally killed the flower demon with all their injuries.

Seeing this, Li Shouzheng wanted to step forward and ask for directions, but before he could leave, several other people with strange magic weapons appeared first from not far from the battlefield.

Those people carried refractive magic weapons, their figures looked blurry, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

After they appeared, they flew directly to the flower demon's body.

Give us the things and spare your life!

Robbery cultivator? After seeing the shadow man, several monks' eyes showed solemnity, Only robbing property without harming people's lives, this is not your style! It seems that you are not strong enough?

An older man among the monks took two steps forward and said: We killed the flower demon. If you robbery cultivators want to rob, you have to ask for the Qingfeng sword in my hand...

Hahaha! We just went through a big battle, why are we still fighting now? You guys, the highest level of cultivation is only the seventh level of Qi training, just some casual cultivators. If you die and no one will collect your body, why bother with this thing? Fight desperately...who?

When Jie Xiu was still talking nonsense, he wanted to frighten the opponent and defeat him without a fight.

When he turned around, he saw a figure flying towards him. Before he could see the figure clearly, he was punched in the head.

Li Shou had previously used the dumpling technique to cover up his aura, making it difficult for these people to detect him unless he was close by.

As soon as I took action at this time, I felt the same as I had judged - these people were not strong.

After Li Shou showed his absolute fighting prowess, several other tribulation cultivators saw that something was wrong and wanted to escape with their swords, but before they could take off, they were frozen to the spot.

So strong.

It wasn't until all the tribulation cultivators were dead that seven or eight casual cultivators came to their senses and clasped their fists at Li Shou: Thank you, senior, for the rescue.

They clasped their fists and observed Li Shou.

Those who come from the depths of the Jingxiu Forest will never dare to go deep into the jungle without building a foundation.

But this master of foundation building has no master's demeanor at all. He carries a broken box on his back and a broken bag hanging on his waist. He has no other magic weapons and no flying swords. Forget it, he doesn't even wear clothes. He only wears a pair of big pants. .

I'm not here to save you, I'm here to ask for directions. Now I save you first, and you answer my questions. It's fair, right?

Yes, senior. Everyone was very cautious. After all, those who save people in this world are not necessarily good people.

First question, I heard something about the seventh level of Qi training. Come on, tell me about the division of realms.

What realm?

Is the Qi Refining Stage the lowest level of monks?

Yes... The old monk who answered the question blushed.

What's above that?

Foundation Building Period...

How much better are you in the foundation building stage?

You can suppress the Qi refining period with a snap of your fingers.


What quantity...

You look stupid. Let's talk about someone else. Yes, that female monk. You look smarter. You answer. Li Shou impatiently pointed at a female monk in yellow.

Returning to seniors, there are approximately hundreds of foundation-building monks in Qingyi Square. It is difficult to calculate the specific number of people coming and going.

What about above?

There are eighteen great powers of the golden elixir.

What about above?

Nascent Soul monks are only found in the Yulin Sect... There are no permanent Yuanying ancestors in Qingyi Square.

What about above?

A little girl is a casual cultivator, and the ancestors above her have only heard of it in rumors.

That's alright. The few people in front of him were obviously low-level immortal cultivators. In addition, Fungus had said that the world was huge. It was impossible to get high-level information from them.

I need a guide, just follow me! I'll give you a fortune! Li Shou said, Yu Feng grabbed the female monk in yellow and returned to the team.

Take us to Qingyifang City!

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