Li Shou was very surprised at the destructive power of this attack.

But the swing of the snake's head beneath him let him know that the battle was not over yet.

After the body was split into two, the demon pill flew out of the white snake's broken body. The demon pill first hit Li Shou's body, and the huge impact directly knocked Li Shou away.

Then the white snake swallowed the demon pill and tried to escape, but was caught up by Narcissus' magic weapon and hit its head again with a black beam of light.

This time it was not penetrated directly.

The white snake's head glowed with demonic light, and it could withstand the impact of the black light at first, but after a while, it finally couldn't hold on and was completely penetrated through its head.

After the snake died, the inner elixir flew out again and fled into the distance.

Oh, you're not going to die? Li Shou had already flown back after the confrontation. At this time, he saw Neidan running away and hurriedly chased after him.

Although Li Shou's flying speed is not top-notch, but combined with the explosive power of his body, he has an advantage in short-distance pursuits.

Between chasing and escaping, he used some strength on the ground and the giant tree to catch the inner elixir seven or eight kilometers away.

Taking the inner elixir the size of a washbasin, Li Shou's palms felt extremely cold, trying to freeze the inner elixir in place.

The inner alchemy contained White Snake's consciousness. Seeing that it couldn't run away, it directly detonated the inner alchemy on the spot.

The thing first cracked open a gap, and then the light suddenly appeared. Li Shou had no time to escape. He only had time to bite his tongue and spurt out a piece of flesh, and the inner elixir completely exploded.

The energy instantly swallowed up everything within several kilometers...

This is no ordinary explosion, it is an explosion with extremely concentrated energy.

It is not like an ordinary bomb explosion. No matter how big the bomb is, the fire will be more intense, the range will be wider, and the shock wave will be larger after the explosion.

This is an energy annihilation type explosion, with a trace of the power of rules in it.

Li Shou was annihilated at close range. Even though his body was extremely strong and even though the evil spirit had merged with his body, he was still blown to pieces.

The physical body was shattered into dregs the size of a fingertip, and the evil spirit also died once.

This is the core range of the explosion.

The periphery has also been hit hard.

However, because the energy detonated by the demon pill was too concentrated, the impact on the people on the periphery was much smaller than that at the core of the explosion.

The shock wave was blocked by Li Shuixian's mask, and everyone was unscathed.

Brother Li...ah, I'm still in your body. Can we not take such risks next time? Next time you take such risks, I will withdraw before the battle. Although I am an energy body, I am generally immortal, but the fluctuations If it gets any more intense, I probably won’t be able to hold on. Also, even if you don’t think about me, you have to think about the equipment on your body.”

Vanilla's complaining voice came from Li Shou's largest piece of flesh, and Li Shou was gathering evil spirits and was gathering his body.

Before coming in, Li Shou didn't bring much with him.

In addition to gadgets such as the Appraisal Ring and Light Energy Pants, Li Shou only brought two props: the Mechanical Box and the Monster Control Bag.

Because he knew that his fighting style was too desperate, and the use of protective props was a waste.

At this time, his mechanical box had been blown to pieces, but for this kind of space-type thing, after the surface is rotten, the internal space structure can be repaired without being broken.

The same goes for the Monster Control Bag. At this time, the bag has been broken open and the turtle demon crawled out.

When he crawled out, he was still a small turtle, but after exiting the hole in the bag, without the suppression of the rules of space, he became a giant turtle.

After the turtle demon came to this world, it first breathed in the surrounding air twice. After feeling the huge amount of spiritual energy, it seemed very excited and crawled around in place, seemingly very comfortable.

I brought a lot of mushroom liquid... When Li Shou gathered the minced meat, Li Shuixian and others also came to him.

While Narcissus was speaking, he took out a small prop bottle and poured it on Li Shou's squirming and healing flesh, accelerating the rebirth of his body.

Brother Li, this world looks very dangerous. A team with the strength of four or five games can't even get out of this jungle. Ma Nanzheng also came over and looked around warily, This monster can do whatever it takes. You can meet them easily. In this jungle, they are probably just average. We have to get out of this forest quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to encounter a really powerful guy.

Agreed. Li Shuixian obviously also thought it was unsafe, Sister Yaoyao...


At Li Shuixian's call, a woman in the team came out to recite a spell, and soon a guiding spirit appeared.

Before leaving, we need to deal with this monster meat first. We have to stay here for a long time, so we must have money. As long as there is civilization in any world, there will be equivalent exchanges, either money or lifespan. , or spiritual stones and elixirs... Without money, it is difficult to move forward.

Our props cannot be sold casually, but the monster's tough scales and flesh may have special uses, so we must collect them as our team's property.

Narcissus was talking here, as if to prove that the flesh and blood of the monster beast was useful. After the turtle monster was excited for a while, he ran to the monster beast's stump in search of the smell of blood and began to eat its internal organs and flesh.

Act quickly, the explosion and the smell of blood may attract more monsters!

Li Shuixian urged while taking out a storage bag like a Qiankun bag.

But even if the storage bag could be made larger or smaller, the mouth of the bag could only open to a maximum of more than one meter. Upon seeing this, everyone hurriedly cut the flesh and blood of the white snake.

Li Shou was strong, so he peeled off the scales and snake skin, while the others divided the flesh and blood and internal organs. After a while, they all finished cutting it and put it into storage bags.

During this period, Narcissus asked a special ability user in the team to temporarily repair the damaged demon control bag and mechanical box with other materials.

Then everyone headed in one direction under the leadership of the guiding elves.

Dumplings, cover up your figure...


Dumpling is the woman who went to the World of Heroic Women with Li Shou.

She has a special ability, that is, she has a strong ability to confuse people. Under the influence of her magic, as long as they don't leave her too far, it will be difficult for the opponent to perceive or divide their existence.

Compared with the support of Li Shou's team, the support of Narcissus' team has more life-oriented auxiliary skills, which just complements Li Shou's team.

Are you doing this to cover up your aura and prevent you from encountering monsters again? King Urine approached the dumpling and asked.

That's right. Not only that, it can also cover up other teams' divination on us.

Yes. Other teams are very important. There are a thousand teams here. No matter how big the world is, there will be other teams scattered in the area. King Urine said this and suddenly thought of the third mission, Team fighting is very cruel. of.

According to your plan, how are we going to complete the mission? Li Shou turned to Li Shuixian and asked.

According to past experience, killing people from other teams has the highest profit. But we should develop and hunt at the same time. In the early stage, the teams are a mixed bag, with strong teams and weak teams. This is the best period to gain points. In the middle and late stages, , when there are all strong teams, it’s hard to score points.

Therefore, in the early stage, we must kill all the weak teams in the region and strive to become the regional hegemon.

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