There are so many people... The female monk in yellow saw a group of people hiding next to her and was a little confused. Fortunately, she was very smart and nodded in agreement, Okay, seniors, follow me.

After saying that, the woman in yellow flew up.

Li Shou and others naturally followed.

On the way, Li Shuixian accelerated to where the woman in yellow was walking, What's your name?

Huang Linsu.

If we people want to hide in the city, will it be difficult?

It's not difficult. Qingyi Square is originally a market near Jingxiu Forest. It mainly trades medicinal materials and monster materials in the forest. There are many monks coming and going, and the management is very loose.

Then what should we do if we want many monks to obey our orders or get more information?

This... Hearing this, Huang Linsu became a little scared. He glanced at the group of monks again. He couldn't tell the level of the monks. They didn't use magic weapons to fly, but almost half of them were filled with evil spirits when flying.

That kind of evil spirit is like a ghost cultivator, which makes people shudder.

Don't worry, if you help us, we won't harm you. Not only will we protect you, but we will also give you corresponding rewards. Li Shou interrupted at this time, The more you help, the greater the reward. This is fair. principle.

Yeah. Huang Linsu gritted his teeth. After thinking about it, he was ready to stop doing it.

Don't miss this opportunity.

In this world, for casual cultivators, every step forward is met with numerous difficulties and dangers.

Casual cultivators do not have a complete inheritance of skills, and they practice the lowest level entry skills, most of which are incomplete versions.

There are no cultivation elixirs, magical artifacts, or protective talismans.

Not to mention the difficulty of entering the country, life is in danger from time to time. You may die when you go out to hunt monsters. You may be tricked by teammates and robbed by robbers when traveling together. Even walking on the street, you have to lower your eyebrows and look down. Maybe one day... She accidentally looked into the eyes of a senior who made a mistake while practicing, and was killed on the spot out of displeasure. Let alone anyone helping her to avenge her, she would die on the street and her flying sword robe would only be taken away by passers-by. , the body might even be taken away and sacrificed to make a bronze corpse.

Casual cultivators have no backing and are extremely poor.

This low-grade flying sword of Qi training level was obtained by Huang Linsu after selling himself in Fangshi for more than seven years.

Forget it, most qi-training monks only have a lifespan of a hundred years. If you don't work hard, how can you see the road to immortality.

Thinking of this, Huang Linsu said directly: Seniors, there is something I don't know whether to say or not.

Just say it directly, don't waste time saying polite words, it will be better for everyone. Li Shuixian responded.

Okay. Seniors, if you want to get information and develop manpower, the most important thing is to look at strength. I don't know the strength of seniors, so I didn't dare to say what I was thinking before.

If each of the seniors has the strength in the foundation building stage, then it will not be a problem to develop a small aristocratic family gang in Qingyi Square. If there are relevant cultivation techniques, many casual cultivators will naturally come to join us and be willing to work hard to help you search for information in exchange for a place to live and a cultivation technique.

If any of the seniors have the strength of the Golden Core stage, they can even become a guest elder in several major families in Qingyifang, and they will also gain a lot of power and connections.

What if it's more powerful? Li Shou thought of the time when he and Fu Kai went on an invasion mission. The guy's trump card was the Five Thunder Talisman.

The power of the Five Thunder Talisman when thrown is said to be the power of a full blow at the Nascent Soul stage.

At that time, Li Shou thought that the Five Thunder Talisman was as invincible as a nuclear bomb. But now, not to mention that the Five Thunder Talisman is only as powerful as a small nuclear bomb. Even space-based weapons that are more powerful than nuclear bombs can be faced by Li Shou - —Although I couldn’t resist it, the power level was much greater than that of a nuclear bomb.

Although there may be a tenfold difference in strength between the early Nascent Soul stage and the late Nascent Soul stage.

Although, the power may be ten times different with or without the magic weapon.

But as long as Fu Kai didn't brag back then, even if the Five Thunder Talisman was only as powerful as a bare-handed attack in the Yuanying Stage, Li Shou felt that he could at least challenge those in the Yuanying Stage. Who would win and who would lose would have to be fought to know.

And with so many people in their team, they should be at least Nascent Soul-level forces.

More powerful? Huang Linsu couldn't imagine it.


Then it's not a bad idea for the seniors to occupy Qingyi Square...

While everyone was talking, they had already reached the sky above Fangshi.

It was a city in the mountains, and there were many monks coming and going from high in the sky.

There is a large formation guarding the surrounding area to prevent monsters from invading.

Viewed from above, judging from the number and size of houses, there are at least one million residents in the city.

This world...well, the world...are all monks?

Huh? Huang Linsu was stunned for a moment and did not dare to ask more questions, Mortals know the existence of monks, and everyone wants to become immortals, but there are not a few who can't even get started. Those who have no way to practice are naturally mortals.

Okay. Take us to change clothes first.

Under the spell of Dumpling to cover up their aura, everyone flew into the city and landed on a dilapidated street on the edge of the city.

This place looks like a slum village in Kangcheng. The small houses are next to each other. The streets are narrow and smelly. It doesn't look like a place where practitioners live.

The only difference from the Slums is that the houses here are blessed by spells and can be built very high.

But because of this, the more people live there, the worse the smell becomes.

It's different from the world of immortality that I imagined. At the end of the team, King Urin came to Zhang Qiangbo's side and whispered.

There is nothing different. The world of immortality is the same as the mortal world. As long as you are a human being, you must have a bottom layer. You see, this place is not only dirty and shabby, but it is also built on the side of Fang City facing the jungle. In addition, there are monsters in the jungle. So awesome.

No need to think too much, these outer monks are a barrier when monsters invade, similar to cannon fodder. This world is more cruel than we think.

That makes sense.

After a few people left, Huang Linsu went directly into the house to prepare clothes.

Li Shou and others were outside the door, watching the monks coming and going.

Although these monks are at the bottom, they are all very clever and can even be said to be chicken thieves.

Originally, when Huang Linsu brought so many people back, there were monks at the door who wanted to make fun of her, but when they couldn't sense the strength of the crowd, they immediately shut up and didn't even dare to look at them.

These are the only shabby robes left, seniors...

It doesn't matter, it's better than wearing big pants. Li Shou casually put on a Taoist robe, and then under Li Shuixian's arrangement, everyone divided into several groups and began to explore the surrounding area.

Juehuang led a team of people to use divination to find nearby travelers.

Li Shuixian asked for the direction of the trading place and prepared to go there. The first is to exchange the skin and flesh of monster beasts for money, and the second is to buy some information. After all, Huang Linsu is too low-level, and she does not know the richer information.

Li Shou asked Huang Linsu to lead the way, and planned to go to a nearby big family to see what the level of the Golden Core Stage was, and to determine the level of human strength in this world as soon as possible.

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