At the same time as the white snake swam towards everyone, everyone also received the mission information.

[This is the fifth mission. This world is one of the three thousand hub worlds, and the scope of the world is huge. 】

[The content of this mission is to promote the way of balance in the hub world and increase the power of the way of balance. 】

[The rewards for this mission are extremely generous. 】

[The world is huge this time. 】

[Return requires collecting 1,000,000 balance factors. 】

It's rare to hear Fungus say a few words. It seems that he also attaches great importance to this mission. The sound of discussion came from behind the team.

After all, the source of the power of mushrooms lies in the influence of the Way of Balance in various worlds, and the influence of the hub world is particularly critical.

One million balancing factors, this will be a long task.

Stop talking about this, the snake is coming.

While everyone was talking, White Snake had arrived not far in front of everyone.

It seemed to have a little wisdom. It saw that this group of people did not attack directly, but watched from a distance, as if judging the strength of its opponents and itself.

The first opponent in the fifth game, let's try the strength of the animals in this world first. This should be considered a monster, right? As Li Shou spoke, he flew forward.

Facing an unknown opponent, the rough-skinned one will definitely go first.

Li Shou took the initiative to attack, and the white snake did not dodge. It opened its mouth wide, and suddenly the evil wind was everywhere.

This smelly evil wind had a powerful corrosive effect. As soon as Li Shou was blown by the wind, his skin felt hot and red, and the next second it was likely to fester.


Li Shou was very shocked.

Only he himself knows how strong his physical fitness is now.

After improving in succession, his physical defense now far exceeds that of an ordinary time traveler between four and five games.

If this evil wind touches a time traveler of the Bai Wuchang level, it will probably melt them into blood, water, and pus within a second.

Not only Li Shou noticed this danger, Narcissus also noticed it immediately. She quickly squatted down and a formation stone flew into the ground. Then a light rhyme appeared on the ground to block the evil wind. The light rhyme then spread. Everyone else in the team was protected within the mask of light.

On the other side, Li Shou endured the pain and flew in front of the white snake, and hit the white snake's jaw with a full blow under normal conditions.

In the life of bang, the ice crystals shattered, the cold air overflowed, and the huge power created air waves.

But it failed to shake White Snake in the slightest.

Awesome, the level of monsters in this world is much higher than the level of monsters in that evil world. As Li Shou spoke, he began to release the power of flesh and blood.

I don't use my full strength as soon as I take action like before. The main reason is that I have just come to this world and need to fully understand the combat power level of this world.

After gradually releasing his body power, Li Shou became bigger and bigger, and unlike before, after practicing the Nine-clawed Unicorn, his body began to become stronger, with sharp claws growing on his hands and tough scales growing on his body.

Li Shou now has a stronger physical body, but after the transformation, he struck with his claws and only left a faint scar on the opponent's scales. On the contrary, because the transformation took too long, the opponent charged up a powerful blow, which was huge. The snake's tail swept his body, and with the help of the huge force, Li Shou flew hundreds of meters away and crashed directly into the roots of a tree mountain before getting stuck.

Oh, this tree is so hard. The root of the tree that stuck Li Shou felt much tougher than iron. It did not break under such a huge impact, but instead damaged Li Shou's spine. The scales ooze blood.

Brother Li, are you okay? Concerned inquiries from teammates came from the distance.

It's okay, it's okay. Li Shou stood up and got out of the tree root, and his wounds healed. This white snake is really powerful. I can't defeat it without using all my strength. I don't know what level this monster is in this world. You guys first Don’t take action, stay away and watch, I’m afraid it will have its back!”

Li Shou flew up again while he was speaking.

This time he released all the power of evil spirits and merged his strength and body into one, and his strength skyrocketed again.

This time, his body reached a height of more than ten meters, and he flew forward and punched White Snake in the head.

The attack that had not been effective for a long time finally had a good effect this time. The scales on its head were shattered by this punch, and half of its body curled up unnaturally.

However, this punch also aroused the ferocity of the white snake. It opened its big mouth, turned over and bit Li Shou's abdomen. Its several-meter-long fangs directly penetrated Li Shou's chest and abdomen, and injected a large amount of venom into his body.

The next moment, Li Shou's body began to swell, and his back and face quickly swelled with huge pustules. At the same time, evil spirits began to contaminate and damage him.

This toxicity is almost comparable to that of Wang Zheng and Zhang Qiangbo. Li Shou was only halfway through speaking when his tongue and larynx began to swell, and the airway in his throat was subsequently closed by edema, causing him to lose his voice.

But when the white snake bit him, Li Shou opened his hands and wrapped his arms around its head. Ice-cold aura surged out of his body, completely freezing its head.

After fighting until now, Li Shou also had an intuitive judgment on the strength of this monster.

The defense is very strong, the physical strength is very strong, the spells are very lethal, and the toxicity is very strong...

If he fights freely, Li Shou feels that he can definitely win with his recovery ability, but it will take a long time.

When he first came to this world, he didn't waste his energy on a passing monster. He fought for so long just to determine his strength.

Now that the data was collected, he glanced at Li Shuixian.

Sure enough, the latter had already understood, and while Li Shou locked the snake's head, a strange magic weapon shot out from his body.

The magic weapon flew onto the white snake's body, and then began to collect some strange energy around it.

Li Shou studied the formation with Narcissus for a while. Although he didn't master it, he understood the principles.

The so-called formation method is a means of inducing millions of forces with one force, whether it is relying on the Lingbao Formation Stone, the terrain, or the existing energy in the surroundings.

In short, it is to take advantage of the situation to absorb the power of rotating heaven and earth, and then form an array to launch attacks through a special energy arrangement.

Li Shou saw that this magic weapon was full of formation patterns carved on it. It was a small formation, and the core of the formation was actually a terminal fragment.

The magic weapon came to the snake body and began to gather strength. A black hole-like thing was generated there, and a pure aura of destruction was also formed.

The snake demon felt threatened and struggled desperately, but Li Shou relied on his strength and the power of ice to lock his opponent to death.

After a moment, a black light formed above, and the black light beam poured into the snake's body.

After the 呲呲呲 light flashed, the huge snake body was cut in half.

This lethality! Only Li Shou knew how strong the white snake's defense was. Is this terminal fragment so powerful?

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