Li Shou didn't ask any more questions.

Regarding Li Shuixian, Li Shou didn't want to think too much. As long as the two parties truly cooperated sincerely, other things were not within his scope of consideration.

With this final preparation time, Li Shou first learned about the composition of the Narcissus team.

In addition to having very powerful functionality, the people in Narcissus' team are also part of her super formation.

Everyone is essentially a formation stone, and their existence allows Li Shuixian to exert strong combat power in the team.

After getting familiar with the team, Li Shou went to Xu Qiushi again to confirm that there were no prehistoric items, then gathered his assets and money, and then returned to the world of Kyushu and came to the Yan family.

You haven't left yet? Yan Ling'er saw Li Shou coming back, her eyes full of smiles, and she came over to gently caress his shoulder, as if this shoulder was her eternal support.

Come to say goodbye.

It's not like we said goodbye a few days ago.

Haha, I didn't make it, I came back again.

It would be great to be back, it would be great not to leave. Yan Linger smiled, with crow's feet already appearing in the corners of her eyes.

I may have to go for a long, long time this time...

You said it a few days ago.

So, if the effect of the life extension pill is not enough, you can find vanilla and it will transform your body so that you can live for a long time, and your family can also transform it. As long as you change the rules of your body, you can live for hundreds of years. question……

You also explained this matter a few days ago. Now that you are back, don't talk about these things. Eat first, and I will make soup for you.


Entering the Yan family, the Yan family is now the number one family in the southwest.

It occupies a large area, and servants and robots are busy inside. It is really like flowers cooking oil, but Li Shou still sees a little loneliness in Yan Ling'er's eyes.

The two said they had been together for a long time, but they spent less time together and more time apart. The once lively and cheerful senior sister had also become a beauty in her old age.

Things like time become weird around travelers.

During this month, Li Shou spent most of his time in Jiuzhou with Yan Linger, occasionally chatting with his master Yuan Yifa.

The master's body has been completely transformed and his appearance has changed now, but the old man is still happy.

It's just that my body is inconvenient to go to Xiaozilou. It's a bit too strong!

This is Yuan Yifa's biggest regret.

In this month, besides spending time with relatives and friends, Li Shou also did two things in his free time.

The first thing was to check the current combat effectiveness of Vanilla, and the second thing was to buy another mechanical box and a Monster Control Bag.

Originally, Li Shou didn't want to take the turtle demon to the fifth game, but after thinking about it, it was of no use leaving it in the Kyushu world, so he might as well take it to the fifth game to try his luck.

The fifth game is most likely to be in the world of cultivating immortals. There may be many talented people who cannot eat the treasures, but the monsters can swallow them, which counts as many thoughts.

But the only fly in the ointment is that this demon beast has been raised by vanilla most of the time. It is now much closer to vanilla than to Li Shou - if it were not a reward prop for mushrooms, Li Shou doubted that this free-range turtle demon would not listen. His instructions.

Last days.

Well, buy, sell, sell. I still have 15 years to go home and 525 years of life left. If the world does not fall, my life will continue to increase, which is enough for the fifth game. What about you?

I have passed the throne to the Eighth Prince. Ma Nanzheng changed back to his original appearance. He is the most mature-looking among all the people. After all, he is the one who has the most contact with worldly things. Obviously, the Eighth Prince manages , In fact, the dominance is still in the hands of Vanilla, so there can be no trouble.

I'm also ready.

The mushroom count has been announced. The number of teams has reached 997. Let's get ready to go!


Two days later, in front of the mushroom area.

A team of thirty people stood in front of the mushroom sea, waiting for the last team to gather.

Hey, there's a group of newcomers over there. While everyone was waiting, several trucks drove up not far away, and the terrified boys and girls were driven out of the vehicles by the instructor, Captain Iwaizumi, and others.

Iwaizumi also saw everyone from a distance and waved hello.

Li Shou and others waved in response, and then saw Iwaizumi shoot a boy in the head who was trying to escape.

Still so cruel.

What a rough management approach.

She's so powerful and she still uses a gun?

For normal people on earth, using a gun is the most effective means of intimidation. Is it possible that, without saying a word, you can first show off your superhuman strength and fly up to the sky to smash a big stone in the chest? Isn't that a dominatrix? That’s what I’ll do.”


Everyone complained about Yan Quan from dozens of meters apart.

But unexpectedly, the other party walked over directly.

Can you please lower your voice when you say bad things about me? Do you think I'm deaf? After Iwaizumi came over, he first scolded several people in the Peking King, then looked at Li Shuixian, and finally showed a smile, Are you going to the fifth game?

That's right, instructor.

It's not easy. When did the closure of Mushroom City begin? Thirty people can enter the fifth game at once. Iwaizumi shook his head and sighed, Since the city was founded, no team of this size has entered the fifth game. I have always been optimistic about you. But I really didn’t expect that you, and that kid, would be able to do what you are today. I hope you come back alive.

Thank you, instructor. Li Shou nodded and looked not far away.

At this time, the door to the first mission over there has been opened.

Due to the shock Iwaizumi had just given, no one dared to escape this time. One by one, the boys and girls nervously and confused entered the bizarre door.

As soon as they entered, Li Shou suddenly received a message.

[One thousand teams have been assembled. Get ready to enter. The gate opening time is limited. Failure to enter within the limited time will be deemed as mission failure. 】

When Li Shou received the message, everyone was stunned and received the message at the same time.

After that, the mushroom sea began to squirm, and a huge door emerged from the mushroom sea.

Leave the instructor!

Let's go, don't forget that you still owe me a favor. When you become an adventurer, don't shy away from asking you if I have something to do.

Don't forget, I am a very fair person.

Li Shou smiled, took off into the air and flew towards the door.

The classmates and the new members of the team also jumped up and entered the door.

Plunging into the door of time and space, Li Shou was very familiar with the feeling of traveling through space, but this time when traveling through space, there was a noise in Li Shou's mind.

[Three Thousand Hub World. 】

[World No. 2247. 】

[The Seventh Immortal Realm. 】

【Qianyuan Land...】

Huh? Before his voice fell, Li Shou had already fallen to the ground.

After regaining his sight, the first thing he saw when he raised his eyes was a big tree in the sky.

The tree was hundreds of meters high, with dense branches and leaves, standing there like a mountain.

You know, many famous mountains on the earth, such as Songshan Mountain among the Five Mountains, are only more than 1,000 meters above sea level.

And this tree is really like a mountain.

But looking around, this tree was not a sacred tree, it was just an ordinary member of the forest. Li Shou looked around, and there were all such giant trees.

And just when he was checking the environment, his teammates also appeared next to him.

What a big tree, what a big jungle!

What a rich spiritual energy.

While everyone was still sighing, Wang Yifei suddenly issued a danger warning, and then Li Shou saw a huge white snake that seemed to smell everyone's scent.

Swimming from above a giant tree.

That size is dozens of meters long.

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