
Not only the people on the other side of the city wall sighed, but even Li Shou himself lamented how powerful he was.

Countless divine power bonuses, more than a hundred commanding skills, and dozens of ice-attribute skills bonuses. After adding enlightenment, the inner energy, power of rules and evil spirits can be combined. The cold energy of strength and godhead gathered together and were so powerful that Li Shou defeated his opponent in almost seconds.

However, after three hundred years in the main world, the old guy is still pretty good, especially since hundreds of years of accumulation have made him very wealthy.

After the old turtle was frozen, the props on his body flashed with light, and he thawed instantly, and then he wanted to run away without looking back.

The duck he got was Li Shou, who would not let him fly away. He immediately used the method of Elevating Evil, and the evil energy overflowing from his body directly covered the entire area.

The evil spirit of the originally upgraded version of the Evil Ascension Method can pollute the ground and drag the area into the evil land.

Now that Li Shou had used it, he not only dragged the old turtle into his own evil place, but also into some kind of extremely cold realm. As soon as he entered, his mobility was greatly reduced.

It's time to end it! Li Shou was within the domain, and with the light of his divine power flashing on his body, he wanted to end his opponent's life.

But at this time the old turtle began to beg for mercy.

Excuse me, you haven't harmed civilians easily since you came here. Your behavior is not like Fang Yi's, let alone Black Mist's. Are you a Mushroom person?

Li Shou didn't reply, and the old turtle continued: The mushroom people are reasonable and balanced. How about we make a fair deal?

How to trade? Li Shou stopped and asked.

Anyway, there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides, so he didn't care to hear a few more last words.

You invaded my world just to get benefits.


Now I can do you more good than killing me.

Go on.

I have lived in the mission world for a long time, and I have accumulated a lot of wealth. But I also know that with my strength, it is very difficult to live stably. In the past three hundred years, I have also encountered I passed a real master once or twice, but I didn't die. The reason is that I gathered all the props and wealth, and arranged a formation outside to connect with my soul.

If my soul dies and the formation explodes, all the wealth will be destroyed.

But if you agree to trade with me and keep my life, not only will you get a lot of wealth, but you can also leave safely.

As the old turtle spoke, he took out a prop from his arms.

Invasion escape prop? Bai Wutong has used this item before, and it is of high value. It is usually prepared as a back-up for the intruder, but he didn't expect that the old turtle had prepared it for his opponent in advance.

And then there's this... Old Oogway took out four more props, The Dao Heart Oath Spell, the Devil's Contract, the Heart Demon Oath, and the Stone of Divine Punishment are all used to sign contracts. Let's agree on the terms and sign. Good contract, I’ll give you all the wealth I’ve collected, and you’ll keep me alive.”


Lao Wugui made an offer that Li Shou couldn't refuse.

The benefits of killing him are indeed not as great as not killing him.

How much stuff do you have?

A lot! Although life spans cannot be traded between different camps, my strength is not weak, and I have lived for so long. Although I was robbed once in the middle, more than a hundred years later, I am still richer than most time travelers. A lot more. The props I can provide are definitely much more than what you get from the invasion reward, and if you don’t kill me, you can still stay here to practice...

Then you have to write it in the contract. I will only consider it if you have at least 300 years of income.


After some haggling, Li Shou accepted the old turtle's proposal.

Both parties reached an agreement.

People who can live for such a long time have a reason! After signing the contract, Li Shou took back his evil spirit and released him.

Since the two parties have signed many non-harming contracts, Li Shou has now let go of some of his wariness.

This is my old friend. After coming out of the Evil Place, the four soul emperors didn't know what happened just now and wanted to attack Li Shou, but the old turtle Jiang Cheng stopped them, Let's all disperse.

Ten minutes later, the four soul emperors were sent away by Jiang Cheng.

And Li Shou also led him to the place where the treasure was hidden.

The battle ended in a strange way, leaving everyone in the city confused.

Who wins?

have no idea.

It looks like the outsider had the upper hand. He defeated the four soul emperors. Then the old man, who was more powerful than the four soul emperors, seemed to want to escape in the middle...

I didn't leave anything behind.

Completely different from other people's focus, Mo Xingtian looked at the battlefield in the distance.

I didn't leave anything behind. Where are the things I promised?

There are so many things! Li Shou came to Jiang Cheng's treasure house, which was a cave with many fragmentary props placed inside.

Although most of them are gadgets with a lifespan of only one or two years, the number is really huge.

It's like arriving at a hamster's lair. Li Shou casually used the identification ring to identify some gadgets. After confirming the authenticity, he nodded, Okay, these things combined are worth at least three to four hundred years of life, which exceeds the expected profit.

I dare not save money to buy my life! The old man sighed, In my life, I have no other talents except saving money and cherishing my life. But compared to saving money, I cherish my life more. As long as I can survive , everything is worth it.”

Live transparently!

Li Shou couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

There are thousands of people in this world, and everyone has their own way of survival.

Compared to most time travellers, Jiang Cheng has lived for three hundred years, which is considered very successful.

After acquiring Jiang Cheng's wealth, Li Shou separated from him, but did not leave this world.

Li Shou stayed in this world and began to practice skills related to his native world.

After all, the information Li Shuixian gave him about this world was mostly because he knew that he practiced evil spirits. This was a world of soul cultivation, which was very helpful for his evil spirits.

Li Shou stayed in this world for several years.

Over the past few years, he had collected all the soul-cultivation techniques that were beneficial to him and practiced them.

It wasn't until I felt like there was no big improvement that I was ready to leave.

I'm leaving. I'll come back less often.

In a cave, Li Shou stood up and walked, looking at Mo Xingtian in front of him who had grown into an adult man.

I have left you all the exercises I have collected over the years in the cave and the elixirs I cannot use. In the past six years, you have helped me a lot with food, clothing, housing, transportation, and contact with the outside world. We are evenly matched.


I'm not a master, we just help each other in a fair way. After I leave, be careful about the people in the Huntian Sect. Although the old turtle is timid and afraid that I will come back again, he probably won't retaliate, but I can't say for sure. In the future, I may I may come back for a while, or I may not come back, so let’s just say goodbye!”

Li Shou patted Mo Xingtian on the shoulder, took the loot with him, activated the escape tool and left the place.

The two met by chance. For Mo Xingtian, meeting Li Shou may have been a chance encounter. He regarded Li Shou as his grandfather of cheats.

The trajectory of his life also changed dramatically.

But this is not what Li Shou cares about anymore.

After all, everyone has his own destiny, and everyone has his own destiny.

He also has his own things to do.

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