After leaving the Soul Cultivation World, Li Shou returned to the main world and gave Xu Qiushi a lot of props he brought out.

Just help me deal with it.

There are so many things, do you want me to handle them all? I can get a lot of commissions for so much. Xu Qiushi smiled.

At this time, Xu Qiushi's appearance has changed into that of a middle-aged woman. She is not very strong. Although she has a life span and will not die, it is impossible to stay young forever.

There are so many things that have to be dealt with for many years. I want to sell them short for at least seven or eight years.

There's no rush. ​​Li Shou shook his head. Anyway, he still had several worlds to invade. If there are any high-level things in Fenggu City recently, especially those from the prehistoric world, give them to me. I want them all.

Li Shou's current strength has reached the ceiling between four and five games.

At least ordinary old fritters and predators are far from his opponents.

This strength is among the best in the entire Fenggu City - after all, there are almost no adventurers who stay in Fenggu City all year round, and some of them are just passing through.

Only now did Li Shou realize that the Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue he bought at 30 Years of Life was definitely a big mistake.

The person selling is definitely very powerful and does it casually.

Fortunately, the travelers in Fenggu City are poor enough and there are not many people who can spend decades of their lifespan to buy a technique that does not add combat effectiveness. In addition, Xu Qiushi's first Li Shou took advantage of the information and deliberately delayed the goods.

Over the years, this technique has brought him a lot of benefits, and it has also made him yearn for things in the prehistoric world.

As long as it's from prehistoric times, I want everything. Keep whatever you can. You can just deduct the deposit from the goods sold.

Okay. Xu Qiushi smiled: If there are any good things, I will keep them for you. It just so happens that next year, the heads of clubs in several nearby cities will contact each other to exchange information. By then, there will definitely be good things flowing out, and I will keep them all for you. Down.

Thank you. Li Shou gave Xu Qiushi three years of life as a token of his gratitude.

If you ask someone to help, you should give corresponding benefits. This is only fair.

After taking care of the messy goods, Li Shou used Old Turtle's golden scissors as collateral in exchange for an invasion card, ready to continue his invasion journey.

Each person is eligible for five invasions without being wanted. The first Holy Wing Empire World he went to and the second Female Martial Arts World plus the Soul Cultivation World he just successfully invaded, he has consumed a total of three Field.

Of the remaining two games, naturally you have to choose the one that will improve you the most.

First go to the evil world, and finally go to the extreme cold world.

Li Shou put these two worlds at the end.

Because according to the information provided by Narcissus, the rulers of these two worlds are very powerful, and they are all from the Black Mist side.

Black Mist's individual strength is extremely powerful, which comes from their special strengthening method.

The death rate of the chaotic camp's skill enhancement is as high as over 99%. Those who can survive will become stronger, and those who cannot survive will die.

And because the survival rate of their camp is extremely low, the survivors all have their own problems, and it is common for them to dislike each other, so team formation is relatively rare.

The rulers of these two worlds are members of the Black Mist who have lived for a long time and have outstanding achievements.

Naturally, the invasion should be left to the end.

Should I buy an escape prop or form a team? This was what Li Shou was hesitating about.

I don't think it's necessary to form a team. Near Fenggu City, the teammate who can greatly improve your combat effectiveness is Narcissus. The others are of little use and may even be a hindrance. But you can buy an escape prop, just in case. .It’s just that the props are expensive, so you have to sell some gadgets at a discount.”

Vanilla always gives Li Shou timely advice.

Li Shou also listened to the advice, thought about it, and disposed of some props at a low price. In exchange for a certain lifespan, he bought a one-time invasion termination prop.

This item is very expensive and very rare, even Fenggu City doesn’t have it in stock.

Li Shou could only go to the more prosperous Golden Mushroom City to buy it.

After going back and forth like this for more than ten days, he finally locked the coordinates and activated the invasion card to reach the fourth invasion world.

The evil world.

The place where Li Shou arrived was on the outskirts of a village.

The location of each of his invasions is relatively random, but most of them appear in areas with people.

After Li Shou arrived, he wanted to understand the world first.

In this dim world, I can't tell the difference between day and night...

Li Shou felt a little strange when he first arrived here. All the colors of the surrounding world were like the paper of old books, with a shabby yellow color.

It was as if he had slipped into an ancient book.

Moreover, Li Shou looked around and found that all the surrounding trees were withered, and there were strange fruits on them. The fruits looked like a person's head.

When I was young, I might have been a little timid, but now. Li Shou reached out and picked off a fruit, and when he opened it, he saw that it was full of maggots.

Throwing away the fruit, Li Shou walked into the village.

Only madmen in the black fog would choose this kind of world to dominate. Even if normal people are not afraid, they will feel depressed after a long time. The color alone is unbearable.

As soon as Li Shou entered the village, he saw a group of villagers tying up a woman coming out of a thatched house at the end of the village.

The woman struggled and shouted: It's not my turn.

But the villagers were indifferent and just tied her mouth tightly with a cloth strip.

Originally, everyone worked together to do this, but halfway through, everyone discovered Li Shou.

Eh? Are there people from other villages? After seeing Li Shou, an old woman carrying the woman looked very excited, Now I don't have to feed my daughter to the village leader, great! Everyone, arrest that foreigner. stand up.

Amid the women's roars, everyone put down the woman they were carrying, and then pounced on Li Shou like a hungry tiger pouncing on food.

Li Shou frowned, and after careful observation, he found that these were mortals without any ability.

But they are not afraid of outsiders at all, and they are not afraid of meeting experts at all, which means...

Do the humans in this world have no cultivation system, or are these people too short-sighted? Li Shou shook his head, No, it shouldn't be. When I first went to Kyushu World, I also appeared in the mountain village, but the surrounding villagers They know that warriors exist.

There were only seven or eight ordinary people, and Li Shou let them all fall to the ground without moving at all.

After knocking down seven or eight people, Li Shou grabbed the leading woman by her collar, pulled her in front of him, and asked, Ask a few questions.

Let me go, let me go!

Answer, or die. You wanted to catch me and feed me something just now. If you want to kill me, I will kill you. It's fair. Among the information given by Narcissus, the information from the Black Mist camp was the least.

After all, they are insane and their number is small, so naturally there is little information circulated.

What do you want to catch me and feed me?

let me go!

Wrong answer. He accidentally threw the woman to death, and Li Shou grabbed the second person, What do you want to catch me and feed me?

Muramasa, I need blood every month!

Isn't Muramasa the manager of the village? How can he eat the villagers? Out of curiosity, Li Shou grabbed the man and asked him to take him to Muramasa's residence.

It was a very strange house, like a large well with a rain cover on it.

After Li Shou arrived, Muramasa climbed out - it turned out to be a big toad, half human and half demon...

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