It is obvious that the business model of the world's ruler is completely different from that of the four Bai Wuchang brothers.

Bai Wuchang's world was turned into a playground by them. All the powerful natives were killed, all the training resources were gathered together, and then transformed into a world of female martial arts.

The master here chose to be the big brother behind the scenes and the supreme elder behind the most senior sect on the mainland.

If something happens, let me go first.

what to do?

Go ahead, beat them, but don't win too much. Don't show too much strength. It's best to beat them close to 50-50 or win a little bit. Then the old turtle will appear to attack you.


As Li Shou spoke, he rose into the air and looked at the four soul emperors in mid-air. Then he looked down at the millions of people in the small city below, Go out to fight?

Hmph! The four soul emperors flew out of the city directly.

Li Shou also followed.

These four people are not cruel. They can save their lives in a while.

Hahaha, maybe the old turtle cherishes his dominance of the world and has been using the sect rules to discipline them. According to my personality analysis of you humans, many of the characteristics of the old turtle also have the characteristics of a miser. This is his world, and he regards all people and property as his own and does not want to destroy them...

That makes sense. Li Shou flew to a few dozen kilometers outside the city while chatting with Vanilla.

But after everyone left, everyone in Tan City could not calm down. Almost all the cultivators and busybodies came to the top of the city wall and watched the battlefield in the distance.

The four great soul emperors, the top figures in the entire continent...

The four strongest elders of Hun Tian Sect appeared in our small place at the same time.

Not even the leader of the Fengyin Holy Soul Sect can see such a person. How can we be able to see his face?

At this time, everyone in the Mo family naturally appeared on the city tower. The elders and juniors of the family gathered together to express their admiration for the Soul Heaven Sect and the Soul Emperor.

Only Mo Xingtian was among the crowd, looking at the scene in the distance and scorning what everyone said.

Hmph, obviously the other person is the more powerful one, right?

What are you talking about! Several arrogant young men around him glanced at him, That's the Soul Emperor, the top figure in the continent.

Come four at a time and deal with him one by one. It's clear at a glance which one is stronger and which one is weaker. Just wait and see!

Okay. You have such a tough mouth, how about a bet between us?

How to bet?

Swear a soul oath, if you lose, you will work as a cow and a horse for me for three years.

Then if you lose, stop harassing my sister!

Okay! I, Mo Ceqiang, will do what I say!

Dozens of kilometers away, the four soul emperors did not say much after they surrounded Li Shou.

The order given to them by the Supreme Being was to kill this man. After leaving the city, they didn't even say any polite words and just took action.

The power of the spirit, which is dozens of meters tall, is much more powerful than Li Shou thought.

This intensity has surpassed the bull-headed and horse-faced ones from back then.

Li Shou left nine points of his strength and used the Underworld Soul Body Skill to merge with the evil spirit. He stretched out his palm to fight the huge spirit.

Although he only used one point of strength, the Soul Emperor was still no match. After the huge soul collided with Li Shou, he was beaten back a few steps.

This single blow subverted the perceptions of everyone watching the battle.

That man is really someone above the Soul Emperor? I can't believe it... Mo Ceqiang's eyes widened.

The head of the Mo family was also frightened.

As a small-town aristocratic family, they actually took action against a Soul Emperor-level figure a few days ago.

For such a serious crime of disrespect, the other party has not yet wiped out his whole family. This not only subverted his understanding of that person's strength, but also subverted his understanding of ethics.

After all, this is a world where the strong are respected. It is normal for the strong to bully the weak, but it is rare for the weak to humiliate the strong.

What's more, the gap between the two sides is so huge.

When the head of the Mo family thought of this, he secretly hoped that the outsider would win the battle outside.

But when he was thinking about something, the situation on the field also changed suddenly.

The four soul emperors fighting one against one are no match for Li Shou, but four against one seems to be not that difficult.

Especially after the four soul emperors formed a battle formation, the power of souls was connected in the four directions of east, west, north and south. After burning the soul power, they actually exerted several times the power, gaining the upper hand in a short period of time.

Li Shou was beaten to a pulp and began to show flaws, but his attention was not on the battlefield at all.

‘Hurry up, why don’t you show up after everything is like this? ’

While he was anxious, a golden light suddenly shot out from a distance. The golden light was a very high-level magic weapon. It flew from a distance and then disappeared in a flash, piercing into Li Shou's chest.

Although he let go of the defenses of evil spirits, his physical body was no joke.

What kind of prop is this that can break through defenses in one go?

Li Shou lowered his head and saw a pair of golden scissors flying over.

Golden Dragon Scissors? This magic weapon is of a very high level.

Isn't the height just right? Before Vanilla could finish her words, the golden light suddenly appeared on the golden dragon's scissors, and the scissors pierced into Li Shou's chest continued to penetrate. Li Shou pretended to be defeated and did not resist. After a moment, he was cut directly by the golden dragon. Through the chest.

When the four soul emperors saw this, they also knew that the Supreme Being had taken action. They accelerated the burning of souls and used the soul locking formation to trap Li Shou, making him unable to move.

The next second, the golden dragon scissors turned into a golden light and came over like a boomerang. With just one cut, the head was removed from Li Shou's neck.

The heads have been chopped off, and no matter how cautious you are, you can't help showing up.

After all, even among adventurers, few can be beheaded and survive. Li Shou has information about Old Oogway, but Old Oogway does not have information about Li Shou.

In this way, after Li Shou died, an old man with white beard and hair who looked like a turtle immortal flew over from a distance.

After he flew over, he looked at Li Shou's broken body and sneered: Hmph, my place has been invaded a total of seven times over the past few hundred years. If it had been captured so easily, how could I survive until now?

Hehehe...really? Before the old man could finish his words, he suddenly saw the head that had just landed on the ground flying up, which frightened him to death.

However, hundreds of years of combat experience allowed him to quickly calm down. With a hand seal and a move, the golden dragon scissors flew towards him again.

But this time, Li Shou won't be so easily broken.

The suppressed evil spirit power was released, and the suppressed flesh and blood limit power was also completely released. Li Shou's head flew back to his body and his body shape skyrocketed.

With a ding sound, this time the golden dragon scissors only penetrated three points of his body and then stopped.

The second round has begun!

While speaking, Li Shou waved his big hand and the evil energy overflowed, directly repelling the four soul emperors who besieged him.

Then he opened his huge mouth and blew out the cold wind with a whoosh sound.

A sudden chill filled the scene, and the old turtle was instantly frozen on the spot.

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