Li Shou didn't ask for the spoils of this wave. Whoever beats them belongs to whom. There are still rules.

After dealing with the intruder, everyone started their own development days.

This battle undoubtedly gave everyone confidence, and many people began to prepare for the fifth game.

Some people are practicing in seclusion, some are going to make money to buy props, and some are discussing getting an invasion card and having a five-person invasion.

And Li Shou also needs to grow.

It's just that his development still develops on its own.

Three days later, he used the invasion card and positioning device given to him by Li Shuixian and came to the Soul Fighting World.

Soul power, third level!

As soon as Li Shou arrived, he saw a group of people below testing something.

Did you travel directly to the city this time? Li Shou looked down and saw that they seemed to be an indigenous family from this world.

Thousands of people from the tribe gathered in a square and pressed their fingerprints on a luminous stone.

The people in the clan were divided into several factions. After a young man found out that his soul power was only at the third level, some were happy and some were sad.

However, Li Shou's sudden appearance interrupted their test and attracted everyone's attention.

Who is above, and when will they come? How dare you spy on my Mo family member's soul test stone?

... Li Shou didn't want to pay attention to them. He came to invade the world and didn't want to conflict with the natives.

But just as he was about to fly away, three elder-looking old men from the tribe flew up and summoned spirits to attack Li Shou.

The soul is somewhat similar to the evil spirit, both are things cultivated by the soul.

Okay, let's try the strength of the indigenous people in this world. I can get more information.

Although Narcissus gave him information about each world, most of the information was related to the ruler. The information about the indigenous people was less and only the world's danger level was given.

Therefore, Li Shou was cautious and used some force when taking action.


With a bang, after his cold energy hit the opponent's soul, it was like an ice pick hitting a balloon - the opponent exploded before he even used any force.


The souls of the three elders were shattered, and they fell from the air with bleeding and serious injuries.

After the people below caught the three people, they all looked into the air with fear.

The three elders are all top-notch experts in the clan, but they have not gone through a single round in the hands of this man.

Who is the senior? Why did he come to our Mo family to hurt people? Can we make it clear whether our Mo family has offended anyone before?

I was passing by. Li Shou said truthfully: I didn't mean to hurt anyone. It was the three of them who made the move first. I just wanted to compare notes.

Senior, was he sent by the Wu family to seek revenge? Everyone didn't believe Li Shou's explanation and started questioning him again.

But Li Shou didn't respond this time.

If others didn't believe it, it would be useless for him to say anything, so he simply fell from the sky and waited where he was.

The master must have received the news of his invasion.

In order to prevent the other party from finding him, it is also good to wait in a crowded place.

After all, a small world is just a planet. It is difficult to find people in such a big place if he is not familiar with it.

But according to the theory of cockroaches on white tofu, the other party is the master of this world, so he will definitely find him.

He just had to wait.

Li Shousi sat there and meditated silently.

While meditating and practicing, he discovered that there seemed to be a strange fluctuation in the geomagnetic field of this world, which was very good for the souls. When he ran the Evil Ascension Method here, the evil spirits felt very active and the effect was very good.

When Li Shou meditated for the first two days, no one dared to harass him, but two days later, a young man approached.

Senior, I have brought you something to eat. The young man looked about 14 years old. He had not yet shed all his childishness, but there was already some heroism and ambition in his eyes - this young man was a member of the Third Degree of Soul Power That boy.

He brought some native meat and berries, as well as a jug of water.

Li Shou's current body can survive without eating or drinking, relying on his divine power and evil spirits to absorb the energy of heaven and earth.

But he couldn't change his eating habit for a while.

After all, eating is an enjoyment in itself! Speaking of enjoyment, Lao Pi and the others each married more than a dozen families in Kyushu, and they were drunk and dreaming every day. I am far behind them. Li Shou picked up the berries and took a bite, and nodded to the young man. ,Thanks.

Mo Xingtian, what are you doing? When the boy was feeding Li Shou, the tribesmen around him shouted: Come back!

Because these people from the Mo family did not know Li Shou's details, although they did not take action again, they still sent a large number of capable clan members to guard the place.

But the young man heard their words and ignored them.

Senior is so powerful, accept me as your disciple.

I don't accept disciples, but there may be a big battle nearby. After the battle, there must be local things left behind around the battlefield. Those things are of no use to me, you can pick them up. As for how much chance you have, it's your own business. Yes. Also, if a fight breaks out, remember to run away.

After speaking, Li Shou stopped talking and continued to meditate after eating.

Two days later, a man came to the square.

When the patriarch of the Mo family saw the person coming, he felt as if he had found a backbone and grasped a life-saving straw. He stepped forward and complained: Lord City Lord, I hope you will uphold justice for us. The Wu family bullied people too much. The last time the Fu Guang Cao transported goods, I just wanted to seize the cargo channel, and now I’m looking for experts to come to the door...

This is not someone the Wu family found. The city lord shook his head, He has a great background. This time I was ordered to investigate the situation.

Your life? Red Soul Palace?

No, higher up.

Fengyin Holy Soul Sect?

No, it's a message from higher up...

It can't be Huntian Sect, right?

The person who sent the message held the token of Huntian Sect, but according to him, the person who issued the order was an existence that we cannot contact. The order issued by the mysterious existence was for me, a local snake, to come over and take a look at the situation. How could he Are you ready?

It hasn't been moved in a few days.

Wait a moment, Huntian Sect has already sent someone over...

The overlord of the mainland, Soul Heaven Sect, would actually send people to our little place!

For the Mo family, this news was too shocking. After all, the status of their clan leader is not as good as that of an inner disciple of the Red Soul Palace. If any disciple of the clan can pass the examination of the Red Soul Palace and enter the outer sect, they will have to hold a banquet for three months.

The Red Soul Palace is only a well-known sect in a state, not worth mentioning compared to the Fengyin Holy Soul Sect, the largest sect in the Yue Kingdom, but now...

He actually jumped to the level of the mainland's overlord, Hun Tian Sect, and came in person.

The head of the Mo family knew that this matter was no longer within his control.

Thinking that the elders of the clan dared to take action against the person in front of him, he broke out in a cold sweat.

In the following days, they did not dare to let the clan members guard this person anymore, and even asked the entire Mo family to give up the house directly, leaving only some informants nearby.

And a few days later, all over Tancheng, the clouds suddenly changed color, and then under the strong wind, several figures appeared in the four corners of the city.

After the four people appeared, they did not dare to be too big. They directly left their bodies and transformed into giant spirits dozens of meters high in the air. They roared towards the city: By the order of the Supreme Being, the four great souls of our Soul Heaven Sect are here. The emperor is here to capture the intruders! Irrelevant people, get out of the way quickly!

Old turtle, let the natives explore the way first! Li Shou heard the roar and flew into the air.

According to the information provided by Li Shuixian, the master of this world has lived for nearly three hundred years. This age is the oldest among the old fried dough sticks, far exceeding the average life span.

He is able to survive to this day, firstly because he is very powerful, and secondly because his character is very cautious.

He would never take action without certain certainty.

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