In the world of Mexico and Japan.

Did you mean it just now? When Cheng Lingyue and Xianghua were talking more and more outrageously, Li Shou was too lazy to talk nonsense to them and left the world of Kyushu directly.

What's intentional? I'm just an AI, and I don't have as many twists and turns as you humans...

That was intentional. Don't do this again.

Yes, master, okay, dear old Li.

After the episode of giving birth to a child passed, Li Shou began his hunting trip.

With his current strength, many local indigenous gods are no match for him.

After all, with the decline of the planet, many indigenous gods also lost a lot of power.

Even if it is not someone like Andidero who actively contributes his power, even an indigenous demigod like the Snow Mountain Giant is thin and shriveled. The strength of the Snow Mountain Giant in its heyday must be much higher than it is now.

The indigenous demigods of the troll type chosen by Li Shou were fighting.

Because these usually have lower IQs.

He was afraid that if he killed too many gods with high IQs, the other parties would unite against him.

After all, this is not a game. Andidero once called the God of Space for help and laid a trap for him. Li Shou was still careful about this move.

This battle journey went smoothly in the early stages...

In just half a month, Li Shou crossed the continent and killed four giant beasts.

The parsing of vanilla is done more smoothly and is getting faster.

It took more than three days to analyze the Godhead for the first time, two days for the second time, one and a half days for the third time, and the last time it was even completed within one day.

In the meantime, Li Shou returned to the main world once, bought some magic containers and regular golems, and put all the divine power guided from the god's power into the containers. Now he has accumulated seventeen bottles.

Some of these things are floating light groups, some are liquid crystal-like fluids, some are ice crystal polymers, and some are a ball of flame...

Under the guidance of Vanilla, Li Shou began to absorb these powers through different methods.

The divine power in the bottle can only improve the physical condition, but the divine rules I introduced into the demon are more valuable than the power of God. You can give it to your classmates.

With Vanilla's ability to collect information, she has already known the situation and situation of Li Shou and his classmates these days.

It suggested: The godhead is actually a polymer of rules, which is the source of power for gods to control ice, snow, and fire. With the godhead, practicing similar original skills will be countless times faster. I originally wanted to engrave all the rules of the godhead on you. It’s within my body and soul, but it seems I can’t do it, so go ahead and choose one.”

no problem?

The first time you do it, it will definitely cause instability and danger, but you won't die even if it explodes. It's just right for you to be used as an experiment.


Li Shou thought for a while and chose the godhead of Snow Monster. Mastering the power of ice and snow was also the route he took at the beginning.

In the following months, Li Shou continued to do these three things.

Carve the divine pattern on the soul and body, and let Vanilla do experiments...

Then absorb and digest various god powers to strengthen the body and evil spirits...

Or just knock down the new BOSS and collect the fragments of the end.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the strength is improving smoothly.

Until one day, he met someone.

Someone who looked familiar to him.

Fraudster - Carl Anse.

Hello. Karl Ans was not found by Li Shou, but by himself when Li Shou was on his way. When Li Shou was about to kill the last monster on the map, a figure flew over and introduced him. own identity.

Li Shou looked at him steadily.

It was a god in human form. This is not what Li Shou cares about. What Li Shou cares about is that he looks too much like himself.

To be precise, he is more like a middle-aged version of Li Shou.

That guy hadn't appeared for a long time, and seemed to have disappeared recently. Li Shou once suspected that he had used up the last of his soul energy.

Why did you come to me? Did you become like this on purpose? Li Shou stopped and asked Karl Anse. After all, since the other party is called a fraudster, he is essentially an untrustworthy person.

I originally looked like this. If you think it's an illusion or a transformation, you can check it out. Most of the time, fraudsters should be more sincere than ordinary people. Ordinary people say ten sentences and eight are true. If the fraudster says ten sentences, all ten should be true. Only in this way can others trust you and do the deception at the critical moment, right?

What are you doing here?

Let me remind you, don't go any further. What you have done has alarmed the local gods. They have set up an ambush in front. You can't defeat them. Karl Ans suggested sincerely: Although the local gods are big, Some of them are already extremely weak, but some gods with special gods are not affected by the decline of the world, especially the Mad King Kaililuo. He is much stronger than in his heyday. If you continue forward, you will definitely die.

Why do you have to remind me?

Because we are all fraudsters, and our final goal is to confuse the fake with the real... and here they are.

As Karl Ans spoke, his body turned into a phantom, as if his body could switch back and forth between real and fake.

As quick as it comes, it goes as quickly as it comes.

When Kal Ansi disappeared, Li Shou saw several gods coming towards him.

The leading gods sensed someone reminding them from a distance, and flew over angrily.

During the flight, the entire space was fluctuating, and Li Shou felt like he was no match just by looking at his momentum.

However, he did not believe in evil and took the initiative to collide with the leading god holding the king's scepter. He immediately felt that his blood was surging and was contaminated by evil spirits.

Seeing this, Li Shou left decisively.

Return to Earth.

Li Shou sat in his bedroom, puzzled.

Karl Ans brought him strange information, which made him question his life experience.

From the dream at the beginning, to the middle-aged version of myself to the acquisition of the Fraud Crystal and the great adventurer Dou Furu, to the encounter with the fraudster Karl Anse.

Li Shou carefully recalled every bit of the past, and always felt that there seemed to be something fishy in it.

Today, after Li Shou becomes stronger and stronger, he fully understands how high-end a prop the Fraud Crystal is.

Props of this level are hidden under the flower beds of schools on the edge of the city.

It is still left by the top adventurers, and it can be found by myself in the previous life. This is much smaller than the probability of winning the jackpot by buying a lottery ticket.

So far, Li Shou can't even tell whether he was real or fake in his previous life.

Is the timeline of the main world really so easy to travel through? If it was really so easy to travel, the great powers of the prehistoric times would have traveled through it long ago...Who is Karl Anse, and what are the rules of fraud?

I don't know who Karl Anse is, but he is definitely not the mastermind behind the scenes. He is just a local god in the world of branches and leaves. There must be other people behind the scenes. Vanilla responded, The world has been traveling for so long, except for the main world and the real hub. World, I think people in the world of branches and leaves have limited achievements, and they cannot affect the main rules. Lao Li, if we want to know more things, we have to become stronger.

Yes. Anyway, Karl Anse helped me today. If he hadn't reminded me, I would have definitely entered the encirclement. If there was a space array engraved in advance, it would be really difficult for me to escape in the face of the encirclement of the gods. Li Shou breathed out a sigh of relief as he spoke, I kind of want to start the fifth mission. I want to start from the hub world and really understand this world.

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