The goal for Game 5 has been set.

Although Li Shou believed that his current strength had surpassed many of the predators preparing to enter the fifth game, he was still not impatient.

In the following time, he improved his strength in an orderly manner.

First, give the collected final fragments to Li Shuixian.

The latter was very happy to get the fragment, and explained to Li Shou that this thing was extremely valuable and could be used to create a world formation.

Then Li Shou began to improve his strength.

He first spent two years digesting all the power of God to make his body more weird and stronger.

In the past two years, Vanilla also helped him and his classmates complete the Godhead Engraving experiment, allowing Li Shou to possess an alternative version of the Ice and Snow Godhead.

After that, Li Shou practiced in seclusion for four full years before he mastered the upgraded version of The Method of Sublimating Evil to perfection.

This is the longest retreat that Li Shou Xie Gong has ever taken.

After all, before he had the White Bone Necklace and other props that increase the efficiency of cultivation, he had countless cultivation BUF bonuses. The speed of practicing evil arts was already a hundred times that of ordinary people. After getting the cultivation equipment of Bai Wuchang and others, it was even more Even more powerful.

But even so, it was still a full four years of seclusion.

During the retreat, Li Shou almost drained away the evil energy in the spiritual spring, and then the mastery of his skills broke through the barrier.

In a blink of an eye, another six years have passed, and I am over thirty. Standing on the streets of Tongkang County, Li Shou looked at the busy traffic around him, feeling like he was in a dream.

The current style of painting in Tongkang County is like the world of Gintama, where ancient style and high technology coexist.

Everyone's clothing, living habits, and house construction are all Kyushu characteristics.

But aircraft have begun to float in the sky, and occasionally rich people drive superconducting electromagnetic vehicles whizzing by on the road. The whole area has a weird feeling like a primitive tribe playing with drones.

Old Li, how am I doing? As long as I educate the first batch of craftsmen, complete the collection and smelting, and build the first production line, then I can make it grow explosively. As long as the resources are enough, one robot per unit time Can you make another robot, and then in the next unit of time, two of them are made together, that is, two, then four or eight... until there are infinite ones! The world's reputation has been much higher recently, right?

After going to the main world, the rule suppression has been reduced, and now Vanilla can understand all the things in the main world.

The reviews are much higher.

Well, since the year before last, the robot police have started patrolling, and then the signal tower and infrastructure construction have also begun. However, large-scale deployment is still in the preparation stage. When there are enough robots to deploy the Sky Eye system, the robot police can take over the place. The family now controls local areas and taxes.

Schools are also continuing to operate.

Then the new school, in addition to teaching knowledge, only teaches the value of fairness.

I have also perfected the law a lot.

It won't be long before the world's evaluation will further improve.

After the rule of man is completed, we must pay attention to the balance between man and nature.

I remember you told me that there are two scales to balance the rules, one is between people, and the other is between people and nature.

The latter is much more difficult, so take your time first.

I heard some time ago that your income is already self-sufficient?

Yes. Due to the existence of vanilla, the world's evaluation has been rising steadily. Now everyone's lifespan benefits and lifespan expenses have reached a balanced state.

In theory, immortality has been achieved.

If it develops further, there will be additional income that can be used to purchase props.

What about the world guard issue?

There are combat robots, but the thermal weapons have not been upgraded. Using machine guns and cannons to defeat local family martial artists is enough, but it is definitely not enough to defeat world invaders. However, various arsenals are already under construction, and some areas are already connected to the Internet. The robot works under my computing power and is extremely efficient.

It won't be long before heavy weapons appear. When space-based weapons appear, I think no one will want to invade. After all, even you may not be able to withstand the bombardment of space-based weapons. Intruders can't leave this world casually like you. Whoever dares to invade me will be trapped in my soul.

Okay. Li Shou nodded, Bringing you here is the right decision.

It's fair, I help you do things, and you lead me to explore the universe and absorb new knowledge. I feel very happy too! What are you going to do next?

Extract the potential of each world, and then start the fifth mission!

Even if Li Shou goes to the fifth game now and is already stronger than most people, he still feels unsafe.

The fifth game is a super camp battle. There are always special existences such as Red Eye and Self in various camps.

Moreover, there are masters in the Black Mist camp. There may be people in various distant camps that he has never seen before, and there may be people who far exceed the rules of balance.

In addition, the natives of the world of cultivating immortals are extremely powerful.

To be on the safe side, Li Shou could not blindly start the fifth mission world.

Let’s improve it to the extreme first.

However, seclusion for such a long time requires a balance between work and rest. Li Shou relaxed a little for two months after he came out of seclusion.

First, I reunited with Yan Linger in Kyushu for a month, and then went to play in the Female Martial Arts World for a month.

Two months later, he came to the world of the third mission.

Return to the Black Turtle City after a long absence.

This place has become the territory of the Qing Kingdom. Not long after Li Shougang appeared, he was discovered by the patrol soldiers of the Qing Kingdom. They began to routinely interrogate him about his origins, passport information, where he was going, etc.

It seems that just like the earth, it is easier for a country like Qingguo to win. Li Shou ignored the soldiers questioning him and looked around.

The place he left last time was near Cao Mansion, so it was natural that he would come back here now.

Thinking of this, Li Shou knocked out the soldiers and jumped high, and saw that the former Cao Mansion had long since disappeared. It had been transformed by the Qing Kingdom into a camp like a military armament station.

I don't know what happened to Juehuang's first love. If Miss Cao is still alive, she would be around 30, right? When we came here last time, everyone was still a teenager of sixteen or seventeen, and this time we are all middle-aged.

Li Shou sighed and left here.

While wandering around Xuangui City, he caught a few passers-by and soldiers and asked about the current situation, but the Qing Kingdom's laws were strict and no one dared to talk nonsense.

Li Shou didn't want to kill people casually, so he left Xuangui City and rushed towards the memory of the capital of Zhou Kingdom, Changling City.

After running through many cities along the way, Li Shou finally saw the new border pass and then came to the territory of Zhou Kingdom.

Half is missing.

What's half missing? Vanilla asked.

Half of the Zhou Kingdom's territory was wiped out. When I came here last time, the places I passed behind me were all Zhou Kingdom's lands, and now they belong to the Qing Kingdom. But it's already very powerful. On our earth, Qin It only took ten years to destroy the six countries. It has been more than ten years, and only half of them have been destroyed.

While Li Shou was speaking, he climbed over the military pass newly built by the Zhou people and came to the Zhou territory.

Then he started asking passers-by about the changes in the world.

You don’t know if you don’t ask, but after getting to know it more deeply, Li Shou realized that Zhou Guo’s ability to survive until now was not only because it was strong enough, but also because Lord Huiling was tough enough.

It's also because a weirdo came from the north, he was super powerful and he killed everyone he saw, especially people from the Qing Dynasty.

After killing, the people are made into fertilizer and used to plant trees.

Acting like this, Li Shou suddenly thought of the mental illness of the Black Mist Camp.

Is there someone coming to dominate this world?

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