It's great, new knowledge, new world, everything is new... Leave it to me!

After handing the godhead to Vanilla, Li Shou continued on his way to the next BOSS point.

In this world, the only ones that are still alive are the Twisted Undead, Undead Creatures and the big BOSS that make up the rules of the world.

Each of these BOSSs is like an anchor point in the world. Only when they are removed one by one can the declining world be completely destroyed and ushered in new life.

Since each BOSS has a territory, Vanilla continued to feed him information while Li Shou was on the road.

The structure of this thing is very complex. Many parts seem to be formed naturally, just like wind, rain, thunder and lightning. It is a polymer of certain physical laws...

No, it's not just the laws of physics...

Then can you solve it? Li Shou was more concerned about the result than the structure.

It is possible, but it is very slow, because there is no relevant knowledge content in my knowledge base. It would be very troublesome to study it from scratch. Just like an ancient proverb, I have to deduce the meaning of each word from scratch. It will be difficult. If you have relevant knowledge, I can analyze it quickly.

Related knowledge. Li Shou thought of magic related.

When she met Gekanana, she used her magic knowledge to analyze it.

Thinking of this, Li Shou gave up killing the next BOSS and came to the agreed place with Gekanana. After searching for contact, he did not get a response.

Yes, I have been away for more than a year. Gekanana's mission failed. Maybe she has gone back or died and been reborn. Li Shou was not surprised at all by this result.

He stayed in the Female Martial Arts World for 9 months alone, and then waited for Vanilla in seclusion for another 4 months. Adding in the fragmented time, Gekanana would not wait for him for so long.

Since you can't get it from her, you can only buy related magic books. The price is not low, but if you learn it, it seems to be more profitable.

There are many BOSSs in this world, and even if not all BOSSs have godheads, there are at least 10 godheads that can be analyzed.

The godhead contains a huge amount of power that can be absorbed and can even fundamentally change the body.

No matter how you calculate it, teaching vanilla magic theory knowledge is a very cost-effective thing.

In that case... Li Shou took it back to the main world.

The first time she came to the main world, Vanilla immediately felt the difference here.

This seems to be the origin of the world? It's so weird here!

After getting along day and night for these days, Li Shou also understood that in Vanilla's eyes, everything in the world is composed of material data, energy and laws.

It sees things completely differently from humans.

Li Shou ignored it and after hiding it in his body, he went all the way to the club.

Old Xu, I need some basic magic books... Li Shou asked Xu Qiushi, an old acquaintance, Are they available here?

What type?

General medicine type, but only basic knowledge.

Yes, this thing is not a high-end thing.

After chatting with Xu Qiushi for a while, Li Shou realized that basic magic knowledge, similar to basic cultivation techniques, is relatively common and is stored in the club all year round.

Because some old fritters will change jobs and want to learn from scratch.

And basic books can be used repeatedly. In order to make money, the club will naturally retain some complete versions of basic knowledge.

Whether you want to buy or browse, the lifespan of one browse is one month. If a complete set is printed by all disciplines, it will have a lifespan of 5 years, and a non-competition agreement must be signed. If after printing, you sell it and steal the club's business, it will He was held accountable by the club and even hunted down...

Behind the club are the oldest time travellers, the best among adventurers.

Normally no one would go against the club.

I'll just read it once.

Okay, come with me.

After several years of experience, Xu Qiushi has become more and more capable.

Taking Li Shou to the house behind the club, the two entered a library.

The seven rows of bookshelves on the left are all about basic magic knowledge. The browsing time is 24 hours. Take the access card and come out within the time limit, and you cannot go to other areas, otherwise the magic circle will be triggered. Xu Qiushi told Li After saying Shou, some colleagues called her away.

Li Shou didn't waste any time and went directly to the magic knowledge area.

Open a magic book at random.

What comes into view is densely packed with words, symbols, graphics, arrangements...

Moreover, the arrangement of these words and graphics would squirm, forming other shapes from time to time, which seemed more difficult than geometric equations. Li Shou only glanced at it, and he felt dizzy as if he had been sucked into a mathematical formula.

He knew that with his talent, he would never be able to learn things like magic and formations.

He left everything to Vanilla.

And Vanilla lived up to expectations and learned extremely quickly.

Rather than learning, it is better to scan. Li Shou only needs to flip through the book. When flipping through the book, Vanilla has already completed reading, memorization and understanding. Sometimes the flipping is too slow and it is not satisfied.

Yoshi, yosey, very good!

A few hours later, Li Shou finished reading all the books, and Vanilla made a satisfied sound. It learned all the magic knowledge in half a day.

Who did you learn these two sentences from?

Ma Nanzheng, he likes to say these two sentences. When he asked him to run a school a few days ago, I learned it by the way. This seems to be the foreign language in your hometown... Lao Li, please take me back to Kyushu, I want to The computing power I have left is integrated into my body, leaving only the basic part of my body to take care of school affairs. That is not difficult... As long as I get the computing power, I am confident that I will be able to unlock the godhead within three days!


Li Shou was very excited when he heard the news.

If he can analyze his godhead, he will enter a period of rapid improvement in strength in the next period of time.

After all, every god in the Mori world was very, very powerful in their heyday.

If he absorbs them all and uses them for his own use, Li Shou doesn't know how terrifying his strength will be.

Thinking of this, Li Shou hurriedly returned to the Tianxia Palace in the Kyushu World, found most of Vanilla's body, and let it absorb the computing power again.

After absorbing most of the computing power, Li Shou was about to leave when he saw a figure flying towards him from a distance.

It’s Cheng Lingyue!

Different from the Cheng Lingyue whom she met for the first time, she now looked like a young woman.

But it was no different from a few years ago. This guy started discussing having children when he saw Li Shou.

I have caught you. Now that you have returned to Tianxia Palace, why were you avoiding me some time ago?

You talk about having children every day, but I have no chance of having children!

Yes. When Li Shou was about to say something else, Vanilla jumped out of his body and said decisively: Yes!

It's not genes...

You just changed the way of recording genetic information, but as long as there is genetic information, any form of information, even energy information, can theoretically be edited. So, yes. Vanilla said confidently: Not only you and She has, even theoretically, she can have a baby with me. Although I am in an energy state close to the light brain, in a broad sense fertility is the combination of information.

If you want to have a baby, I can help you.

Hearing what Vanilla said, Cheng Lingyue was overjoyed: I heard from father that your name is Vanilla, right? From now on, you will be my best friend!

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