Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 246 The prelude to the explosion of technology, obtaining the terminal fragments

In Ma Nanzheng's expectation, Li Shou brought him vanilla a few days later.

The most important reason why Li Shou brought Vanilla to the Imperial City was that if the world wanted to develop technology, it had to start from the most basic level.

If you want to create a mechanical police officer and replicate the Sky Eye system, you have to start with the simplest smelting and refining, then energy, factories, production lines... and even start with the training of craftsmen.

This requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

The place where the most human and material resources in the world of Kyushu are concentrated is the imperial city. Development of the world naturally starts from here.

This process seemed long, but Li Shou knew that it would not be very far.

After all, as far as the earth is concerned, the Qing Dynasty ended in 1912, and later in 2000, it took eight or ninety years to change the world.

Moreover, these eight or ninety years were not peaceful. Various wars continued, and the time for full-scale development of science and technology was very short.

Wanqing's technological level is no better than that of Kyushu World.

Vanilla's level of scientific and technological knowledge is much higher than that of Earth.

In addition, as long as the Kyushu world is not invaded by a master, it will not experience warlord melees and foreign wars, and will develop very rapidly.

The advantage of technology is that it can achieve “explosive growth”.

A hundred years of seclusion in the world of spiritual practice is nothing, but as long as there is new knowledge, the world of science and technology can be turned upside down in ten years.

Half a month after Li Shou brought Vanilla to Tianxia Palace, a general order was issued from the imperial city, and preparations for Vanilla schools across the country had begun. Outside of martial arts schools, people had a new way out.

As the Millennium Emperor, Ma Nanzheng personally endorsed the school and promised graduation job opportunities with generous benefits. As long as he learned the rubbing knowledge, he could not only work in the imperial city, but also become an official.

Suddenly, Kyushu was turbulent, and an era of leapfrog development seemed to be about to begin...

When the Kyushu world was developing in an all-round way, Li Shou came to the Mori World.

To be precise, he and Vanilla came to the Mori World together.

Wow, this is a world where stars are about to burn out! At this time, Vanilla only had a balloon-like head left, attached to Li Shou in the form of soul energy.

Li Shou didn't know if he could take it through time, so he experimented with part of its body.

It seems quite successful now.

The purpose of bringing vanilla is simple.

Li Shou sometimes feels that he doesn't think comprehensively, and it would be nice to have an AI to help him.

And based on the principle of fairness.

He helped Vanilla fulfill her dream of exploring the universe, and Vanilla helped him work. No one owed anything to anyone, which was in line with his values.

At this time, most of Vanilla's computing power and body were still in Kyushu, and only this small group followed Li Shou.

After arriving in the new world, it floated around looking around and collecting data.

Oh, not only the star is about to go out, but the core of this planet seems to be going out too. This is a planet on the verge of death. However, there is alien energy in the land that maintains the operation of the planet, a faint vitality, and many, many more Weird energy...

Let's go, upper body. Li Shou called Vanilla back to his body.

Where are we going?

Get the final fragment of this world...

what is that?

I don't know either.

Before Li Shou left the world of Mori last time, he explored all the BOSS locations such as monsters and gods. These things may have terminal fragments on them. He came here to push the BOSS.

Without any deliberate choice, Li Shou ran hundreds of kilometers and came to the nearest BOSS point.

Snow mountain monster.

This is a place with a very high altitude, like Mount Everest.

Surrounded by waist-deep ice and snow, in front of Li Shou was a creature that looked like a white bear and a bit like a white gorilla.

The creature is dozens of meters tall. Its body, which should have been strong, is now shriveled and withered due to the decline of the world. Its hair is as sparse and curled together as the hair of an elderly person.

The two incompatible bodies of huge strength and malnutrition are contradictoryly blended together in its body, and the two incompatible temperaments of majesty and frailty are also present in the giant monster at the same time.

When Li Shou was exploring the world to collect information about the BOSS, he learned that this was once a god who controlled the wind and snow.

It's just that he is a god with low intelligence.

The snow monster saw Li Shou breaking into its territory at this time, and launched an attack without saying a word. It howled into the sky, and the powerful power of rules commanded the ice and snow on the mountains. The wind and snow gathered in the sky into a snowstorm, and finally turned into a snow monster. The ice pick fell like raindrops on Li Shou.

What type of power is this? The power to control the world by using the same frequency fluctuations? Vanilla analyzed the data while getting into Li Shou's body.

But Li Shou didn't care about it and directly transformed into fighting.

After practicing the upgraded version of the Evil Ascension Technique, Li Shou's evil spirit power became more powerful. After the evil spirit became stronger, it was added to the body with the Underworld Soul Body Technique, which gave him more power. Powerful destructive power.

At this time, he was fighting with the snow monster, and one man and one beast caused the mountains to avalanche.

Although this snow monster has declined, it does not use most of its power to create the spring of life like Andidero to keep the land from decaying.

There is no additional consumption, so its overall strength is much stronger than Andidero at this time.

But Li Shou is much stronger than when he fought against Andidero... Fountain of Life, Power of Life, Upgraded Version of the Evil Ascension Technique, Underworld Soul Body Skill, Underworld Soul Soul Skill Hundreds of years of evil power and so on, all of which were strengthened after working with Andidero.

At this time, under full operation, he immediately gained the upper hand.

But the snow monster has the property of being invincible. No matter how big the wound Li Shou inflicts on it, as long as it rolls in the snow, its body can absorb the power of the ice and snow and recover as before.

Open his chest. Its power is emitted from there. The data fluctuations are obviously different!


Li Shou rushed forward, first knocked down the behemoth with one punch, then jumped on his chest, concentrated a large amount of evil spirit power on his palm, and penetrated the opponent's chest at once.

It's not there. According to your measurement unit, it should be 1.74 meters down. Yes, that's right there!

Li Shou followed Vanilla's instructions and tore open the snow monster's chest. After a while of digging around, he pulled out a strange inner elixir.

The inner elixir is half material and half energy, like a godhead, but more like a practitioner's golden elixir.

After Li Shou took away the inner elixir, the snow monster began to go crazy, but without the elixir, its power was greatly reduced, and its recovery ability and ability to control the wind and snow were also weakened a lot.

In the end, he fell to the ground under Li Shou's repeated attacks and died completely.

The Snow Mountain Monster is the incarnation of the snow rules in this world. With its death, another rule has fallen into the world that was already on the verge of collapse.

The surrounding ice and snow began to collapse, and the huge iceberg began to crack. With sharp eyes, Li Shou saw that under the dead body of the snow monster, something strange began to grow as the iceberg collapsed.

The fragment of the end. After the dark thing was conceived, Li Shou stretched out his hand to summon the storm and sucked it into his hand, I can finally return some favors.

Picking up the fragments and flying into the air, Li Shou saw the rapidly collapsing snow-capped mountains at his feet. He looked like the only surviving human being after the destruction of the world. The collapsing snow-capped mountains and huge noise below gave him an epic feeling of the destruction of the world.

Amidst the loud noise of the landslide, he called Vanilla out and put the God's Neidan into its body. Help me analyze the data and see if I can derive the energy in it.

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