The seal of Lingquan was partially torn open again, which was good for both Li Shou and Qianliu.

Qianliu saw the possibility of opening the seal. Even if he opened it a little bit each time, he would one day get out of trouble.

And Li Shou also received more evil resources.

If no one absorbs these evil spirits, they will gradually pollute the land.

When the crack in the seal was not big before, it just turned the entire mountain area into an evil town. Now if no one takes care of it, the entire area of ​​dozens of kilometers may be contaminated.

But fortunately, now that everyone has experienced the invasion and the death of teammates, they practice a lot more diligently. Li Shou absorbs a lot, and all the evil energy that escapes is absorbed by their practice. Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

During the retreat, Li Shou would visit the Cyber ​​World every once in a while.

One day four months later, when he went to the cyber world again, a creature with a strange blue light coming to him came to him.

Hello, Lao Li.

Are you Vanilla?

What appeared in front of Li Shou was a soul energy body shining with light blue light.

In the past few months, every time Li Shou came to this world, he was told by the robot carrying Vanilla's consciousness that Vanilla spent all day in the Energy Storage Laboratory and Particle Collision Laboratory.

It uses 99% of its computing power in these places.

Now it seems that it has achieved results.

Old Li, I energized the memory information and used quantum storage technology to enter my logical information into the soul. Although you have lost some of your management rights because of this, I should be able to explore the universe with you after I changed the state.

Yes. Li Shou nodded, then stretched out his hand, Can you attach to me like an evil spirit?

Okay. Vanilla entered Li Shou's body.

Li Shou did not take it directly, but came to the base city.

Four months have passed, and he wants to see the changes in the cyber world controlled by pure AI.

He walked on the street and looked around and found that the biggest change in the world was that ordinary people seemed more relaxed. On the originally clean and orderly streets, there were now groups of people chatting and drinking, and most of them were doing nothing. Spending time seems much more comfortable than the original state of urgent need to work continuously.

What changes have you made?

Nothing. In fact, governing a city is a very simple matter. It is nothing more than formulating rules and then enforcing the rules. Of course, these rules are laws.

According to my calculation ability, the formulation of the law is very simple, and there will be no logical loopholes.

The previous laws in the three major base cities were so complicated, mainly because the Chaos Group controlled the North and South Parliaments and deliberately made the laws complicated so that ordinary people could not study them in depth, or did not have the money and time to study the laws in depth.

Moreover, there are also a lot of interests involved, as well as special care for privileged groups.

The confrontation and compromise between interest groups is the most difficult part of the law.

But now, everything is under my control. I just need to calculate the best solution for everyone and make the fairest regulations. I have many economic models in my mind. This is very simple.

Then it’s even simpler to execute.

Without the Khaos Group and the privileged people, it is very simple to treat everyone equally.

As long as the people are not deceived, there is no need for excessive suppression and deterrence.

I released all the white paper men, and then made it impossible for the rich to invade other people's bodies, and at the same time informed the people of the immortality scam. Of course, this will cause some confusion, but whoever breaks the law of justice can just follow the law.

Something as simple as one plus one equals two is made so complicated by those people, just for their own benefit.

And with the current productivity, there is no need for so many people to work...

Vanilla explained while Li Shou observed.

Aren't you studying the entry of energy information during this time?

Managing these things requires less than 1% of my computing power. Robot police and Sky Eye are all ready-made. I said, managing the city is very simple for me!

Okay. After looking around, Li Shou finally nodded, Come with me! Where will this place be after you leave?

After all, I am an electronic life. Complete self-replication will take some effort, but leaving a beggar version of me is very simple.

Okay, then come with me to start a journey around the world!

Li Shou was generally satisfied with the management of Vanilla, so he decided to take it away.

It was the first time he traveled around the world with an AI. To be on the safe side, Li Shou went back and got the Yin Gathering Jar and put the vanilla into the jar.

The biggest function of the Yin Gathering Jar is to bring evil energy through space.

Vanilla, who was in a state of ecstasy, was taken to Kyushu by Li Shou without any danger.

Then I saw another civilized world for the first time...

When it came out of the jar, it saw the seal, the spiritual spring, Li Shou's classmates, different plants, and other human civilizations.

After Vanilla appeared, he was full of curiosity about everything like a dog going on a long journey for the first time.

And at the same time.

Zhongzhou, in the Palace of Heaven.

Ma Nan was questioning the Eighth Prince.

Recently, why has the evaluation of world domination not only not become higher, but also lowered, and the income has been reduced? It must be you old boys and nobles who are secretly sucking blood!

I don't understand what you are saying. The Eighth Prince shook his head.

Since Ma Nanzheng has been pretending to be the emperor in Zhongzhou, he and Ma Nanzheng have spent the longest time together, and the team has dominated the world of Zhongzhou for several years. After the two became familiar with each other, he no longer feared Ma Nanzheng.

The Eighth Prince knew that the real emperor of this world was not Ma Nanzheng, but Li Shou.

I'm asking you, are you exploiting the people?

My identity doesn't require it.

But you are the end of the profit. If you don't do it, the worshipers under you will do it. Below the worshippers are the families they belong to. As far as I know, every family worshiped by the Martial Saint is a powerful gentry in the local area. It’s a blessing. Even some marginal relatives who are related to each other are local tyrants in counties and small towns.”

As you said, I can't control it. Throughout the ages, imperial power has not been sent to the countryside. If we want to manage the affairs of towns and villages, we have to add a lot of officials. But if there are too many officials, the burden on the people will be too heavy. If there are too few, they won't be able to manage them. And even if officials are sent to manage towns, they themselves will become another local force. Therefore, towns are generally managed by families and have autonomy within the clan... This kind of thing has been around for a long time, and it is inevitable that there will be shortcomings.

If there have been more squeezes recently, I feel that the reason for the decrease in responses from 700 idols is the reason.

The response becomes less, the deterrence becomes less, and some symptoms will naturally arise again. People's desires are endless. If they are not suppressed, the flame of greed will burn more and more fiercely.

Instead of looking for me, you should take care of the statue.

Heh... Ma Nanzheng knew that what the other party said made sense, but he couldn't refute it.

Li Shou is in charge of the statue. Since the invasion incident, Li Shou has not had much energy to take care of these things, so some local problems have naturally arisen again.

But he couldn't rush Li Shou.

After all, counterinvading opponents and practicing revenge are more important things.

If you care too much, you will delay getting down to business. If you don't care, the world's evaluation will drop. This is an endless cycle - this is one of the reasons why most time-travelers are very poor.

It would be great if there were free and upright executors...

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