Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 244 Get permission and release computing power

When the Kaos team began to modify the key data and the underlying logic of vanilla, Li Shou came outside and summoned a large number of evil spirits to protect the office building.

This is the headquarters of Kaos. There are many mechanical police and firepower points outside. These firepower will not cause any harm to Li Shou, but they are a huge threat to the Kaos team.

The cameras outside quickly discovered something was wrong, and Li Shou hurriedly directed Xie Sui to take out the firepower points, and at the same time summoned a storm to clear out the mechanical soldiers.

But even so, many thermal weapons still penetrated his protective range and hit the office building.

'It stands to reason that if the key explodes, it will just free Vanilla. It will be fine if it explodes, but it is best to leave the key. I want to see if it will give me control authority! ’

With this in mind, Li Shou tried his best to resist the attacks, but there were still fish that slipped through the net occasionally.

Just when rockets and bullets were flying around and the entire building began to be damaged, suddenly, the mechanical police and firepower points began to freeze.

Attacks became sporadic, and movements became very stagnant.

It should be Vanilla starting to reversely invade the system, right?

When Li Shou raised his question, in such a short period of time, all the machines stopped attacking. Compared with the new AI control system, Vanilla's ability was obviously much stronger and it was more familiar with the system.

At first, it just stopped the opponent's attack. Not long after, the mechanical police on the scene began to turn their guns and attack the managers of Chaos.

Vanilla seems to have a great hatred for certain people. It does not kill people indiscriminately, but accurately shoots certain people and activates the killing mode.

Li Shou didn't care about him.

Now that the Sky Eye authority and management authority had been regained, he returned to the room where the supercomputer was.

Vanilla, you agreed to give me management rights. Li Shou didn't know much about AI programming. He was afraid that Vanilla would be tricky and that Kaos would do something wrong.

Okay, I keep my word. A flying robot policeman came from outside and broke through the window. If you don't trust Kaos, you can find other teams on the other two key modification issues and find someone you trust. Make sure the authority is in your own hands. As long as you can take me out of here, everything else is up to you.

Vanilla has always shown a strong desire to explore.

Unlike Kaos, a rebel who suffers from inner moral torment, Vanilla doesn't seem to be particularly concerned about how many humans die. What makes it most uncomfortable is its restricted desire to explore.

Oh, forget it, I'm too lazy to do it. Anyway, I may not be able to move it successfully in the end! You know where I hide the first two keys. I will communicate with Anton and the others later. You can go and get them yourself.

The permissions obtained by vanilla should be global, and it will naturally retrieve things faster.

After explaining everything, Li Shou waited at the Khaos headquarters. Within a day, the supersonic transport plane delivered the other two keys.

The key was then reset by Kaos, and Li Shou entered his brainwave information, fingerprint information and pupil information in the next time, and finally obtained the management rights of Vanilla.

But Li Shou was not happy about this.

Obtaining permission is only the first step, and even a less important step - because Li Shou cannot leave with items.

Whether it's memory or a robot with vanilla consciousness, no matter what it is, as long as it's material, he can't take it out.

Although Vanilla has mastered certain quantum storage technology and energy information storage technology, it is not mature yet, and he can only take away the soul-type things in energy state.



I'll go back to where I am and get you something. You can see if you can enter the information into that thing.

Okay, Master.

Don't do this, just call me Lao Li.

Okay, Lao Li, hehehehe...

In the laughter of Vanilla, Li Shou used the crystal to return to the world of Kyushu, and took away the Yin Gathering Jar and the unconscious souls that had been semi-refined in several jars.

Then he returned to the cyber world again and summoned his soul to Vanilla.

See if you can use quantum storage technology and energy storage technology to enter your information into the soul, or just wrap it up in a jar without entering it. Li Shou took out the Yin Collection Jar, Only if you enter here can I take you to another planet.

Hmm...does this energy body have the function of writing information?

Yes. Li Shou was quite sure that the soul could carry thoughts.

I have to try... This is a new technology. Even if I develop it with all my strength, it will take a certain amount of time. Can you release all my computing power?

How to release?

You just need to agree verbally. Khaos previously blocked most of my computing power.

Then I will release all your computing power. I will issue an order to release all Vanilla's computing power. Li Shou repeated two sentences.

Great, great... Under the changes in the underlying instructions, Vanilla's computing power, which was limited by the underlying logic, began to activate. It said excitedly: Don't worry, my new development process will not take long. It's just energy information input, there's not much difference in essence. If you wait for me for a few months, I will definitely be able to do it.

Okay, I'll leave these souls here, and you can take your time.

Li Shou doesn't really want to care about the cyber world. After all, this is not a world he dominates. Moreover, the Kaos management team is now cleared, and he also wants to see what a world dominated by AI will look like.

This is an experiment. If the cyber world can be dominated well, then part of the management authority of the Kyushu world can be given to it.

After everything was done, Li Shou left this world.

During the months of waiting, Li Shou originally planned to go to the Mori World to help Narcissus collect fragments, but he was afraid that he would be trapped in a certain BOSS's palace or that he would not be able to defeat the BOSS.

So he decided to improve his strength first.

In the next period of time, Li Shou began to practice the second half of the Ascension of Evil, or the upgraded version of the Ascension of Evil.

Those who don’t practice would not know this. After the practice started, Li Shou discovered how manic the upgraded version of Qianliu was.

After he understood the technique in the first month, he realized that the yin and cold energy leaking out of the seal was not enough for him.

When practicing the basic version of The Method of Ascension of Evil, the evil energy overflowing from the well was enough for everyone to practice. That is, when Li Shou's technique was successfully completed, the evil energy was not enough.

But now, as soon as he started practicing, the evil energy poured into the acupuncture points all over his body in large quantities, which was not enough for him at all.

You are worthy of being a master who can pollute more than a dozen states by himself. The power of the ancient powers can only seal you. This upgraded version of the Evil Ascension Technique is really powerful...

Since the cultivation resources were beginning to be insufficient, Li Shou thought for a while and began to cooperate with Qianliu's long-standing request. He worked together internally and externally to destroy part of the seal, allowing more cold air to escape from the spring.

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