Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 239 The ultimate weapon in the high-tech world

Xiaoju is out of order? When Xiaoju made her judgment, a man in a white coat walked out of the laboratory, looking like a scientist.

I didn't have a malfunction, you did, old guy! Xiao Ju retorted and scolded the visitor, This person really doesn't look like a carbon-based life form.

Fart, it's not a carbon-based life, but it can be a silicon-based life? The texture of his body doesn't look like silicon-based life... The old man walked up to Li Shou as he spoke.

And Anton also greeted him respectfully, Dr. Caron.

Yeah. Caron nodded, Is he the new white man?

Yes, the memory has been formatted.

Come with me.

Li Shou followed him into the laboratory, and with Li Shou's permission, Caron wanted to collect cells for him.

It did not go well at first. The small instruments in the laboratory could not break Li Shou's defense. In the end, he took action himself, broke the skin and took out some cell tissue.

Then Dr. Caron's shocking journey begins.

What type of cell are these? Are you an alien?

No, no, no, you are not human! There is no genetic information here...

You're not even an animal!

You are not a carbon-based life, but you are not a silicon-based life either...

How did the spiral tissue become like this?

Who are you?

When Dr. Caron was doing the experiment, Li Shou was also watching. He couldn't understand the rest, but when the picture of the double helix organization of DNA was run on the computer, Li Shou could understand it.

He has lost his DNA, and the rule of the double helix has been replaced by other rules.

He was strengthened and changed again and again, especially after that epic level strengthening, Li Shou felt that he was no longer completely human.

Now it seems that is indeed the case...

His current situation is that he is still a human being, but he is no longer a human being in the traditional sense, and has begun to approach a regular life.

Can this be cloned?

No, I don't have the technology. There are rays in your body that don't exist on this planet. How can you clone it?

Okay. Li Shou was a little regretful, but he could accept it.

After all, his body's flesh and blood will die if it is too far away from the body. Even if a complete clone can be cloned, it may not be able to be used normally.

After getting rid of this thought, Li Shou spent the next time in the base to understand how far the world's weapon technology had developed.

This determines his coping strategy...

Weapon technology in this world is more advanced than on Earth. Although gunpowder weapons are still in use, only some of the mechanical police are using them.

If Li Shou really wants to enter the interior of Khaos, he will have to face more than this.

After Li Shou used the laboratory's network to understand the information, he determined that the weapons that might threaten him were as follows: high-energy energy rays, a very alternative non-thrown space-based weapon that is stored by special means. The stellar energy is then projected in a special waveband.

The super electromagnetic gun is also a space weapon. This electromagnetic gun is said to be several kilometers long and floats in space, like a small space station.

These two weapons are life-threatening to Li Shou, and are more powerful than nuclear bombs. It is very easy to destroy a city.

Secondly, there are nuclear bombs here, which also pose a threat to Li Shou.

However, these three methods are all mutually beneficial. If you want to use them in the city, the AI ​​counterattack system itself has no authority and must be approved by the speakers of the North and South Parliaments at all levels.

As long as Li Shou moves quickly enough, or there are big figures in the area, or the threat he poses is not high enough to destroy the city, this type of weapon should not be used.

And in his current state, even if he faces a weapon of this level, he may not die instantly, and he can still use the crystal to return home.

Beyond that, the only remaining threat is the Destroyer.

A product of the combination of biotechnology and mechanical technology, a super robot with a large amount of vanilla computing power. However, although it was powerful, the weapons it was equipped with did not reach the level, so Li Shou ignored it.

That's it! Li Shou fell in love with the feeling of going straight to the Yellow Dragon since he killed the emperor.

Don't do any side tasks and go directly to the main boss.

Li Shou did not listen to the people's advice, left the underground laboratory, and went to the Feita City Branch of the Khaos Group alone.

From the moment he left the sewer, he was discovered by AI.

Faced with the overwhelming number of small robot police, Li Shou did not hold back this time and directly released his power. The storm combined with the ice energy to summon a large storm like the end of winter, causing robots all over the sky to fall from the sky. The mechanical police were also all frozen, and were later destroyed by the wind blade.

Storm combined with internal energy is a powerful weapon for killing miscellaneous soldiers.

Li Shou accelerated all the way and came directly to the Khaos branch of District 46.

And this place has long been heavily guarded.

Li Shou's performance along the way, the data has long been collected into the AI ​​system, and then it adjusted the danger rating to the highest level of alert status based on the data verification information. This level is the level of a large-scale national war.

After reaching this level, the request to use the ultimate weapon is also sent...

Not to mention, the Destroyer has already been activated.

The surrounding ground collapsed, and biological mechas more than ten meters high were released.

People were also running frantically on the streets, and various hover cars, various single-person aircraft, and various vacuum transportation equipment were all activated.

Li Shou was suspended in the air, watching the crowd below flee in all directions like ants moving.

He didn't take action directly, he was just waiting for these people to escape.

Because the next battle between him and the Destroyer may destroy several blocks. If they are not allowed to escape, tens of thousands of ordinary people will die. This is not in line with the fairness principle in Li Shou's heart.

Now that he is getting stronger and stronger, when he looks down at ordinary people, he always feels like he is looking at ants.

This is a deformed mentality brought about by power and strength. Li Shou needs to adjust from time to time in order to maintain basic equal treatment.

He is really an alien, like a super human in the comics...

In the laboratory, through the hacked neighborhood camera, Anton and other white figures were also looking at Li Shou in the sky.

Not only them, but many underground White Paper Man organizations have received this message.

Some good people also spread this picture through videos.

Inside Khaos, the senior officials had come to the underground alloy safe house to take shelter, and this scene was even more incomprehensible.

What kind of weird intruder? Who has information about this enhanced person? Within the Chaos Group, while everyone was analyzing Li Shou's data, a destroyer took action.

It was a mecha about ten meters long. After locking on Li Shou, it raised its arm and fired an electromagnetic cannon at him.

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