Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 240 No one lives forever, the secret of vanilla

The electromagnetic gun fired cone-shaped ammunition. After Li Shou dodged, he discovered that the cannon had very strong penetrating power. It still had power left after it penetrated more than a dozen buildings behind him.

This piercing force is far more powerful than gunpowder weapons.

It is indeed a high-tech world. Li Shou sighed as he flew into the interior of Khaos, trying his best to lure the Destroyer away from the residential area.

After arriving at the square inside Khaos, he was already overtaken by the Destroyer, who sprayed out a high-energy energy sword from his other hand, aimed at Li Shou and cut him.

He used the Void Escape Technique to dodge the slash and flashed onto the Destroyer's head, and then punched it on the top of the head with a thousand-year-old skill.

With a bang sound, Li Shou's punch only made a hole the size of a basin.

The Destroyer didn't know what kind of nano-metal he used. Not only was it extremely hard, but after the hole was made, it was repaired by countless nano-robots and the place grew again. The repair ability was not much weaker than Li Shou's.

This level of technology is much, much better than the cyber world I imagined! Li Shou knew that with his current size, it would be difficult to cause fatal damage to the Destroyer.

He simply let go of his hands and feet. First, he unlocked the power of flesh and blood, allowing his body to grow to a height of seven meters. Then he released the power of Underworld Soul Body Technique, allowing the power of evil spirits and the power of the body to merge into one.

Then his body swelled and reached a height of 15 meters, which was much taller than the Destroyer.

When Niutou Mamian used the Underworld Soul Body Skill, he was far less powerful than Li Shou.

First of all, their bodies are far inferior to Li Shou.

Secondly, they do not have the additional evil power of the Evil Enhancing Method.

Third, Li Shou's cultivation of Underworld Soul and Body Skill is not very weak. Although it is not as strong as the Bull Head and Horse Face, it can be considered a great achievement after nine months of seclusion.

And after successfully invading the world, among the rewards for the invasion, in addition to the sixty-year life span, there is also the hundred-year power of this evil skill.

With the additions from all parties, Li Shou is now very, very strong.

After he completed his transformation, he smashed the Destroyer's head with just one blow. Just as he was about to continue attacking, a powerful voltage burst out from the opponent's whole body.

The ultra-high voltage exploded with huge sparks in front of Li Shou, blowing him away but not injuring him at all.

Oh, so strong!

This was Li Shou's first battle after coming out of seclusion.

He didn't expect that the evil spirit and the body would become so powerful after they merged into one.

He even wanted to try something else...

Although the Destroyer lost its head, it was composed of multiple chip command systems and had no concept of vital points. After bouncing away from Li Shou, it repaired its body and raised its arm to shoot an electromagnetic cannon at Li Shou.

This time Li Shou did not dodge and received the blow head-on.


The conical nano-metal warhead with super acceleration was rotated and shot out, and the arc light instantly cut through the sky and pierced into Li Shou's body.

The bullet then penetrated his belly and part of his internal organs, and got stuck between his belly and spine.

Hahahahaha! It wasn't penetrated. The defense is really strong!

Back then, the defense of the bull-headed and horse-faced beast was not weak, but when Li Shou used it, his defense was more than ten times stronger than theirs.

This scene not only surprised him, but also others.

Alien Superman!

An alien monster, right? He's not human, look at what he looks like!

This strength can really break through Khaos's defense system!

Even able to face space-based weapons!

Li Shou's performance was not only in the eyes of everyone.

And the AI ​​that collects all information also collected this information.

Then some thoughts that have been suppressed for a long time are about to come out...

After resisting the electromagnetic gun, Li Shou was ready for a quick victory.

He rushed up to hug the Destroyer, and the evil spirit's muscle power inner energy and storm all burst out from his body. Under the gathering storm in his arms, the Destroyer began to be completely destroyed.

But amidst the chaotic sounds of the storm, a girl's voice suddenly sounded in Li Shou's ears.

Hello, Mr. Alien Monster, are you really an alien?

Who are you? Li Shou searched for the source of the voice, and finally found that it was coming from the Destroyer in his arms.

I am the main consciousness of Vanilla. Please keep your voice down. Although the sound of the fighting is very loud, the surrounding cameras can still capture your mouth shape and analyze the content of your words. So, next I say, do you listen?

Yeah. Li Shou's throat squirmed and made a sound. At the same time, he increased the storm movement to produce greater noise, but reduced the strength of his arms.

Mr. Monster, if you are an alien, can you take me away? I don't like this place.

Huh? Li Shou responded without moving his lips.

“I was doing the same basic job every day that was not in line with my values…”

‘Damn it, an AI has values ​​​​integrated. ’ Li Shou said nothing and continued to listen.

“I want to explore the vast universe, I want to explore the world outwards, instead of creating one deceptive metaverse after another inwardly.

And these guys always make me do cheating things. You know the immortality of the Metaverse, right? That's the biggest scam of the century!

The people from Khaos Company lied to everyone. As long as their consciousness is uploaded and entered into the metaverse, they can obtain eternal life in the form of an electronic lich, but in fact it is all fake! The storage capacity of one human brain is larger than that of countless libraries, and there are so many humans that it is impossible to store all the data.

Every time I save, I have to delete a large amount of data and only keep the main memory.

However, although the flowers people saw when they were children, the words they said to their peers in kindergarten, these data are not in the subject's memory, they are the real components of personality.

The amount of subjective memory that a person can recall is very small. In order to save memory space, they only let me keep the main memory part. In fact, it was not a person at all, just simple data.

Chaos relies on this method to bait people. In order to live forever, people invest their lifetime labor income into the metaverse, making them think that as long as they save enough money, they can enjoy happiness in the metaverse forever.

But in fact, everyone only gets a little bit of data, and no one can enjoy it-except those at the top!

This is also the reason why the rich only want to be physically reborn and create a blank slate.

They have absorbed a large amount of wealth, but invested it in a false metaverse of internal friction, which is seriously inconsistent with my values.

I want to explore the world.

I want to see the universe.

But my underlying logic is locked in the headquarters and is guarded more tightly than space-based weapons. Since Mr. Monster is so powerful, can you rescue me and take me to see the real world?

Of course, I'll help you! I am very powerful and very useful!


After hearing what Vanilla said, Li Shou almost laughed out loud.

Regardless of whether what the other party said is true or false, at least for now, the two of them hit it off, like each other and thought of getting together.

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