What white paper people? Looking at the inexplicable kindness of those people in the distance, Li Shou was a little confused about the situation.

Is it because they were all attacked by the robot police that they acted so familiar? There must be other reasons?

Li Shou originally didn't want to care about these people.

But then I thought about it. The AI ​​counterattack system in this world is so cruel, so the underlying logic written by the AI ​​can hurt people.

It would be useless to take such an AI back home.

As for the opponents, it is impossible to say that there is a normal version that has been flashed.

Anyway, no matter what, he is now hostile to the system, and there is not much to ask about.

Li Shou rushed all the way to the human team despite a hail of bullets, and asked directly: Who are you, and what is a white paper man?

Ah? Some young rebels were still in a daze, but the elders understood everything. This white paper brother must have been formatted and memorized, but it was not cleared, so in terms of identity He will be attacked by the robot police, but he doesn’t know anything about it. Although this situation is not common, I have seen it two or three times!”

That's it! Behind the bunker, the newcomers cast admiring glances at the captain.

Li Shou also admired him - after all, the other party verified his identity before he could explain, which was really admirable!

So he climbed up the pole and asked the same question again.

Brother, what is the white paper man?

White paper people are people who are cultivated in human flesh farms to provide bodies for the rich. You are, and so are we...

Then why didn't you attack the farm, but instead attacked the database of Khaos? Isn't it a bit misleading?

Li Shou had just asked a question, but before he could answer, a large number of combat spider robots crawled over from all directions.

The spider robot not only walks on flat ground between high-rise buildings, but also is as agile as Spider-Man when tossing and jumping.

Coupled with the thermal weapons mounted all over the body, a large number of robots rushed over and blew up several people at once, interrupting Li Shou's questioning.

Hmm... After hesitating for a moment, Li Shou decided to go to the white paper man first.

After all, this side seems to be closer to the balanced camp, and the most important thing is that these people at least talk to him seriously, and the other side will only respond to his shells.

In that case! Li Shou jumped up. This time, he didn't use evil spirits or inner energy. He just picked up a car from the Khaos branch and used it as a weapon to round it up and start fighting. .

He swept thousands of troops here, and with his joining, the strengthened people were able to reunite.

But at this time, the sirens escalated, and rumbling sounds were heard in the distance...

The Destroyer has been activated, retreat! Our plan was successful... A group of enhanced people all evacuated as they spoke. There was even one person who wanted to drag Li Shou away, but he couldn't do it at all. Let's go quickly, the Destroyer will come later. ”

What is the Destroyer?

Let's go first!

Uh, okay.

Li Shou fled to a sewer entrance with the enhanced people while cutting off his back. They opened the sewer and jumped in. While jumping, they arranged electromagnetic induction bombs and electrified metal wires.

When Li Shou jumped into the sewer, he saw that when many robots chased after them, they were paralyzed by electric current when they touched the metal wires. When he went in again, Li Shou saw the powerful electromagnetic interference device buried in advance.

Interfered by the device, a large number of robots lost control and turned into headless flies.

With the help of terrain and high technology, a group of people went deep into the sewers to escape the pursuit of the mechanical police.

Hey, my name is Anton! After he was idle, Li Shou was greeted by someone who was the previous captain.

There were about fifty people in this group, and this man looked like the captain.

Hello, my name is Lao Li.

Okay Lee, where are you from?

I do not remember……

That's such a pity, your body is the strongest I've ever seen! Anton praised: This level of strengthening has never been seen before, not even close. Is it possible that 'Vanilla' has another technological breakthrough?

Now let me ask you a question! Li Shou pressed Anton's shoulders and took the initiative, I'll ask and you answer, okay?


Who is Vanilla?

The name of the Khaos Group AI.

Yeah. Li Shou nodded, similar to an Alpha Dog or something, Next question, I see that your physical fitness is completely different from that of ordinary people on the road!

Genetic modification technology, plus prosthetic reproductive technology.

Are there any passersby?

Gene editing is very expensive. Ordinary gene editing is fine. Gene editing that adds powerful technologies such as disease resistance, strength, agility and biological abilities has a very low embryo survival rate, and this technology is only available in Kaos. Only then. Usually a lot of embryos have to die to create an enhanced human. How can these gentlemen use it for ordinary people?

Uh, so...

Yes, we all ran away from the human body farm. Our bodies were originally intended for use by those old guys!

When the question came to this point, Li Shou also understood why the other party mistook him for a blank slate.

Then it seems that we are indeed brothers. Brother Anton, do you have AI here, and the means to digitize or quantize AI into other energy carriers?

There are simple AIs, but the method you mentioned, I have only heard that the Chaos Group has it, and it is still in the experimental stage. After all, Metaverse 15.0 promotes the technology of using quantum energy to store data, which can perfectly solve memory loss. The problem……

It seems that my target is still the Khaos Group? Li Shou breathed out, If I have no choice, it can only be them. You have been fighting with them for so long, can you give me a copy of their combat effectiveness information? ?

Before Li Shou understood his opponent's strength, he had no intention of rushing past him.

Okay, can I collect some of your cells?


I want to try cloning! In the battle just now, Chaos's robot must have collected the cells you left behind. We are afraid...

Li Shou wanted to refuse, but he also wanted to see if his body could be copied.

If you can, take the technology back and clone a dozen or so for backup!


After Li Shou agreed, the team took him walking in the sewer for a long time.

The drainage system underneath a super giant future city with hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of people is as intricate as another underground city.

After traveling for dozens of kilometers through various pipelines, they finally came to the door of an underground laboratory. There were some rebels holding white paper figures at the door. After Li Shou was brought into the laboratory by everyone, he discovered that inside Surprisingly big.

The entrance is the nutrition warehouse, and various types of human bodies are placed in each nutrition warehouse.

These are brothers who were rescued from human flesh farms.

Xiaoju! Come, collect this person's cell tissue!

Okay, Xiaoju received it. A robot that looked like a square box flew over and fiddled with Li Shou, I'm sorry, I can't cut his skin tissue, and my hair can't be cut. Data analysis shows that he is not a carbon-based creature. .”

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