Hmm... Li Shou looked at the weapons of these robots.

It seems that the technology content is much higher than that on Earth. When the warning shot was fired just now, it also shot something like plasma.

But without using heavy city-destroying weapons, it would be impossible to kill the current Li Shou.

These robots looked like mechanical police officers. Li Shou looked at them and thought for a while but finally did not resist.

‘I’m here to transmit AI data, not to fight. I’m just here to get a new identity. There’s no need to fight to the death to be the enemy of the world. ’ Li Shou raised his hands high and did not make any attack movements. Then the mechanical police tied him up with alloy ropes and put him in the car.

After being captured by the robot police, Li Shou entered the house and was temporarily detained.

Hey, buddy, what did you do to get in here?

There were more than a dozen people detained together with Li Shou.

Everyone is within the alloy fence and is guarded by mechanical police around them.

Nothing... Li Shou looked at these people.

The fluorescent lines on each cyber style tattoo on the face look very weird. This kind of tattoo is colorful, just like wearing a layer of colorful skin while playing games.

In addition, face nails seem to be popular here, each with a metal face and nose.

Newcomer, come here and rub your shoulders. A thick man without forearms started the old tradition of bullying newcomers after seeing Li Shou.

No, why is this the same in every world? No wonder Hongyan likes humans. Now I suspect that in so many worlds and planets, human beings have such similar personalities and similar looks. Maybe they are all the same They were first batch of ancestors, and then spread to the entire universe by Red Eye... After all, twisted creatures are the same for everyone.

What nonsense are you talking about? Due to the suppression of rules, people here can't understand things like the main world or other world rules.

Forget it if you don't understand. You are missing a section of your arm. Did you have a prosthetic limb installed before and was removed by the robot police when you were locked up?

It's none of your business! Come here and give me a slap on your shoulders and a squeeze on your feet... This damn place is so damn cramped. I feel uncomfortable all over because of my lack of energy and blood!

... Li Shou ignored him and looked at the person who talked to him at the beginning, Brother, what is the Khaos Group?

Uh... The man didn't dare to reply, because the stout man had already stood up and came behind Li Shou.

He grabbed Li Shou's shoulders with his hands and secretly exerted force.

As a career criminal, he knew that an attack of this magnitude would not be considered an assault by RoboCop.

But the more he squeezed, the worse it felt. Li Shou's shoulders were like alloy and his fingers hurt.

If you do something, I will do the same, it's fair! Li Shou stood up and pinched the other person in the same manner, directly squeezing his three-inch thick shoulder into an inch.

Within the alloy fence, screams like ghosts crying and wolves howling suddenly sounded...

But the robot police still didn't care.

Kaos Group, the question just now...

Oh oh oh, yes, Khaos is the largest high-tech group in the world, didn't you know? Mohawk, who had spoken to him earlier, saw that Li Shou was not a good person, and his attitude became much better.

Did they build the Metaverse?

Yes, they build the basic framework, and then individual small companies can enrich it.

“What’s going on with electronic immortality?”

Compress human consciousness into data, and then survive in the metaverse.

Is it okay for everyone?

Everyone can do it, but the treatment is different. If you don't pay, you can only play as other people's toys in the metaverse. For example, you can only play as zombies in zombie games. In ancient games, you can only play as miscellaneous NPCs. Or the guide... is an electronic worker.

Rich people can enjoy the world of the metaverse and even physical immortality.

How do you achieve physical immortality?

There are human farms on the outskirts of the city. Humans cultivated with artificial embryos can regain a young and healthy body through consciousness transmission as long as the rich get old.

I understand, every world has different customs and customs! Is there a branch of the Khaos Group in this city?

Yes, Area 46 is their headquarters!

While Li Shou was chatting with the inmates, the door of the alloy fence was opened, and a special mechanical policeman walked in.

It had an electronic helmet on its chest. After arriving, Li Shou asked Li Shou to put his head into the helmet.

We will scan your memory data and, if there is no criminal activity, issue you an ID.

Scan the memory? This was something Li Shou couldn't accept. He was about to refuse, but the robot police seemed to have no patience at all and started counting down directly.

He was too lazy to fight with these robots, so he just broke open the alloy fence and smashed the wall with one punch.

He can cooperate, but his degree of cooperation is definitely limited.

Get rid of the offenders... The surrounding robot police saw someone escaping from prison, and without saying a word, they fired directly with various weapons.

The robot police here seem to have great power and seem to have been entered into some kind of deterrent program.

Even though Li Shou was the only one who escaped from prison, they fired directly and indiscriminately, turning everyone in the fence into sieves or being scorched by plasma.

I'm going, no wonder when they first arrested me, everyone passing by screamed and ran away! The law enforcement methods in this world are really simple and crude. It is obvious that there are such sophisticated technologies that can target me. Why is that? Woolen cloth?

With doubts, Li Shou turned around and struck a few palms. The storm and the cold air of a thousand years of skill shattered several robots.

But as soon as he went out, all the cameras on the streets he passed were locked on him. After that, the whole city became active, with countless large and small drones flying in the sky.

Drawing net, not many people in this world dare to break the law, right? Under the hail of bullets, Li Shou jumped up to a high-rise building. After looking around, he judged a direction and flew towards the city center.

He has now practiced the Underworld Soul Body Kung Fu and the evil spirit's defense power and the body's defense power have been combined into one. Small missiles and electromagnetic cannons fired by drones cannot penetrate his defense.

He followed the electronic road signs with sparks and lightning all the way to Area 46.

A city has a hundred districts, and the population is probably hundreds of millions...and it seems that there is also a war here!

When Li Shou came to District 46, he found that there was also a war here.

Some obviously specially modified humans were trying to attack the branch of Chaos. They were shouting things like blow up the database while attacking with thermal weapons.

But compared with the overwhelming mechanical police around them, these enhanced people are weak and weak.

And Li Shou's arrival seemed to be their life-saving straw.

There's an enhanced human there! He's so strong. What kind of prosthetic limbs does he have and what level of defense system does he have? Why can't he break through his defenses?

He seems to be here to attack too, with a large number of drones behind him!

Hey, Brother White Paper Man, did you run away from the Human Body Farm too? Someone shouted something to Li Shou from a distance, leaving him confused.

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