Chapter 236 Metaverse 15.0

Li Shou now has two important things to do.

The first one is to help Narcissus get the Terminus Fragment, and the other one is to start developing the world of Kyushu.

The first thing will probably take a long time. After all, there are many bosses in the Mori world, and it is not an easy task to defeat them one by one.

Moreover, if the transfer of AI goes well, it may be very fast. While bringing the AI ​​over and letting it develop on its own, you can also push the BOSS without any delay.

Moreover, after Li Shou went to the martial arts world this time, he realized how weak his world protection was.

Not to mention the predators coming to invade, even if it were a weaker person, it would be difficult to protect here.

Next, Emperor Jue will set up some formations around here, and then I'll get some good stuff over.

Li Shou had never dared to go to the high-tech world before.

After all, he himself comes from the world of technology and has always been in awe of technology.

Before reaching a certain level of strength, technology is very, very lethal to people.

Even Li Shou cannot crush the high-tech world now. The main reason why he dares to go now is because he already has the absolute means to protect himself.

Whether he can defeat the AI ​​corps or not, he is confident that he will be able to activate the crystal to turn back even when faced with high-energy lasers and space-based weapons.

After explaining some things to his classmates, Li Shou left the cave.

Then he found Yan Linger and met her at the agreed place, and informed her that the danger was temporarily lifted. After the two gathered together for a few more days, Li Shou set off again.

new world……

As a person who loves adventure and wants to see more of the world, Li Shou is very excited every time he goes to a new world.

He was fascinated by the feeling of smiling at the changing winds and vicissitudes of the world.

Each world has its own development trajectory, each world has its own things, and the whole world has its own charm.

Speaking of which, this is also my first time in the high-tech world.

Except for the first scene, all the worlds Li Shou went to did not focus on technology.

Li Shou thought about it and found the coordinates in his mind.

All the worlds he has seen have world locations in the Deception Crystal.

This seems to be it... After browsing through the vast world tree, Li Shou locked on a spot of light, Other people travel to other cities to see similar customs and customs, but my travel is to go directly to another world. Look at different things.”

With secret joy in his heart, Li Shou locked the coordinates and shuttled into this world.

In a flash of light, he came to a bustling street.

Looking up, the neon lights of high-rise buildings and the huge projections used unknown technology to project vivid light and shadow giants dozens of meters high to advertise on the streets.

Yuanverse 15.0 is officially launched, realizing everyone's dream of eternal life...

Yuan Universe? Li Shou listened to this familiar word, This is another word translated by machine. The meaning is almost translated into this, but translated into Yuan Universe, it sounds a bit tacky. But everyone can really live forever. Can you do it?”

Li Shou remembered that when he first opened this world, he saw many people living in the game warehouse through the portal, thinking that this was a pure doomsday world.

AI dominates everything, and everyone lives in the dream of the game.

But now it seems that is not entirely the case...

At least there are a lot of people on the street.

These people were dressed in strange clothes, and some of them were equipped with colorful prosthetics. Li Shou's alien clothes were not noticeable among them.

It's good, but you don't need to change clothes. Then, let's find AI and see if the AI ​​in this world can be used.

Li Shou casually wandered around the world. This was a very commercial street. After wandering around, he saw a shop selling smart maids and walked in.

Hello. The person who received him was a woman in a maid uniform. As soon as she saw Li Shou entering the store, she greeted him warmly: What does the guest need?

Although she was enthusiastic, Li Shou could not feel the breath of a living person from her body.

This is also a robot.

Is there a separate intelligent system? I want to see the quality...

Well, can you be more specific?

What I need is an AI that can independently spread knowledge and develop technology. It should preferably have a huge memory, be able to store a lot of knowledge, and be able to independently manufacture robots... Well, it's probably of this type.

It sounds like all types of AI. Sorry, we only have life-type AI here. Selling all-knowledge AI is illegal.

Understood. Then give me an AI that provides ordinary life services. I'll try... Li Shou wanted to see if he could take it away first.

It is difficult to take away pure materials from each world, including all ordinary materials such as equipment and food.

But the semi-energy body can be taken away under special circumstances.

First of all, when the evil spirit entered his body, Li Shou traveled back to the earth and brought the evil spirit back with him. Second, Bai Wu often used the Yin Gathering Jar to transport the evil spirit from the Kyushu world.

Li Shuixian valued the Yin Jar so highly because of its ability to be transported in space.

This ability alone is worth a hundred years.

Guest, please wait a moment...

When the maid was chatting with Li Shou, the alien existence of Li Shou had already been discovered within the Sky Eye system.

Unlike all previous worlds, all clues in this world are under the control of the Sky Eye System.

The moment Li Shou suddenly crossed over from the street, he was captured by the ubiquitous quantum camera. Subsequently, facial analysis, identity verification, and all data began to run rapidly in the background.

In the high-tech world, no secrets exist.

It's just that under the suppression of rules, even AI has created data chaos.

Guest... the maid paused for a moment, then continued to introduce the product.

She brought some strange things like integrated hard drives to Li Shou, saying that this was a life-style AI.

Can you read and write it into pure data mode, and then transfer it to an energy carrier with memory? Just like the pure energy carrier of the Yuan Universe Soul...

I think only the Khaos Group can do this, guest!

Kaos Group!

While Li Shou was chanting, a siren suddenly sounded outside. Hearing the siren, everyone on the road began to run away, as if they had encountered something terrible.

Li Shou turned around and opened the door and saw that the street was already covered with robots.

These robots had flashing red logos on their bodies. Most of the robots had spider-like limbs. After seeing Li Shou, they began to fire warning shots.

Undocumented persons, please follow us to be investigated!

We will verify your identity and issue you a replacement document...

Please don't resist, stay where you are!

The surrounding mechanical police warned while taking out various weapons and aiming them at Li Shou.

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