The reason why Li Shou and Li Shuixian dared to stand here was because Li Shuixian had used methods to test them before. Basically, the yaksha outside these doors would not take the initiative to attack people.

They only fight back if you try to break in.

We won't be able to enter it for many years. Maybe we won't be able to find out what's inside until before the fifth game, or after we become adventurers.

While Li Shuixian was talking, the mushroom's prompt sounded suddenly.

[The invasion mission is completed, and the death toll in the Manshu camp reaches 99%. Excellent finish. 】

[Whether you choose to return, if not, you can stay here for three months. 】

Oh, the bug seems to have a time limit. Ninety-nine percent of the people died. It seems that the remaining souls of those two people have been re-determined as dead!

After calculating the time, the extra time to stay here is exactly half a year! Hee hee hee……

Then it's time for us to separate. Speaking of separation, Li Shou felt a little reluctant.

The six months that he spent with Narcissus day and night made Li Shou feel very comfortable.

She is an extremely smart girl. She can even detect when others have negative emotions and interrupt them, so being with her makes you feel very relaxed.

The word empathetic is tailor-made for her.

During the time that Li Shou got along with Li Shuixian, he realized why Iwaizumi, a woman with a weird temper and bad temper, could be dealt with by her.

It seems that some people are a little reluctant to let me go! I am also reluctant to let you go! After Shuixian sensed Li Shou's emotions, he said with a smile: In this case, we will keep in touch. By the fifth game, I can Join your team and we can always be together.

But not now. It would be a huge loss to join now. If the two teams merge into one and one less one dominates the world, there will be a lot less income. And now is the development period. We each have our own ways to improve ourselves, and we can't be together all the time.

Um...yes. Li Shou nodded, You can't get in here. Let's go back, divide the equipment, and then exchange the exercises. I'll share with you the several sets of exercises I've been telling you before.


After returning, Li Shou and Li Shuixian divided the spoils into two parts.

They were not divided according to value, but whatever Li Shou could use, Li Shuixian gave it to him.

In this case, Li Shou took a lot of advantage. After all, the jar that stores Yin Qi alone accounts for nearly half of the total value here.

But Li Shuixian didn't care, she just asked Li Shou to use Final Fragments to make up for it later.

During the last three months, in addition to distributing materials, there was also an exchange of exercises.

Narcissus's techniques were all complex and Li Shou couldn't learn them. However, he taught him techniques such as Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue and Heaven Demon Soul Resurrection Technique.

But without the Stone Jade Golden Ice Heart Grass to assist in training, the effect of Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue is very average.

Apart from doing these, Li Shou just practices.

The environment of this female martial arts world is very suitable for Li Shou to practice.

Li Shou, on the other hand, has the Increase in Comprehension and Improvement in Concentration brought by Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, as well as the Evil Cultivation Root Bone, Infinite Physical BUFF, Infinite Trial and Error BUFF and other bonuses. very fast.

Not to mention that the current environment is suitable, among the legacies of the four Bai Wuchang brothers, there are also things such as Bone Necklace and Evil Gathering Talisman that can increase the speed of practicing evil arts.

And later the Spirit Gathering and Evil Array that was adapted from the Spirit Gathering Array depicted by Li Shuixian.

The addition of this training BUFF is simply terrifying.

Li Shou originally practiced for one year, which is equivalent to a hundred years for ordinary people. Now he only used the nine months of his stay to master the Underworld Soul Skill and the Underworld Soul Body Skill respectively. Jian Shang's martial arts.

Although it is just that Dacheng has not yet mastered it, his strength has reached another level.

After arriving in this realm, Li Shou felt that he could already help Narcissus get some fragments.

Oh, good brothers, there is always time to part ways. Nine months later, Narcissus has grown up a bit, and the girlish color on his face has faded. After gradually maturing, Narcissus is like a flower that has bloomed, becoming more mature. Beautiful.

In the past, there was still a bit of a child's air about him, but now he stood there slim and graceful, like a person in a poem or painting.

Before teleporting away, she handed everything to Li Shou and patted his shoulder hard, See you later, good brother!


After a flash of light, everyone left this martial arts world composed of women.

After leaving, there was naturally the invasion reward session. Since Li Shou was in charge this time, his benefits were much higher than last time. He gained a full 60 years of life and 100 years of evil spirit power.

This time, there was nothing to worry about since all the extra links were evil skills. Li Shou directly chose the skills and then returned.

After being away for nine months, Guo Pengfei and Juehuang couldn't wait to go home after returning.

Li Shou also returned to Earth with them. After trying to contact his classmates on the phone, he returned to the Kyushu world to contact his classmates inside.

After some contact, everyone gathered in the cave after a few days.

It's really worrying to be away for so long every time. Wang Yanna sat at the mouth of the sealed well and said, Fortunately, they are all back.

Is this a win? You brought back so many is the big guy doing? I asked you before but you still didn't tell me. King Urine asked.

It's not that we don't tell. The main thing is that everyone asks. The situation is rather complicated, so why not tell it together. As he spoke, Li Shou poured the big man's soul out of the Yin Collection Jar and explained the situation at the same time.

...That's probably it. If you want to restore his soul, you will probably get the prehistoric world.

Well, luckily what I'm missing is my body. Wang Yifei's evil spirit floated next to him.

Oh, by the way, you practice this technique. Li Shou handed Wang Yifei the Underworld Soul Body Technique, You can create a fake body, but the fake body will be a bit strange, and it will probably look a bit like something from the underworld.

As long as you have a body, it doesn't matter if you are weird.

And these are all used to assist cultivation. Li Shou poured out the Bone Necklace, Evil Gathering Talisman and Yin Qi from the martial arts world collected in the Yin Gathering Jar.

It directly turned this place into an alternative version of Dongtian Paradise.

With these bonuses, everyone can practice evil skills more than ten times faster... From now on, everyone should improve their strength and not rely on me for everything.

With this influx of wealth, the team's training resources suddenly increased to predator level.

Next, the team will definitely enter a period of rapid development of strength.

In order to ensure the sustainable development of the lifespan of himself and his team, and to resist possible invaders in the future, Li Shou prepared to reshape the world of Kyushu.

Li Shuixian once told him that developing technology is a good thing.

But these people are ordinary high school students. It is too slow to rely on them to develop technology and slowly transfer knowledge from the earth.

It’s better to rely on super AI.

Li Shou thought that among the worlds he had coordinates, there was a world of super technology dominated by AI. If it could be brought in, Kyushu's technology would definitely take off.

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