Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 234 When we get along day and night, explore the world

The little miser took a thorough inventory and found a total of about 190 years worth of things at the scene.

Of course, this valuation is a full valuation and it is impossible to sell it even if you think about it.

If they are sold in packages, they can only be sold with a lifespan of about 120 to 130 years, and they will be discounted by 60 to 30%.

Liquidating assets is a long process...but it seems that we can use most of these things.

The items on site were of high value, but things like the Yin Gathering Jar and exercises were obviously from the same school as Li Shou, so he could basically use them.

This is also a reasonable thing. It is because of the same ancestry and the same lineage that the four Bai Wuchang brothers will focus on their Jiuzhou world, and they will have grudges - this is another sense in which colleagues are enemies.

Well, I don't want to sell the formation stone. If I change it, I can use it...

While Li Shuixian was talking, Dumpling, Juehuang and others also came to the main hall. They saw the damaged wall at a glance, and then walked into the secret room.

After they arrived, they piled the weapons and props outside here, It's all money.

But how do we leave? When everyone was obsessed with money, Juehuang asked first.

Eh? After Jue Huang reminded him, Li Shou was a little confused, Yes!

In the last invasion, shortly after they won the battle, the sound of a mushroom prompt came out.

But it’s been so long this time, and I’ve already checked my belongings twice. Why is there no prompt to leave or stay?

The fungus didn't prompt the mission victory because I left the souls of the bull head and the horse face in the formation. This wave of bugs is really effective. I don't know how long it will take for the fungus to discover it. Hehehe...


As far as I know, after a successful invasion, you can only stay in this world for three months. But in fact, there are a lot of things that can be mined in each world, and three months is simply not enough. So I just watched you kill the Minotaur and Horsemen When they arrived, they deliberately used formations to retain a trace of their souls, keeping them in a state where they were theoretically not yet dead.

Not more than half of the rulers of this world have died. Logically speaking, the invasion will not be judged as successful. If this wave of bugs are blocked, we can stay here for a long time.

As for how long it will take to be discovered, there is no experimental data yet.

You are so considerate. Juehuang was stunned for a moment, then sighed again, It would be great if he was from our team.

Awesome... Li Shou also praised.

The preservation of the world is nothing to him, after all, he can come back with the crystal, but it is very useful to others.

Why has no one used this method before?

The conditions are too harsh. First of all, if you choose to invade, you have to invade a valuable world. Valuable worlds may have the same ancestry, but there is a high probability that they are evenly matched... Invading a novice's world will be a big loss if you don't get any props. After all, a hacking card is very expensive.

Since they are evenly matched, it is difficult to imprison their opponents. After all, those who compete with intruders have desperate measures, just like Bai Wuchang.

It's not easy to fight the enemy, but it's even harder to be imprisoned. Killing the body and leaving the soul requires very stringent prerequisites. In the end, there's no telling how long it can stay.

Therefore, a small place like Fenggu City would not have such news data at all. But there will be more in the future...


With Li Shuixian's bug-breaking method, everyone who succeeded in revenge stayed in the female martial arts world for a long time.

After all, with the death of the four Bai Wuchang brothers, the crisis in the Kyushu world has been temporarily lifted.

Li Shou has time to improve himself again...

Using this period of time, they first regained the Xianmen.

With everyone's methods, no natives in this world have the ability to resist.

Then they begin to learn the secrets of this world.

Within the Xianmen Library Pavilion, there are some books sealed by formations, recording the customs, customs and true history of this world.

This world is somewhat similar to the Kyushu world. The cultivation level of the indigenous people is not low. Although it is not as good as the ancient Kyushu world, it is much better than the current Kyushu world.

In the ancient times of this world, earth veins fell from the sky, causing this place to become a world full of evil spirits. Originally, this place was filled with evil spirits like the underworld. People used evil spirits to practice and fight against evil spirits.

After the four brothers chose to dominate the world, they gradually used their own skills to take the evil spirits into their own hands. After refining the evil spirits, they sent them out to kill masters from all over the world.

He also personally went into battle and destroyed the inheritance of several great sects and great dynasties.

Finally, the earth veins were changed, and the evil energy of the earth veins was collected and gathered at the immortal gate, where it was used to nourish the evil spirits and build a mountain-protecting formation.

In fact, if it weren't for the existence of Li Shuixian, this mountain-protecting formation and the evil Li Shou would not be able to defeat it - not even the three brothers themselves could defeat it.

They have been raising evil spirits for hundreds of years, using a lot of earth energy to support them. They are many in number and high in level. There are many yakshas, ​​and there are four judges. With the big formation, they are really impregnable - better than Li Shou's The Kyushu world is too stable.

These are all the benefits of formation.

After understanding the benefits of the formation, at Li Shou's request, Li Shuixian shared some of his own techniques with him in the next period of time.

But facing those permutations and combinations, and the twisted energy lines, Li Shou was like a primary school student who suddenly saw calculus problems, one big and two big.

His qualifications determine that he cannot learn this thing at all.

Fortunately, Juehuang has made some progress and learned some basic versions of formations.

In return for his love, Li Shou taught Narcissus the entire text of The Art of Resurrecting Evil.

However, the evil temperament here is different from that in the Kyushu world. The effect of practicing the Evil Ascension Method is average. Fortunately, there are a lot of evil spirits from the Kyushu world in the Yin Gathering Jar, which is suitable for practice.

Narcissus was not polite and immediately started practicing.

But Li Shou didn't compete with her for the evil energy in the jar. After all, there were still many in Kyushu, so he used local things and began to practice the Bai Wuchang and Ox Head Horse Face techniques.

After practicing for a while, he found that compared to Bai Wuchang's summoning technique, the Underworld Soul Body Technique of the Bull Head and Horse Face was more suitable for him.

This is a technique that allows the power of evil spirits to be added to the physical body.

When the bull-headed horse-faced man once cast a spell, his body suddenly turned into a height of more than ten meters. This was not the growth of the physical body, but the growth of the evil spirit and the body.

Li Shou's evil spirit is powerful, and his physical body is also strong. After practicing, he found that it is very suitable, and the effect of 1+1 is much greater than 2.

After spending half a year in this world with Li Shuixian day and night, Li Shou's technique was perfected, and then everyone explored the world together.

They found a lot of good things in the world, and even discovered a real remaining underworld.

It seems to be the legacy of the ancient times...

In an underground place, Li Shou and Li Shuixian discovered a real Gate of Hell.

The ghost yaksha holding a real green face and fangs at the door of the ghost gate is like a statue, and the rhythm of his breathing alone makes Li Shou frightened.

This thing is at least a hundred times more powerful than us.

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