After killing one judge, Li Shou found another judge, and then killed them one by one...

Finally, there are cow heads and horse faces.

Several predators are very powerful when they come together, but when separated, none of them can be Li Shou's opponent.

Moreover, there are formation bonuses around them, and they lost most of their protective props last time. At this time, they are fighting one on one, and it is only a matter of time before they are killed.

Li Shou ran around like this and spent several hours killing all the masters.

The only thrill in the middle is that the desperate methods and desperate magic weapons of Bull Head and Horse Face are good, but Li Shou's physical body has been divided, and even if it is damaged, it can be reborn.

Li Shou's physical body and soul all have little strong attributes. Under this almost shameless play style of formation division, capture and duel and rebirth again, finally, all three brothers were killed.

I'm almost done here. After killing all the evil spirits protecting the mountain with Yin Thunder, Li Shuixian sat down on the ground, I'm exhausted!

At this time, her little face was pale, and it was obvious that both her mental and magical energy had been exhausted.

Although Li Shuixian is powerful, the absolute value of his magic power is not high. In addition, he is multitasking, controlling his own phantom formation, controlling the mountain-protecting formation to divide the battlefield, and killing evil spirits...

Multitasking can also lead to mental and physical exhaustion.

A lot of things. When Li Shuixian was sitting on the ground, Dumpling, Guo Pengfei and others ran over from a distance, and they collected all the trophies after the death of the three brothers.

Each of the three brothers was wealthy. Although the protective props were damaged, there were still a lot of weapons, magic weapons and broken props left behind.

Lao Li, did you get your money back this time?

We should be able to get our money back, or even make a profit. Li Shou checked the things on site. There were six complete magic weapons and bull-headed and horse-faced weapons in total.

These are all high-quality props used by predator-level people, and any of them can be sold for more than 10 years.

Plus a bunch of bits and pieces, these rough estimates alone would give it a lifespan of a hundred years.

There are still good things in their hall. Li Shou suddenly thought of the jar that could store a large amount of Yin Qi.

That jar can not only absorb the Yin Qi of the Kyushu world, but also seal the soul. According to the Supreme Elder of the Taiyin Sect, they want to draw his soul into the jar and refine it.

This thing is not a magic weapon for combat, and I definitely don't carry it with me on weekdays, but it is more valuable than combat magic weapons.

And there should be more than one such magic weapon.

Narcissus, let's go to their hometown to search. I need to find a magic weapon like a ceramic jar. My friend's soul may be inside.

Well, let's explore the path first to avoid the trap formation inside.

In this way, while they were talking, the two people left the mountain protection formation, flew up the mountain peak, and arrived at the main hall of the Immortal Sect in this world.

There are many female disciples in the hall, but it is obvious that the three brothers are very wary and have a strong desire to control, and they have not taught these female disciples many advanced techniques.

Although they are more powerful than the martial arts players outside, they are only at one level and cannot form a fighting force at all.

The only thing that makes them much more powerful than the outsiders is that the female disciples in the Immortal Sect are extremely beautiful, and their looks are several notches higher than those outside.

After Narcissus waved his hand and trapped these people with the magic array, the two came to the main hall.

As expected, there were small formations and mechanisms inside the main hall. After Li Shuixian broke through all the formations, they came to the most heavily protected place.

There are three layers of formations set up on this wall. I guess I'm afraid that people will steal it... nine times out of ten, there are good things in it. Li Shuixian was a little excited, You should make a fortune this time, hahaha... You use the invasion card , I still get half of the profit, this is a good deal, I’ll come back next time!”

Amidst Li Shuixian's teasing, Li Shou broke the wall.

As expected, there was a secret room inside, which contained many non-combat magic weapons, techniques, and various props.

The four black and white, impermanent, bull-headed and horse-faced brothers are all people who have traveled through time for more than a hundred years, and they are cunning and ruthless. They must have accumulated a lot of savings over the past hundred years.

However, Li Shou didn't care about other things for the time being. He immediately saw the ceramic jar in the secret room that extracted the evil energy last time.

Stepping forward to pick up the jar, Li Shou checked it and used evil spirits to erase the soul mark on it, and then opened the jar.


When Li Shou opened the jar, a large amount of Yin evil energy surged out, and a gray-white mist instantly spread on the spot - the Yin energy was somewhat different from the Yin energy in this world, and was obviously taken from the Kyushu world.

As the Yin Qi was generated, some half-refined souls were also released.

Li Shou searched among a dozen souls and found the soul in the evil spirit state, but Qian Hongxu's soul had disappeared.

Big guy, big guy? Li Shou stepped forward and called, but there was no response from the other party.

It should be that the soul is damaged. Li Shuixian also came over to check, It's difficult to fix. Damage to the soul is a hundred times harder to repair than damage to the body. As far as I know, even in the world of immortal cultivation, it is difficult to repair the soul. After all, this involves the most original memory imprint of the world... If you want to repair him, you will probably have to go to the prehistoric world to find a way.

When I was collecting information, I heard about some powerful methods in the prehistoric world. Not to mention repairing the soul, even if the earth is broken, they can reverse the situation.

If you can go to the prehistoric world, even in an ordinary sect, you can find this method of repair.

But I heard that the great powers of the prehistoric world hate time travellers. As soon as we appear, they will be divined to find our location, and they will use magical powers to destroy us.

Yeah, but it's not hopeless. The fact that the adventurers can bring out this information shows that there are still ways to cover up the aura. Li Shuixian said with a smile: Don't worry, adjust your mentality! Everyone is not yours. Burden, everyone is your motivation, we are here to enjoy this world, not to worry.

Yes. I've tried my best. Li Shou's depressed mood was broken by Li Shuixian. The girl picked up the jar, reactivated the function of the jar, took back all the soul and evil spirits, and then started to use all the props like a miser. Gather together and start counting the loot.

She seemed to have a meter in her mind, using the same appraisal ring as Li Shou to appraise items while estimating the price.

The White Bone Necklace, which increases the speed of practicing Yinxie Kung Fu, is of medium quality. It can be sold in Fenggu City for 7 years, and should be worth more than 7 years in a big city... This is for you.

The Yin Gathering Tank that stores evil energy can store a large amount of evil energy, has the effect of slightly breaking the world wall, and can also refine the soul. Anything that can slightly break the wall of the world is a good thing. This Yin Collection Jar is worth at least a hundred years and should be the most expensive item present.

There are also two jade slips, Underworld Soul Spirit Kung Fu and Underworld Soul Body Kung Fu, which contain complete records of the techniques, imprints of the spiritual insights of the ancestors, and props to assist in practice. Their combined value is about 35 years. These two exercises should be the exercises of Bai Wuchang and Ox Head Horse Face respectively, and they are suitable for you to use.

There are also Yinfeng formation stones, which are used to set up this formation. Each one is worth about a year. There are a total of thirty-five here...

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