Hmph! Bai Wuchang looked at the formation. Except for Li Shou who was still struggling in his evil spirit state, everyone else died under the black light relics. You dare to come to my world to fight with me, even if You are a team full of Predators, and you are not my enemy together!

Although Bai Wuchang said this, his hundreds of years of combat experience also made him very cautious.

He first summoned his evil spirits to explore the formation, and at the same time checked the surroundings, but did not feel the presence of anyone else ambushing him.

This was not over yet. Bai Wuchang then checked the formation status and his own status. After confirming that there was no problem, he said: Fourth, go down and kill him. We will plunder the formation for you next to it.

Okay, big brother. After Ma Mian transformed, he came to the formation and fought with Li Shou's remaining soul.

Bai Wuchang and Niu Tou continued to use spells in the air to help, and they killed Li Shou several times before finally killing him.

After Bai Wuchang confirmed that it was safe, he went off to check it out.

These poor devils don't have much, they only left the third child's bronze mirror. After avenging his brother, Bai Wuchang felt a little better after being in a jam for many days, I'm in a good mood today, we brothers will be happy later.

This year there are hundreds of heroines outside who want to enter the Immortal Sect to practice. Pick some beautiful ones and celebrate them tonight.

Okay big brother!

After saying that, the brothers returned to the main hall.

After returning to the main hall, the brothers called the heroine. Just when Bai Wuchang was about to feel refreshed, he suddenly felt a pain in his back, but saw that his brothers actually attacked him, Second child, fourth child?

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding female heroes also rushed towards him. He was hit in the chest and back, and blood spurted out from his chest.

At this moment, Bai Wuchang finally came to his senses - it was impossible for his brother to stab him in the back, and it was impossible for the heroines to break his defense.

I'm under an illusion! Bai Wuchang woke up from the stinging pain in his chest. He seemed to be waking up from a dream. When his eyes refocused, there was neither a main hall nor a heroine around him. He was actually in the formation outside the mountain gate. Among them, he was being attacked by Li Shou.

Everything is fake.

Only the pain is real!

A huge hole had been poked out of his chest by Li Shou, and his head had been smashed in half.

Why? Why didn't I feel anything at all? When did I get the illusion? I clearly checked my body and my condition! Is the level of this illusion so advanced?

Bai Wuchang had countless questions in his mind, but the situation at the scene did not allow him to think so much - Li Shou came to kill again.

Win first! Although your body has been seriously injured, luckily you are in the formation. As long as you are in the formation, you are no match for me! Bai Wuchang roared while trying to stay awake, and on the other hand he pinched the seal to lead out the formation. The dark thunder and wind of the law, Go!

The energy of the formation was mobilized, and the formation that absorbed the energy of the earth veins for a long time, once the offensive was mobilized, was overwhelming, but the overwhelming direction of the Yin Lei was not Li Shou, but all returned to himself.


Amid the screams, the dark wind first froze Bai Wuchang's body, and then hit him like thunderstorms. The powerful power of the formation directly shattered his body.

In the last battle, Bai Wuchang lost most of his protective items. At this time, his physical body could not withstand the output of the century-old formation and exploded on the spot.

However, after losing his physical body, Bai Wuchang still had one last resort.

Why? Why? Why? Why...

Bai Wuchang's soul rose up, his face full of confusion, unwillingness, and madness...

The technique he practiced did not have as great a bonus to the soul as the Evil Ascension Technique. It was essentially just an evil summoning technique.

Therefore, Bai Wuchang persisted for a short time in the soul state. He was already dead at this time, but he still had the last resort.

He couldn't figure out why his formation was suddenly changed, and then he didn't feel anything at all.

He is half an array master and knows the precision of the array.

The most common mountain-protecting formation is made up of an intricate combination of tens of thousands of energy lines. If one line moves incorrectly, it will cause an alarm and backlash of the formation. If it moves too much, it can even detonate the formation.

This is like the most sophisticated bomb, with warning lines everywhere. How could anyone possibly dismantle and modify it from the inside?

Even if he, the organizer, were to dismantle this formation by himself, he would not be able to do it because he would not be able to remember the arrangement of all the energies.

How do outsiders do it?

Although he is unwilling to accept it, and although he has countless doubts, the matter has come to this, and Bai Wuchang can only accept the reality, and then...

If you don't let me live, I will bite off a piece of your flesh before I die! Giving up the control of the battle, Bai Wuchang burned his soul and all evil spirits, and used his last desperate measure.

Soul Burning Curse!

As Bai Wuchang turned into a candle and burned himself, countless tadpole-like runes appeared on Li Shou's skin. The runes instantly crawled all over his body, and then began to peel off his flesh and melt his bones...

Even if I die, I will destroy your body!

Hahahaha, the old dog tried his best... Li Shou laughed and was hit by a spell, and then his limbs gradually became necrotic. In order to make his opponent's death uneasy, he used his opponent's last conscious moment to taunt him: You can't kill me. Physically, I shed my blood and was reborn, and I have divided into multiple bodies.”

Impossible! When his soul burned out, Bai Wuchang yelled unwillingly: It's impossible... it's possible...

Before he finished speaking, his soul burned out, and Li Shou's chest and head were also cursed and turned into a pool of pus and blood.

When Li Shou died physically, his soul flew more than ten kilometers away.

There, a mass of flesh and blood was injected with mushroom nutrient solution by a drone, and it began to grow crazily...

When he flew there, his physical body had gradually grown, and his spirit possessed him and he recovered.

As long as nutrition is sufficient, flesh and blood can regenerate faster than imagined... The effectiveness of the mushroom nutrient solution is much greater than that of the wild bear's flesh and blood in the mountains. This time the regeneration speed is much faster than last time.

After the soul and flesh merged into one, Li Shou went to the other side to help without any delay.

Looking for the sound of fighting, Li Shou found Li Shuixian.

She was using formations to bombard a large number of evil spirits. When she saw Li Shou arriving, Li Shuixian said: I have separated all the enemies into the formations.

Taking the direction directly in front of you as 12 o'clock, there are two judges at 1 o'clock, the bull's head is at 7 o'clock, and the horse's face is at 9 o'clock. The other two judges are at 5 o'clock and 3 o'clock respectively. You go kill the lone judges first, don't let them get together!

Okay. Li Shou gestured with his hands and found the 3 o'clock direction. After running for ten kilometers, he found a judge who was trapped by the fog formation.

The lone judge was naturally no match for Li Shou. He pounced on it and directly crushed it, quickly killing it.

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