This world is not small. Although I don't know if it is as big as the earth, it is definitely much larger than the Kyushu world.

The group traveled 3,000 kilometers, passed through more than a dozen states, crossed three rivers and seven jungles, and saw countless bizarre scenes along the way.

If there is a country of girls in Journey to the West, then this is the world of girls.

Sect masters, generals, knights, traders, pedestrians...

Almost everyone I see is female.

Occasionally, men appear and appear, and they are protected by countless disciples of the sect. Otherwise, they would not dare to go out. As soon as they go out, they will be pounced on by the female hungry wolves.

This world is managed very abnormally by the Bai Wuchang brothers. If there is anything else, Li Shou plans to use the crystal to travel back and explore it carefully after finishing the work - after all, there are still many places worth exploring in this world!

But saving people is still important now.

After crossing a distance of about three thousand kilometers, their team finally arrived at the foot of the Immortal Gate.

It was a huge mountain peak. There was a female hero paying homage on the far side of the mountain peak, as if she wanted to enter the Immortal Gate. However, there was no one near the foot of the mountain. The keen Li Shuixian immediately noticed something was wrong.

There is a formation. Fortunately, I am proficient in this... Everyone, follow me. I have solved his formation.

Arriving in the mist at the foot of the mountain, Li Shuixian took one step at a time, releasing brush-shaped drones wherever he went to start relief.

The mountain-protecting formation was carefully arranged, and there were many dangers inside.

However, the various array puzzles and mechanisms arranged by the four brothers turned into child's play in front of Li Shuixian, the problem-solving king. The most dangerous array was solved without any surprises, and even when it was solved, there was no alarm. to the four brothers.

It's the right thing to ask you to help me. If I were to come here on my own, I would have to force my way into the formation. Then I would have a decisive battle with the opponent in the formation. When the formation weakens me and adds bonuses, I will definitely not be able to defeat them.

Hmph, it's good to know. After all, I am also a genius girl! Li Shuixian was not modest, and her nose was turned up.

In this way, everyone passed through the formation and entered the real foot of the mountain without any danger.

When we got here, the atmosphere changed again.

The mountain peaks are filled with gloomy energy, just like the underworld, and within the gloomy energy, countless evil spirits breed. There are also gatekeepers named Yasha patrolling the mountains. It is impossible to sneak in secretly.

After arriving here, Li Shuixian asked everyone to wait where they were, and asked Jiaozi to add another shadow-hidden aura spell to her. Then she got into the formation and started carving on the ground and in the air.

What is she doing? Juehuang asked Dumpling.

Reverse the formation...and then draw your own formation. Xiao Xian'er once said that any formation is like a machine, a machine that is run by energy rather than matter. As long as the operation method is changed, the formation can be dismantled. The parts in it can be used by her. Of course, this thing is like defusing a time bomb, with warning lines everywhere.

If you get a wrong line, it will alert the people setting up the formation.

If it is serious, it will directly detonate the formation.

Therefore, most people who break the formation can only solve problems and dare not touch the formation itself, but Xiao Xianer can change the formation every time and has never failed.

It's so strong. Juehuang couldn't help but sigh, It would be great if he was from our team.

While everyone was talking, Li Shuixian had been busy working in the formation.

Everyone also hid and relied on his hiding skills without being discovered by any evil spirits.

Just wait all night.

It was just dark when everyone came, but by the time Li Shuixian finished her work, it was already dawn.

It's done! I originally wanted to lay mines for them outside the main hall. Since there are so many mountain guards who can't get in, let's lay mines outside. Let's go back and lure them in.


Several people returned to the mountain protection formation again. After arriving at the formation, Li Shuixian took out many prepared special drones from the mechanical box, and then used the star knife to cut off some of Li Shou's body. After the flesh and blood, a strange mushroom nutrient solution was injected under the drone, and after dividing Li Shou's flesh, blood and nutrient solution into more than a dozen parts, the drones were dispersed to a place more than ten kilometers away.

After all the preparations were completed, she deliberately stepped on thunder to trigger a counterattack.

Suddenly, the dark thunder in the array, accompanied by the cold wind, swept towards everyone...

Here we come! In the main hall, Bai Wuchang and Niutou Mamian, who were refining magic weapons, opened their eyes at the same time.

They were invaded so quickly. Most likely, they came here for revenge.

Brother, we have lost most of our props. If that kid leads people to invade, he will definitely be sure! Can we still do it?

We have been cultivating the mountain-protecting formation for hundreds of years, and we have begun to pay attention to protection since we dominated this world. Now not only do we have a large formation, but we also support a hundred times as many evil spirits as we can summon.

We have been invaded many times over the past century. Which one has been truly successful?

Don’t worry, medium invasion cards and large invasion cards are only available to adventurers.

That guy is a poor guy and can't hire an adventurer.

Even if they are predators, if five people come into the formation, they will die or not!

Bai Wuchang is very confident.

After all, the formation was basically made by him, and he knew how powerful it was.

Of course, knowing formations is also the biggest reason why he can lead the team.

Since big brother said so, let's put an end to this disaster!

Yes, kill them, sacrifice their souls and refine them into mountain-protecting evil spirits, and then go to the world they dominate to extract all the cold air. The Yin air there is actually purer than here. This time our brothers are stronger. Can go further.”

You can also avenge the third child!

Yes, revenge for the third child.

The four brothers originally had a very good relationship, and they lived and died together through ups and downs for hundreds of years. Their hatred for Li Shou is no less than Li Shou's hatred for them.

This second battle is also inevitable.

As the three brothers spoke, they flew out of the hall. Looking down from high in the sky, they saw the place where the clouds were rolling in the formation at the foot of the mountain.

The three of them flew directly over the formation.

Bai Wuchang pushed aside the clouds and saw that in the formation, Li Shou and others were being swept away by the sinister thunder attack and the sinister wind. However, he did not end the situation. Instead, he pressed the seal formula with his bare hands and mobilized the army of evil spirits protecting the mountain.

As expected, it's you, you killed my third brother and you still dare to chase me. In the world you dominate, I may still be afraid of you. If you dare to come to my territory, you will never come back!

While Bai Wuchang was speaking, a large amount of evil spirits and yakshas poured into the formation.

At the same time, four more judges came slowly from the four corners of the mountain.

Judge Wen, who was holding a bamboo slip, came to the formation and under the guidance of Bai Wuchang, he simultaneously issued a curse that rotted bones and corroded flesh, causing everyone in the formation who was tired of dealing with the army to be separated from flesh and blood, and collapsed on the spot.

Li Shou in the field also wanted to make a surprise attack, trying to attack Bai Wuchang suspended in the sky.

But without breaking the formation, he could only be blocked by the formation and unable to escape... and then suppressed by the evil army until he could not move.

The century-old ghost didn't care. When he saw that Li Shou and others were trapped, he directly threw the black light relic.

The relic exploded in the formation, and the energy was compressed within several kilometers by the formation. In the extreme energy compression, Li Shou and others were instantly blown into powder, and the entire army was directly annihilated.

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