When we met, a girl gave him her pants.

She is also a very good-looking girl.

Not only was Li Shou a little embarrassed by this scene, but Jue Huang and Guo Pengfei who were accompanying him were also blushing.

Ahem... um, thank you. Li Shou took the pants and explained: I have always been planning to buy something like this, but unfortunately no one is selling it.

Most of the things sold in the club are mission reward props.

Things like big pants generally don't appear among the reward props at the end of the mission. Even if they do, most people won't choose them - because normal people can't use them, and there's a high probability that they won't be sold.

I modified this thing using other props. It was originally a prop for assisting invisibility. It was very troublesome to activate, so I modified it... This thing is not easy to activate. If you don't know how to wear it, I will teach you. Li Shuixian There was no embarrassment at all. After reaching Li Shou's back, he moved the photon pants into his body and said: Don't worry this time, it is smart zoom...

Uh, when do we set off? Seeing how embarrassing the situation was, Juehuang quickly changed the subject, This person is too blind, let's go outside the city.


A group of people came to the desert.

Li Shou took out two props he bought at a high price - the scale of hatred and the small invasion card.

After taking out the items, he didn't waste any time. He just followed the instructions given by the staff when buying the props and began to sink his thoughts into them. Then the two props began to burn together.

This is all money burned... Li Shou felt a little distressed as he watched the expensive props worth more than a hundred years of life gradually burn to ashes.

When he buys power-up items himself, he has never bought such expensive ones.

As the props turned to ashes, the hatred in Li Shou's heart was aroused. The hatred was like coordinates, helping to locate the invasion card and open a portal.

Behind this portal is the world where the four Bai Wuchang brothers live.

Let's go to the new world. I'm so excited. Narcissus walked into the portal first, and several others hurriedly followed.

After a period of space distortion and shuttle, everyone came directly to another world.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant here, and peach-like trees are spreading with peach blossoms growing on them, which looks beautiful.

Peach Blossom Island?

It looks like it's cultivated.

What type of world is this?

Several people were very curious.

But before exploring the world, he first used magic.

First, a burst of aura emerged from her body and enveloped everyone, and then the fluctuations in everyone's body merged with the world.

Now even if we wear strange clothes, others won't feel strange. Moreover, the master of this world will only know that we have been invaded, but not our location...

Let me measure their position first. Juehuang took out the tortoise shell and the new compass he bought two years ago. After a while of calculation, he pointed in a direction, Where they are, wait until they are close before making a detailed calculation. After all, we can't We know how big this world is, it may be bigger than the earth, and the distance is too far to accurately measure.”

Let's go. Although he also wanted to explore the world, the big guy might not be dead yet. Everything was focused on saving people.

But just when everyone was about to leave the peach blossom forest, someone rushed over.

Those who trespass on Peach Blossom Pie will die!

As the peach trees in the peach blossom forest began to move, a dozen women in pink clothes came over with swords.

Huh? Is there a man? The dozen or so people were aggressive at first, but after seeing the man in the team, they immediately showed strange expressions, their faces turned red and their eyes became excited, Kill the woman, Catch the man alive!”

What strange world? Li Shou resisted.

He thought that the natives of this world would be very powerful.

But as soon as they fought, a woman was knocked away, and her companions immediately noticed something was wrong.

It seems that this world only has martial arts level.

It's almost an ordinary martial arts level. The killing performance of these disciples is not as good as Mei Chaofeng in the TV series.

Naturally, this level does not pose any threat to the team, and everyone can solve it casually.

However, they did not directly kill people, but asked for some information about the world.

After all, when invading the world, in addition to being wary of time travellers, the most important thing is to be wary of the natives.

The natives of some worlds are much more powerful than the travelers.

Kill me or chop me into pieces! After being pushed to the ground by Li Shou, a female disciple of the Peach Blossom Sect said with a red face: But before you kill me, can you come with me once?

What once?

I have only met a man a few times in my life, and I have never been in contact with him once. Give me once, and I will accept him even if he dies.

Where is this going?

Li Shou was confused, but Li Shuixian seemed to have grasped something.

Have all the men in this world been killed?

Kill them all? I don't know, no one has mentioned such a thing.

Then how did you give birth?

Ferility depends on red flowers.

Few males born?

Well, there is only one in a hundred...

Old pervert. After hearing the explanation from the female disciple of the Peach Blossom Sect, Li Shuixian cursed and stopped asking questions.

Li Shou continued to inquire and confirmed the structure of the world and their strength with the female disciples of the Peach Blossom Sect.

It turns out that this world is really a martial arts world.

It's just that it's a transformed martial arts world. Bai Wuchang and others may have been here for more than a hundred years, and they have completely changed the world with props.

I don’t know if it’s a genetic change or a chromosomal change, but there are currently very few men and many women in this world, and women’s desires are much stronger than those in the ordinary world.

Moreover, the brothers should have changed the written records and ancient inheritance methods of this world.

There is only one immortal sect in this world - it should be their own sect.

Apart from this, other sects only have martial arts level combat capabilities, and the same is true for the government.

The disciples of the Peach Blossom Sect have only learned about it in the Ancient Forbidden Books. At first, the ratio of men to women seemed to be about the same. It was more than a hundred years ago that there were more women than men.

The three brothers are really good at playing, and they also have a martial arts complex...

This is really a deep dive into a world. Compared to our world, even history and culture have changed.

“More than a hundred years can change everything.”

Is the Immortal Gate in that direction? Li Shou asked the female disciple. He wanted to confirm whether the Immortal Gate and Juehuang's calculations were in the same place.

Just touch me and I'll tell you.

Yes. In order to hurry up, Li Shou touched the body of the female Peach Blossom Sect disciple. Such an ordinary touch made her complexion turn rosy again.

um, yes.

Let's go, the destination should be Xianmen!

The few people didn't waste any time, leaving the Peach Blossom Sect disciples behind and flew away.

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