
Even Bai Wuchang, who has many years of combat experience, did not expect that this seemingly inconspicuous sonic attack could be so powerful.

The energy of the caster does not fluctuate much, and he is obviously weak in strength.

But the sonic resonance seemed to have reached some mysterious and transcendent realm, belonging to the type of not strong in magic power but extremely high in moral practice, and it actually shattered nearly half of his protective equipment in one go.

Moreover, the shock lasted endlessly, and his protective equipment was still being damaged after the first wave of impact. Not only that, arrows from a distance continued to hit the protective mysterious light outside his body, accelerating the speed of the protective equipment. The Decline of Instruments.

Now Bai Wuchang's situation is a bit difficult to get off.

Of course he can protect himself by withdrawing his evil energy, but the evil cloud of thunder and lightning that has finally been brewed will lose most of its power because it is deflated.

But if you don't protect yourself, the props won't last long.


As an old antique who has lived for more than a hundred years, Bai Wuchang finally made the choice to save his life. He did not have the confidence to kill Li Shou with one blow, so he could only prioritize saving his life.

The evil energy in the air returned to the body and poured into the protective weapon to resist the shock wave. At the same time, Bai Wuchang glanced at the field.

Shockwave is not a single attack method.

At this time, the entire basin was filled with strange fluctuations, and the weakest evil spirits immediately suffered under the shock.

The sonic attack after the epic level enhancement was definitely not something they could withstand. Not only the ordinary evil spirit, but also the Yasha began to explode and die. The judge also had ripples on his body, and some were unable to maintain their shape.

Also affected are Niutou Horse Noodles and Li Shou.

However, the three of them and two have many protective magic weapons, and their bodies are strong enough, so they can still resist it for the time being.

But the poisonous mist that followed was really soul-eating and bone-grabbing.

The poisonous mist filled the air, with some color at first, but later became colorless and odorless, swallowing everything with the power of strange rules.

Coupled with the shock, the basin became a desperate situation!

All the trees, rocks, soil... everything was shattered and melted. Even Li Shou's body and the evil spirits could not withstand this level of continuous killing and began to decline.

But even so, compared to resisting injuries, Li Shou is still stronger than everyone present.

Second and fourth, don't worry about that, kill the people next to you first.

The century-old ghost has rich combat experience and can make the most correct judgments even in rapidly changing battle situations.

He decided to kill Li Shou's teammates first.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but let alone in a life-and-death battle, even during the fight, Bai Wuchang's combat experience can keep him awake at all times. He is commanding his teammates while rushing. Throw the spell from a distance.

Streams of cold light shot out, shattering the golden light of several gravity arrays and simultaneously shattering large swaths of rocks.

Ouch, the old guy counterattacked! He ducked back to the back of the mountain. King Urine looked back at the scene in the distance, What should we do?

Can you try again and return to the main world?

It shows that it has been invaded. Unless you have special props, you cannot turn back.

It seems that some people are going to die! Zhao Yiyi was beside him. The students are hiding in the mountains around the basin, far away from each other. Before he kills everyone, Brother Li should have a chance to kill them. them!

Damn it, are you going to die? Damn it!

King Urine was a little reluctant, but there was nothing he could do.

The opponent's strength is indeed strong, and it is already the best situation to be able to fight to the point where both sides suffer losses.

Don't shoot Bai Wuchang for a while. Use the prepared bacterial poison arrows to shoot the judge. That one is a summoned object. It is very powerful but it has no protective weapon. If you solve it, it will reduce a lot of pressure on Brother Li!


King Urine listened to Zhao Yiyi's suggestion, moved his body and crawled to the other side, then hid behind the gravel and looked at the field.

Bai Wuchang was still using Yin Qi magic to shoot randomly. He didn't know the specific location of everyone, so he could only rely on the golden light of the magic circle to blindly guess where everyone was, which was not very efficient.

However, the bull-headed horses in the field rushed out in all directions. Although the interference of the gravity formation slowed down their speed, their speed after the reduction was still much faster than their classmates. It was impossible for everyone to run.

The three main players in the field charged hard despite the damage, leaving only the judge to guard the body and continue to destroy Li Shou's body, making it impossible for him to recover.

It's you! Aiming at the judge, King Urine shot a poisonous arrow.

The poisonous arrow pierced the sky and directly hit the judge's back, and highly toxic and regular bacteria began to dissolve its body.

The summoned creature is not very intelligent and does not understand tactics.

After being poisoned, it was still attacking Li Shou's body mechanically, but under the various effects of sonic toxin bacteria, its already broken body became even weaker.

Li Shou's evil spirit found an opportunity and hit the judge who was still alive with a few heavy blows. At the same time, he squeezed his damaged body on the ground to speed up his recovery.

After Li Shou stood up again, he saw Bai Wuchang flying high in the air, trying to get out of the range of the sound waves and toxins.

Li Shou had no choice but to leave his body and pursue him with evil spirits.

His physical flight speed was too slow. At this time, the evil spirits attacked and used the rules of the storm to summon a whirlwind, which condensed a large amount of poisonous gas in the basin into a poisonous gas tornado and attacked Bai Wuchang.

In the end, Bai Wuchang's last protective weapon was dissolved under the erosion of the poisonous gas tornado, and his body began to be injured.

But at the same time, his counterattack technique also killed Li Shou's evil spirit once.

When Li Shou's evil spirit gathered in the air again, Bai Wuchang had already taken out the black light relic and was about to throw it...

At the same time, the Bullhead and Horseface also rushed to the edge of the basin, approaching the classmates' positions.

There is a tense situation in the field, life and death!

When the situation reached its peak, Bai Wuchang suddenly calmed down.

Not only did he calm down, but even the bull-headed horse-faced man seemed to have calmed down a lot and stopped chasing him.

Are we really going to lose both sides? Bai Wuchang, carrying the black light relic, asked Li Shou in mid-air: If I fight this relic, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die, and it will take a long time to recover. And your teammates seem to be quite strong. Strong, but certainly only strong in Taoism.

If the creature's level is so low, its magical energy and body should be very weak, right? When my people get past, it will be a one-sided killing.

But you will die. Li Shou did not continue to attack. He knew that the sudden calmness of the other party must be due to Chen Zihan.

After her Female Breath is epic-level strengthened, it becomes a powerful war-stopping skill.

It can make the opponent's fighting spirit disappear instantly.

But this does not mean that you can turn the other party into a fool.

Reciprocal threats still exist.

That black thing can't kill me. I didn't die even once when hit from the front before, and I won't die this time either. But without the protective weapon, you will most likely die.

You won't die and you will lose most of your combat effectiveness. All your teammates will die and the world will be destroyed. And in that state, you won't be able to defeat my teammates who come back. So, since it's a lose-lose situation, Why continue to fight? We have survived until now, and our strength is considered to be the best among time travellers. There is no need to make both sides suffer.

Moreover, now that you have killed my teammates and I have killed yours, it is essentially fair, so why continue to fight?

But invading the world is inherently relentless.

No, no, no, I have lived longer than you, accumulated more wealth than you, and have seen more weird props... Bai Wuchang's abdomen squirmed as he spoke, and he spit out a prop from his mouth, This The props can allow us to leave this world, but it takes a certain amount of time to cast the spell. So, if you agree, how about we just leave?

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